Supreme God King

Chapter 3196: Lord God Conference

When Wang Haicheng and Gu Xinao reported Chen Qingyu's affairs to the Palace of Heavenly Kings, they were still strictly confidential. For this reason, Longcheng held the first "Lord God Meeting" in several years.

In the future, the various responsibilities of the heavenly palaces will be different, and the division of labor will gradually become clear, but there will still be close exchanges between different palaces, especially some kings will take turns to serve as priests in different palaces, and the existence of spiritual torrents , The exchanges between the major gods are very timely and frequent, and there is no need to meet frequently between the main gods.

Especially in the future when the heavenly court is flourishing, expanding rapidly, and various affairs are very numerous, the seven main gods are quite busy.

So the last time the heavenly king and all the main gods and secondary gods were gathered together, it was already a matter of the battle of the dragon city, and that time was the entire future heaven against the heavenly alliance.

The last time it was when the Fasi Divine Mansion was established and the future laws of heaven were passed.

There are written records of the heavenly kings, the main gods, and the second gods gathered together, just these two.

Now, it is the third time.

Seven major gods, seven main gods, seven secondary gods, plus Nangong Jingyu from the Heavenly Mansion, and the reclusive predecessor **** Xie Jingyi, Qilin Ruihuang, two six-kage pavilion old cracking sky emperor, and ancient Daozi, a total of ten Nine gods, the realm from the four calamities to the seven calamities, these are the supreme leaders of the heavenly court in the future, and they are the ones who manage the most powerful world today.

Unsurprisingly, Meng Fan did not appear, he still lived in seclusion in the depths of the river of fate. No matter how big things are now, Meng Fan can't be disturbed.

Nangong Jingyu, as the person who handles all affairs in the Heavenly Mansion, can completely represent Meng Fan, holding the Heavenly Mansion token, sitting on the Heavenly King's chair where Meng Fan should have been sitting, and presiding over this meeting. This conforms to the rules.

However, although he was responsible for presiding over the meeting, Nangong Jingyu only spoke once, which was also very brief.

"The size of the meeting between the Lone Lord God and Chen Qingyu is engraved into a talisman. You have already seen it. I won't repeat it here. As for how to respond, please feel free to speak."

Although Nangong Jingyu represents Meng Fan, she is not Meng Fan after all. The realm of the gods here is higher than her, and there are many people who are older than her. Therefore, Nangong Jingyu will not be prolonged, just a symbolic opening. .

After she closed her voice, all the gods present at the same time looked at the ancestor Mingyi.

In terms of age, the ancestor of Mingyi was hundreds of thousands of years older than Qilin Ruihuang. He was the oldest among all the **** kings present, and the same was true in terms of seniority.

More importantly, the ancestor of Mingyi is the **** king with the highest realm in the future heaven except Meng Fan.

It is also the only God King of Seven Tribulations in Heaven in the future.

Even though the horned horned armor is also the King of Seven Tribulations, his current status is the prison of the future craftsman empire. Although in the eyes of the world, the empire of craftsmen and the wasteland are actually part of the future heaven, but the horned armor After all, he is not a member of the future heaven.

The ancestor of Mingyi was the highest in qualifications and realm, and he controlled the divine mansion of the gas control machine, and was in charge of the source of the long river of destiny. He could be said to be a figure like the divine needle of Dinghai. On these occasions, he would always speak first.

After all, for many years, there has not been a meeting of the Lord God. These powerful people who are now well-known in the world do not know how to speak, especially the young people such as Zhiweiyi, Tianxingcang, and Xuanyuan Aohan. They are not only young, but also very senior. Low, but in a high position, Zhiweiyi and Tianxingcang are both the gods of the Five Tribulations, the main and secondary gods of the Heavenly Dao Divine Mansion, respectively, and Xuanyuan Aohan is also the God of the Five Tribulations and the secondary God of Jingyu Divine Mansion. Although they have a high status and strong strength, they are also a little nervous and at a loss when facing a house of senior giants.

The ancestor Mingyi pondered for a moment, and said: "In my calculations, Chen Qingyu's words are 90% credible, and the arrogance of the heart can return safely, which is the best proof. We have no secrets in the heavens in the future, and have absolute power, so we Don’t use any conspiracy and tricks, correspondingly, any conspiracy and tricks will hardly work for us. Chen Qingyu doesn’t need to lie to us. He won’t get any benefits, nor will the King of Light Brain get any benefits. There will be no loopholes and handles in the future. They move, so if Chen Qingyu really has the thoughts, he won't be able to come back proudly. It would be a great gain to kill a main god."

Listening to Mingyi's ancestor, he smiled arrogantly and humblely.

Several main gods also laughed.

These words of the ancestor Mingyi sounded very ordinary, but they had already set the tone for this matter.

In the future, Heavenly Court has a chance to get a party leader in unlimited fields!

The secrets and knowledge that a party leader knows is also amazing enough, and will become a sharp blade for the heavenly court to deal with the infinite realm in the future. Moreover, Chen Qingyu's willingness to take refuge in the future heaven is also very important. This proves Wang Haicheng's conjecture that the infinite realm does seem to be divorced. The two factions are arguing endlessly, and the feeling of dissatisfaction and resistance to the King of Light Brain is always there.

But the most important thing is.

If you can make good use of Chen Qingyu, you can pull out the Sun Moon Peak!

The Sun Moon Peak is the only stronghold of the monk civilization in the Infinite Realm.

Among them, there are a thousand prehistoric warships docked, and a large number of **** soldiers and kings are one of the three major combat powers in the world and the most powerful force in the infinite field. After the battle from the Demon God Mansion, the Heavenly Court will block the Sun Moon Peak with thunder in the future, which is to trap the most powerful force in the Infinite Domain and prevent it from doing whatever it wants, but there is never a chance to get rid of this power.

Now with Chen Qingyu's help, there will be a breakthrough.

If the infinite realm is a person, then this person has many weapons. The short spear at the waist, the dagger in the shoe, the throwing knife in the cuff, the iron hook on the leg, etc.

But the man's most important weapon was the heavy sword behind him.

The prehistoric fleet of Sun Moon Peak is this great sword.

This great sword was built by gathering a lot of resources from the world, and it was quite powerful.

"Senior Mingyi is right." Master Zhuge said. "Whether it is destroying the prehistoric fleet or acquiring Chen Qingyu, it is of great significance to us. Since Chen Yu arrived in the future heaven, we have been studying the secrets of the infinite field day and night, and we have also gained some scientific and technological power in the infinite field. This power is quite terrifying. According to the meaning of the King of Heaven, several rougher optical brains have been imitated in Jingyu Divine Mansion, and the calculation capabilities they possess are indeed amazing. If we get Chen Qingyu, we will develop faster in this area. I also feel more confident in finding a way to destroy the King of Light Brain."

"The real problem is how to destroy the prehistoric fleet." Invite Moon Palace Master said blankly: "There is such a powerful force in the Sun Moon Peak, even if the incarnation of the King of Light Brain has lost contact with the outside world, they They can still act on their own, and once war starts, it is still terrible."

"I still need to meet Chen Qingyu." Solitary and proud: "He is now the true leader of Riyue Peak. With his help, we can always find a way. As for this matter, I still have to be in charge of it. The first time I met me And Chen Qingyu has established a simple trust."

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