Supreme God King

Chapter 3197: Infinity war

In the ninth year of the Dao era, from June 4th to June 11th, Gu Xinao and Chen Qingyu conducted several private conversations, and these private conversations did not appear in any written description.

During the secret conversation, only Gu Xinao and Chen Qingyu were the two, and then Gu Xinao informed Dragon City of the content.

The conversation between two people is a game between two worlds.

Chen Qingyu believes that he has taken a huge risk to meet lonely and arrogantly and to contact the heavenly court in the future. This risk will turn into punishment or even death at any time.

Even if Riyue Peak is blocked, Chen Qingyu’s abnormal behavior is unlikely to be hidden from the eyes of the King of Light Brain. It is only a matter of time before the King of Light Brain finds the problem and guesses the root cause. In Chen Qingyu’s calculation, this time is also It was only a few days, but it took nine days from the meeting between Chen Qingyu and Gu Xin proud to the last private conversation.

During these nine days, Chen Qingyu was in panic all day long, and never dared to relax in any way. He didn't know when the **** king or **** soldier in Sun Moon Peak would get the order of the king of light brain to obliterate him.

This is a terrible wait.

It is also his game with Lone Heart.

The game stems from controversy.

Chen Qingyu hopes to leave Sun Moon Peak immediately with Lonely Heart and enter the future Heavenly Court, and tell the future Heavenly Court the information and array layout of all the legions of the Sun Moon Peak. Even if his mission is completed, all he has to do afterwards is to assist the future Heavenly Court to destroy. The king of light brain, liberating the people of unlimited fields.

But the results of the discussion at the main gods meeting were completely different, and several main gods did not agree to take Chen Qingyu out.

Chen Qingyu secretly engages in some small tricks, and may not be discovered, even if it is discovered, it may be just a suspicion, but if Chen Qingyu leaves, he will be discovered soon. Even if the King of Light Brain is completely out of control of Sun Moon Peak, there are still a lot of his incarnations here, there will always be some reactions, the situation will change instantly, then, what is the significance of the array layout and other information that Chen Qingyu will hand over? What?

Secondly, the main gods all agreed that Chen Qingyu's stay at the Sun-Moon Summit was the best internal response for the Heavenly Court to attack Sun-Moon Peak in the future.

He is not an ordinary internal response, he is now the true leader of Riyuefeng, and he has the right to mobilize all prehistoric warships, all divine soldiers, and all divine kings!

Once he leaves, this value is lost.

For this reason, Chen Qingyu once questioned Lonely Proud angrily: "You are driving me into a desperate situation."

Gu Xin Hou's answer is simple: "This is a life and death war, everyone is in desperation."

Therefore, the game between Gu Xinao and Chen Qingyu has never come to an end. Chen Qingyu wanted to leave and was protected by the Heavenly Court in the future, and arrogantly asked Chen Qingyu to stay until the Heavenly Court attacked Sun Moon Peak in the future.

As time goes by, this game has become more and more arrogant.

Because the longer the delay, the more dangerous Chen Qingyu.

He can no longer delay.

Finally, on June 11th, he agreed to respond to the plan of attacking the heavenly court in the future.

Gu Xinao left with Chen Qingyu’s reply. Before leaving, Gu Xinao informed Chen Qingyu that Heavenly Court had prepared several plans in the future. Chen Qingyu was asked to respond to only one of them, and there were some hidden ones. If Chen Qingyu was found to have any two Heart, other plans will be implemented.

This is a mild threat.

On June 13, the ninth year of the Great Dao Times, the nervous Chen Qingyu finally waited for the future army of heaven.

Thirty **** kings from Guxinao and Tiandao Divine Mansion took the lead in sneaking into the Sun Moon Peak.

Then Chen Qingyu summoned his men. These subordinates are all except him, the highest commander of Riyuefeng, a total of five **** kings, of which only one **** king of the Five Tribulations, when they arrived at Chen Qingyu’s residence, they were decisively suppressed by the **** king of Lone Heart and God’s Palace. neat.

Then Chen Qingyu ordered half of the prehistoric warships to set sail to the Demon Realm. Because several commanders were suppressed, Chen Qingyu became the only person who could give orders, and there was no **** king who could veto his orders, so more than five hundred prehistoric warships immediately set sail in full gear.

These warships also carried the incarnation of the 90% Light Brain King of Sun Moon Peak.

When these warships leave the blockade of Sun Moon Peak, the broken connection will be restored. The King of Light Brain will immediately know what is happening here, so the time left is very limited.

There are not many incarnations of the King of Light Brain that are still at Sun Moon Peak. At this time, Chen Qingyu gave an impassioned speech to the thousands of Infinite God Kings stationed at Sun Moon Peak.

His speech talent embodies vividly, and also shows the style of party leader and old politician.

From the origin of the infinite realm, to several resistance wars against the king of light brain, and then the debate between radicals and conservatives, Chen Qingyu said that the king of light brain is the heaven they want to rebel, and completely pushed the king of light brain to the opposite. .

As Wang Haicheng imagined, the **** kings of the infinite realm have more or less doubts about the king of light brain, so Chen Qingyu’s speech produced some responses among thousands of **** kings, but the response was also very limited. Most of the **** kings were just dumbfounded. I think Chen Qingyu is crazy. Part of the reason is that they are used to the rule of the King of Light Brain, and the other reason is that they are afraid of the power of the King of Light Brain.

But there is not much time for them to think.

Chen Qingyu's speech was just to attract the attention of thousands of gods.

In the course of the speech, the two thousand most powerful **** kings in the heavenly court in the future have already reached the Sun Moon Peak!

These two thousand **** kings, the lowest realm, are all five calamity **** kings!

Inviting the Lord of the Moon Palace, Master Zhuge, Gu Daozi, and the Great Emperor of Cracking Heaven and other six tribulation gods are all listed.

When the speech was over, the Infinite God Kings of Sun Moon Peak realized that the future heavenly army had already invaded and began to quickly destroy the prehistoric warship.

And because 90% of the avatars of the King of Light Brain have already left, the remaining prehistoric warships do not have enough avatars to drive, and they have become slow and heavy. Coupled with the knowledge gained from Chen Yu, the kings of the future heaven have already understood The structure of the prehistoric warship was destroyed very quickly.

When thousands of **** kings reacted, because of hesitation and hesitation, only a few hundred **** kings ignored Chen Qingyu’s obstacles and went to fight against the future army of heavenly kings. The consequences can be imagined. These hundreds of gods are no more than two or three calamities. Wang did not even delay for a while.

Then Chen Qingyu also shot, after all, he is a powerful Six Tribulations God King, and he has suppressed many Infinite God Kings who resisted.

About half an hour later, the five hundred prehistoric warships traveling towards the demon world finally got in touch with the outside world. The King of Light Brain and Infinite Realm also knew about it, and immediately reacted. The five hundred prehistoric warships U-turn and return to the support of Sun Moon Peak, and when these warships are about to arrive, Sun Moon Peak has been completely controlled by the future Heavenly Court. The array that was originally used to resist the future Heavenly Court attack has been transformed into a resistance against 500 ships. The barrier of the warship.

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