Supreme God King

Chapter 3198: Twilight song is coming

When five hundred prehistoric warships were resisted outside the defensive formation of Riyuefeng, the victory or defeat of the war had been established.

Tian Xing Cang and Fairy Bai Xue led three thousand **** kings across the void to launch a surprise attack on five hundred prehistoric warships, and tens of thousands of thunder artillery that had been used for defense in the Sun Moon Peak also aimed at hundreds of warships. , Under the attack from both sides, one of the five hundred prehistoric warships inevitably crashed.

The prehistoric fleet, considered one of the world’s three major combat powers, lost most of it in just a dozen hours. Only more than two hundred ships escaped in the melee, but encountered several interceptions. In the end, he was hit **** the edge of the sixth fortress, and there may only be more than 20 ships that really escaped to the infinite realm.

The outbreak and the end of this battle were too fast, and the worlds almost didn't react at all.

After the establishment of the Heavenly Court in the future, it is recognized that there will be three major wars, the first is against the Alliance of Heaven, the second is against the Siyuan Dynasty, and the third is against the Infinite Realm. These three battles are all sent out with troops and are endless fighting.

The three major wars will all be victorious in the future. If you look at the three major wars, you can see a very obvious rule. The more wars that occur later, the easier it will be for the heavens to win in the future.

In the war with the Heavenly Dao Alliance, the price paid by the Heavenly Court in the future is huge, and the pain is also huge. The war will take place in the future Heavenly Court. The enemy soldiers will come under the city. Even the first generation of Heavenly King Xuanyuan Jingzhe died in battle. At one time, a large number of the **** kings of the heavenly court were captured and captured, beheading one by one at the foot of Dragon City, forcing Dragon City to surrender.

After the Battle of the Dragon City, although the Heavenly Court will not be destroyed in the future, it can only hide it, turning a blind eye to everything that happens outside, choosing to keep a low profile.

In the war against the Siyuan Dynasty, the Heavenly Court and its allies sent tens of thousands of God Kings in the future. Many heroes were buried in the old craftsmen's place, and almost all the Six Tribulations God Kings in the Heavenly Court will take action in the future.

Unlike the Battle of Dragon City, the war against Siyuan Dynasty took place in the outside world, not in the future Heavenly Court, and the process of fighting between the two sides was evenly matched. Faced with enemies several times greater than their own, the future kings of Heavenly Court Didn't fall under the wind, Meng Fan finally made a move and decided the real victory or defeat.

Although the war on the Infinite Realm has not yet ended, it has conquered the Sun and Moon Peaks and destroyed the predecessor fleet, and has solved the most powerful combat power in the Infinite Realm. The future **** kings participating in this war have only 6,000. And the loss is very small, almost negligible.

After watching the three major wars, you can clearly feel that the heavens will become stronger day by day.

After Riyuefeng was occupied, it was jointly controlled by Jingyu Shenfu, Zaifu Shenfu, and Fuxue Shenfu. Not only did the wrecks of hundreds of prehistoric warships pile up here, but also many complete prehistoric warships remained, as well as various defensive formations and war weapons built by Infinite Domain in a few years, especially those huge mountains. All of the thunder artillery pieces fell into the hands of the heavenly court in the future, so here not only can it be used as a strong fortress stronghold, but also an important stronghold for the heavenly court to master the power of science and technology in the future.

Starting from Chen Yu, in the future, Heavenly Court is stepping up the deduction of technological power, trying to control this power, and progress is quite rapid. In just two months, the future Heavenly Court has imitated the light brain and has mastered infinite With the help of the knowledge of the field of mathematics, theory, derivation of flesh and blood, etc., a more powerful Ark of Heaven and Scourge was built.

But these are not enough.

The leaders of the heavens in the future know that these are just the skin of the technological power of the infinite field.

Zaifu Divine Mansion is very concerned about the means of jumping space in the infinite domain. If you master it, the heavenly teleportation array will become more stable and more effective in the future.

Fuxue Shenfu wants to get a complete history of science and technology in infinite fields, and set up various courses as daily teaching knowledge.

The Hongwu Divine Mansion, headed by the Lord of Invite Moon Palace, wants to obtain all kinds of magical weapons in the infinite field. Not only does it possess these magical weapons, but also hopes to know the secrets of these magical weapons and make formations, so as to create more and stronger The magic weapon.

Qiji Shenfu is interested in the science of astronomy and the evolution of all things in the infinite realm, which is the basis for observing the laws of the universe in the infinite realm.

It can be said that the power of the infinite realm is very hoped to be obtained in the future, and every divine palace has its pursuit.

Therefore, Riyuefeng is very important.

What Chen Yu brought is knowledge, and the role of knowledge is limited. If you can't see a matter with your own eyes, no amount of description is useful.

The prehistoric warships, various magic weapons, and the products of various scientific and technological forces retained on the Sun Moon Peak are too important to the future heaven.

The Avenue Times, the ninth year, July 5th.

In the future, the Heavenly Court will promulgate a clean-up bill. Any king, soldier, and warship in the infinite realm of monk civilization will be destroyed. No matter who it is, as long as it destroys and captures the **** king and soldier in the infinite realm, he can come to the future heaven. Receive a heavy reward.

The Elimination Act is the third bill announced by the Heavenly Court to the entire monk civilization in the future. This is not only a means to deal with the infinite field, but also further expresses the supremacy of the Heavenly Court in the monk civilization in the future.

In just a few days after the introduction of the bill, many outside gods arrived in the future heaven and sent the infinite realm things. Most of these things are wreckage, which were left by the infinite realm in the past few years of monk civilization activities. Traces, the heavens will still give a lot of rewards in the future.

However, a small part of them were scout soldiers in the Infinite Domain, which were captured by some **** kings and sent over.

The Purge Act is quickly eradicating the remaining power in the monk civilization in the Infinite Realm, like an iron curtain, blocking the approach of the Infinite Realm.

After that, the Infinite Realm also decisively began to shrink, no longer having any contact with the monk civilization, completely hidden, and occasionally the incarnation of the King of Light Brain was seen.

Infinite Realm decided to abandon the battle in the monk civilization.

The King of Light Brain chose to dormant and wait.

After waiting for less than five months, the emperor's awakening.

At this point, in the future, Heavenly Court is ready to face the awakening of the Heavenly Emperor, and resolve most of the worries.

The future heaven will be powerful and dazzling.

Deep in the long river of fate.

Meng Fan has been cultivating for fifty thousand years.

Qi Ji Shenfu observed that the source of the heavens was moving faster and faster. According to the current speed, from the source of the heavens to the future heaven, there were about eighty years left.

This means that Meng Fan is getting stronger and stronger, and his control of the law of heaven is also becoming perfect.

The worlds fell into silence.

The universe fell into silence.

After waiting for five months, the Emperor of Heaven will wake up.

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