Supreme God King

Chapter 3199: Before the Nine Tribulations

Deep in the long river of fate.

The colorless torrent flows gently, but the power of this torrent is enough to annihilate everything in the world.

Nangong Jingyu, Zhuge Master, and Lonely Proud, the three gods and kings stood side by side, looking at the crystal-like world deep in the river.

"The river of fate has become more and more powerful." Master Zhuge said leisurely: "A few days ago, Jingyu Divine Mansion received a golden stone puppet. In order to create a magic weapon under our control, we took a drop of water from the river of fate to blend into it. As a result, the puppet was compressed into a ball by the water droplets, and then disappeared."

"Disappeared?" Gu Xin proud was a little surprised.

"Yes, it's not broken, not turned into dust, but disappeared, completely disappeared, and there is no trace left." Zhuge squinted his eyes: "The drop is still in Jingyu Divine Palace, Aohan Ben I wanted to attribute the water droplets to the river of fate, but found that I couldn’t move it at all, and it was quite difficult for me to move the water droplets a bit. Once the water of the river of destiny left the river, it changed its appearance, heavy and irreversible."

"It's like fate." Nangong Jingyu said lightly.

Master Zhuge looked at Nangong Jingyu: "Madam, do you believe in fate?"

Nangong Jingyu looked at solitary arrogance: "Is it arrogant?"

"Of course I don't believe it." Gu Xinao shook his head: "If I believe, how could I have come to this day, and how could Meng Fan have come to this day? We are not the central emperor, we are not selected by the great road, we are free from ourselves The shackles have only come to this day, where is the fate of it? But..."

Master Zhuge and Nangong Jingyu's eyes changed slightly.

Nangong Jingyu looked at the crystal world again.

"But there was no destiny before. Today, destiny really flows in front of us."

"Yes." He nodded arrogantly: "Meng Fan hopes that sentient beings will control their own destiny and give them a chance to choose. Therefore, he grasps the meaning of fate. The shackles are released, so to this day, sentient beings have not really seen the terrible fate, but we all feel it."

Nangong Jingyu said, "I always have concerns."

"I am worried that Meng Fan will lose in the battle of the Emperor of Heaven." Lonely proud first said Nangong Jingyu's concerns.

Destiny is long, very powerful, very powerful.

The torrent of soul is just an appendage of the long river of fate, like a trunk that grows from a tree, but it is enough to connect the entire future heaven.

So how terrible is the fate?

In particular, the sentient beings of the heavenly court in the future have long been accustomed to swimming in the torrent of souls, and they are not separated from the torrent of souls, and therefore have a deep connection with the long river of destiny.

If the emperor is defeated.

It is impossible to guess what realm Meng Fan will reach.

But if Meng Fan loses, the Emperor of Heaven wins, and the Way of Heaven returns, the river of fate will also fall into the hands of the Emperor.

If so...

In the future, all beings in the heavenly court will also fall into the hands of the emperor.

Master Zhuge, Nangong Jingyu, and Lone Heart Proud could not help but think of Xie Jinghai, who had died in battle and was buried in the leader of the heroes.

Many years ago, when the Heavenly Dao Army was just established, Xie Jinghai raised this concern, so the Anti-Heavenly Path Army was established.

But the Anti-Heavenly Dao Corps disappeared very early.

The members of the former legion are now scattered in various divine residences, mainly staying in the Hongwu divine residence, but these members have already begun to practice the law of heaven.

Make things happen.

In the future, the heavenly court will walk the heavenly way, and the existence of the anti-heavenly way army actually means a kind of division.

Everyone is worried that this split will one day in the future, when the Anti-Heavenly Dao Legion is strong enough, it will shred the future heaven.

So when Xie Jinghai died in battle, when Meng Fan recovered, when the torrent of soul appeared, the river of destiny appeared, and the heavens became one in the future, this kind of division naturally disappeared.

There is no **** king, and he hopes to join the Anti-Heavenly Dao Legion. There is no one, and it is disbanded.

The Anti-Heavenly Dao Legion does not exist, and the future Heavenly Court will live and die with Meng Fan. If he loses, everyone loses, there is no room, no other choice.

At that time, Xie Jinghai hoped to have a second hand.

Although all beings have one heart and one heart behind Meng Fan, making the heavenly court so united and powerful in the future, but Nangong Jingyu, Zhuge Master, and Gu Xinao, these three close friends and close people of Meng Fan, They all admit that the existence of the Anti-Heavenly Dao Legion is correct, at least giving the heavenly court a chance to choose in the future.

Even many years ago, Meng Fan agreed.

But after Meng Fan became the third generation king, he never mentioned this matter again.

"I will die." Gu Xin proud suddenly smiled. "As early as in Wanyu, I was ready to die, but for good luck, I didn't die, and this life was put on Meng Fan."

Nangong Jingyu took a deep breath and turned to look down the river of fate.

At this moment, a full 10,000 gods and kings are sitting downstream, integrating their own power into the long river of destiny, urging the flow of the long river of destiny.

Because of their existence, in the depths of the long river of fate, the time in the Crystal Palace has always been kept at 200,000 times.

One day outside, five hundred years inside.

Meng Fan has been cultivating for nearly 40,000 years.

This is terrible.

Meng Fan's strength lies in the fact that he has gone against the sky and became the number one giant in just ten thousand years. His truly terrifying is because he is too young compared to the old **** kings.

The mother Qinglin is a **** king of the Eight Tribulations. Although it is a mountain that needs to be looked up, the kings are also afraid, but all kings can accept it. Be big.

But the **** king who has risen in ten thousand years can stand at the pinnacle of sentient beings, it is terrible.

Although the great road is now going up, sentient beings have broken free from the shackles, and powerful **** kings are born every day. It can even be said that more **** kings have been born in the past few years than at any stage in the Era.

But there is still no one that can tens of thousands of miles a day like Meng Fan.

If we talk about the youngest among today's top giants, apart from Meng Fan, they may also be arrogant, Zhuge Master, these two gods. Their age is similar to that of Meng Fan, not much, but they are all six tribulation gods.

After that, the existence of an anomalous like Champion Hou actually became a **** king more than 100,000 years ago.

As for Chen Yu, Qingyao, and the replicas of Meng Fan hidden in the infinite realm, these are all different, and it's a different story.

Looking back at Meng Fan.

He, who has risen up for thousands of years, rushed all the way, too late to rest, too late to organize.

It can be seen how important these tens of thousands of years of cultivating in the depths of the long river of fate are.

Prior to this, Meng Fan had become the King of Eight Tribulations from the Five Tribulations God King in just nine years.

Soon after he had just achieved the Eight Tribulations God King, he defeated the mother emperor Qinglin, a magnate of thousands of years.

Now, given him enough time to cultivate his strength.

Just wait for the moment when he accomplishes the Nine Tribulations.

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