Supreme God King

Chapter 3203: Co-op

"The fourth result..."

At this point, Wang Yin pondered for a moment, and then chuckled: "It's the last thing we want to see. After the emperor is sealed, all powers are trapped in a cage, one will lose and the other will grow, and the future will rise and rule the way of heaven. In the right position, once the emperor of heaven wakes up, the will of heaven will split. The so-called "heaven without two suns" and "country without two masters", at that moment, whether it is the future emperor or the emperor, will become because of each other, unprecedented Yes, weak."

Master Zhuge, Lonely Proud, and Palace Master Inviting the Moon, all narrowed their eyes at this moment.

The three eyes were cold, dead, and domineering.

Contains killing intent!

Meng Fan has long been integrated with the future heaven. He is the future heaven.

And Meng Fan's strength has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people with one after another, which is enough to be recorded in the annals of history and admired by later generations.

Wang Yin said that at a certain moment, Meng Fan will become weaker than ever.

Master Zhuge, lonely and proud, invited the Moon Palace Master, upon hearing these words, the killing intent broke out, it was completely instinct.

It's like a certain belief in a person's heart is vilified.

Only Wang Haicheng was still calm, but his gaze dropped slightly, obviously trying to hide his emotions.

The **** king of the heavenly court in the future is divided into three generations: the old, middle and youthful generations. The middle generation is the one who is now in charge of the future heavenly court, including Lonely Proud, Master Zhuge, and the Palace Lord of Inviting Moon. This generation of **** kings has a characteristic. The first is that they are much younger than the older generation **** kings, but their realm has surpassed the old generation **** kings, which means that they have experienced in a short period of time. Many veteran **** kings have never experienced the killing and ups and downs in their lives, and they have also seen peaks that the veteran **** kings have not seen in their entire lives.

So fierce and determined.

Don't like to hide, just like it and dislike it.

This is also the weather of heaven in the future.

So even if it is lonely and proud, such as joy and anger, or Zhuge Master, who is like a long scholar, all exudes a strong killing intent at this moment.

The killing intent released by the three kings of six calamities was invisible.

It is enough to shock the mind!

The twelve poets, except Wang Yin, had no reaction at this moment. The other poets looked ugly at this moment. There was even a four-caliber **** king with a weak foundation. His face was bloodless, pale, and he instinctively went backwards. After a step, he raised his right hand subconsciously, and a cloud-like power appeared in his palm.

This is the instinctive reaction of beings to encounter great danger.

A Four Tribulations God King, like a frightened little beast, lost his mind in an instant.

Wang Yin turned his head and glanced at the Four Tribulations God King, his complexion quickly returned to normal, his palms dropped, but he was still breathing lightly, and then bowed and bowed to the great gods.

"Mr. Wang." Wang Haicheng said softly, his voice calm as still water. "Please keep talking."

Wang Yin thoughtfully glanced at Master Zhuge, Inviting Moon Palace Master, and Lone Heart Proudly, and then continued: "The moment when the overlord weakens, the group will rise together.

It's like every time change in the past and present, like countless histories written in a humane chapter.

When a powerful dynasty declines, the heroes rise together.

When a strong man who stands on the top and dominates all living beings declines, the heroes rise together.

Baibuxian is a legend, even in our previous predictions, the leader of the new era will only be decided among the four, the Great Chaos, the Mother Qinglin, the Baibuxian, and the Emperor of Heaven.

But what we, the entire poet civilization, would never have imagined is that Bai Buxian spent ten years in exchange for the lives of all sentient beings in the world with his endless possibilities. "

As soon as he said this, Wang Haicheng sighed.

What's interesting is that everyone in the room understands why Wang Hai has become a sigh.

If today’s people go back to ten years ago and understand all the kings of the universe, they will surely think that the leaders of the new era will decide between these four.

At that time, Meng Fan was still Xiaotiandao.

But what about it?

How many people in the world could have imagined that Meng Fan would become the number one giant in the new era? Control the general trend of the world?

At that time, Meng Fan was nothing extraordinary in the eyes of those veterans.

What about Xiaotiandao?

The old era collapsed, and the new era kicked off. Numerous powerful men, hidden secrets, the aura of heaven and earth, and ancient inheritance appeared one after another.

Because of the original meaning, the giants of the sky can open up the countless treasures of the Dragon Elephant Valley. However, tens of millions of years ago, the Dragon Elephant Valley ruled the roost and accumulated countless wealth. It is conceivable that in the eyes of the world at that time, The battle giant may be more important than Meng Fan, and his original meaning is more attractive than the sum of all the great real meanings entwined on the pillars of Meng Fan's martial arts.

Even if Meng Fan had obtained a lot of true meaning of the great Dao at that time, in the eyes of the world, he was a young and arrogant **** king who walked on the heavens.

In the world, there are not only the ways of heaven, but also the ways of humanity, evil ways, Buddhist ways, magic ways, dragon ways, evil ways, killing ways, and so on. Every kind of way has amazing talents.

Until the establishment of the heavenly court in the future, Meng Fan will not be real and will be valued by the world for the first time.

But it will still be some time from the establishment of Heavenly Court in the future until Meng Fan becomes a giant that cannot be ignored.

Therefore, if one lived ten years ago and was able to see all the powerhouses in the world, he would definitely think that the overlord of the new era would be one of Chaos Great Emperor, Qinglin Mother Emperor, Baibuxian, and Heavenly Emperor.

At that time, the Great Primordial Chaos hadn't left the customs. He was still a **** king of the Eight Tribulations, and so was the mother Qinglin. The world knew that the Great Primordial Chaos was going to leave the customs, but how much obstruction would he get when he left the customs? Do those peak powers allow him to accomplish the Nine Tribulations? In particular, it was rumored that the Emperor of Heaven, who had descended at that time, would definitely take action against the Emperor Chaos.

At that time, the most powerful **** king in the peak book knew that the Great Chaos saw the heroes in the world as nothing, but he did not dare to despise Bai Buxian, and even Bai Buxian could enter and leave the chaos realm at will. This world **** king regarded as a forbidden domain. , So this legendary powerhouse, who ranks second only to Chaos Emperor on the peak book, is considered to be the leader of the new era, and it is understandable.

Especially when the Great Primordial Chaos exits, the Emperor of Heaven will appear. Under the battle between the two powers, Bai Buxian will certainly rise.

But the times change, the situation changes suddenly, everything is variable.

No one thought that Mother Qinglin did not lead the Siyuan Dynasty to invade the monk civilization because of fear of the black death catastrophe.

No one would have thought that a generation of legendary Hundred Step Immortals could break through two realms outside the Chaos Realm. This unprecedented thing happened so that the gods and kings of the world have a sense of unreality, so incredible, and even more so. The incredible thing about the **** king in the world is that after breaking through two realms in succession, Bai Buxian actually used his own life to seal the Emperor of Heaven, which was tantamount to saving the Emperor Chaos.

"Bai Buxian used his own life for all beings. After ten years, the Emperor of Heaven did not kill the Emperor Chaos, nor was he able to suppress the cosmos, the decline of the heavens, and the loss of the chains of all beings. In ten years, everyone is like The dragon has risen numerous powerful men.

In fact, ten years ago, the Taoist..."

The expressions of the major gods became serious.

Finally, Wang Yin is about to talk about "Tao Master".

"The Taoist master has chosen the spokesperson for the new era, and that is Baibuxian."

When Wang Yin mentioned Baibuxian, he seemed to be filled with reverence.

"No matter what angle you look at, Bai Buxian is a person who is enough to hold this position. What a pity, what a pity."

After a moment of silence, Wang Yin seemed to be mourning Bai Buxian, then adjusted his emotions and continued: "But ten years is still too short. It took tens of millions of years for many gods to reach their peak in ancient times. The sequence of the strong, even if there is no shackles in the past ten years, but there is only one **** king who can fight against the emperor, and that is the future king.

If the emperor does not wake up, or the moment he wakes up, he is defeated by the future emperor, then everything becomes definite. At this moment, there is no existence in the world that can threaten the future emperor, even if it is the king of light brain, even if not by the future The king of heaven destroys and has no ability to invade the monk civilization. The king of heaven will be the supreme overlord in the future, and the leaders of other great worlds will not be able to shake his position.

However, if the emperor awakens and starts a long duel with the future emperor, as long as one day does not distinguish between the victory and the defeat, the future emperor and the emperor will weaken for one day. At this moment, the heroes will rise together, and the world does not know what will happen. "

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