Supreme God King

Chapter 3204: What the future looks like

If Meng Fan and the Emperor of Heaven fall into a long duel, the power of Heaven will be torn apart and become weaker than ever.

That is "Wu Tian".

In all worlds, races, and avenues, there are sayings about "Wu Tian". It is assumed that if "Heaven" is gone, all the shackles that have been suppressed on all beings will disappear. At that moment, all beings will bloom infinitely. It is possible that even all the rules of tens of billions of years will be subverted.

For example, if the power of time becomes weaker, then the life span of a mortal is no longer several decades, and may exceed one hundred or even two hundred years.

What would happen if a mortal lived for two hundred years?

Throughout the ages, there have been so many mundane empires because of the early death of the wise and great monarch, which caused the empire to collapse. If mortals can live for two hundred years, the lifespan of the mundane empire will be greatly extended.

If a talented poet can live for a few more decades, how many poems can he write that can be passed down through the ages and passed down to future generations?

Generals, counsellors, women who dazzled the country and the city, and other people who have caught a glimpse in the long river of history, if they can live for decades, or even a hundred years, the whole world will become another look.

It's just that the law of time has become weak, changing the life span of mortals, and the impact on the world.

Such an impact is still small.

The real big influence is the monk, the **** king.

Imagine that if the path of heaven falls to the bottom and cannot even exert any pressure on the primordial universe, then the catastrophe that a **** king greets will become very weak, perhaps only one-tenth of the past. In this way, the catastrophe will be overcome and the achievements will be even greater. Isn't a high level easy?

How many powerful kings will appear in the world?

The weakness of the heavens lasts for one day, and perhaps thousands of gods will be born.

The final result will be the rapid rise of many roads.

Tiandao is like the emperor, and he is the emperor who has been living in Yongchang. He has ruled the entire universe for tens of billions of years. Although there have been constant resistances, this kind of resistance is like a small-scale popular change, and at most it is divided by some parties. Fanzhen could not threaten the status of the emperor.

For example, the Great Primordial Chaos back then, even if it was the largest vassal, the Emperor of Heaven wanted to destroy him, but he couldn't do it. He could only watch him in a corner and create a world not controlled by Heaven.

After the opening of the Dao era, it can be understood that the old emperor fainted severely and could no longer take charge of the world. At this time, the princes rose together and there were many vassals. Of course, there were also princes competing for the throne.

The princes and vassal towns are all the worlds of great avenues.

The prince is a strong man who has the ability to replace heaven and become the new emperor.

Meng Fan is the biggest "prince", step by step to enhance his own strength, and also create a hegemony as powerful as the future heavenly court, so the princes and vassal towns have given way back, although Meng Fan has not really "successed", It is not enough to control the whole world, but many people have agreed to his position, and even some princes have surrendered to him and surrounded him.

The emperor awakens, just like the old emperor who is seriously ill, recovering.

When the old emperor recovers, he will suddenly discover that in ten years, the once most humble "prince" is far less powerful than the Protoss, the God of Creation, and the King of Light Brain. Meng Fan has defeated many enemies. Ready to inherit Datong.

Of course the old emperor would not agree.

But the "prince" Meng Fan was so powerful that the old emperor could not ignore it.

Moreover, the princes and the vassal towns could not support the old emperor, because once the old emperor awakens, he will cut the vassal vassal, destroy all powers, and centralize power.

So there must be a battle.

The prince who could have inherited the **** at any time and made the world awe-inspiring, and the old emperor who ruled the world for tens of billions of years, once fought against each other, it was the opportunity for the princes and the vassal.

The world is in chaos.

At this point, Master Zhuge, Lonely Proud and Inviting Moon Palace Master, can only admit what Wang Yin said.

Wang Yin is not considered to have broken the heavens. In fact, in the future heavenly court, several great gods have thoughts about the world after the awakening of the heavenly emperor, but no one has said clearly.

Today’s future Heavenly Court looks unstoppable, with a gathering of hearts, amazing morale, and an overwhelming atmosphere. I am afraid that no one wants to believe that there will be such a result. Especially among the young generation of God Kings in the future Heavenly Court, it has long been established for Meng Fanru. The general worship of "respect for the gods". Seventy percent of this worship is because Meng Fan has reached a level that no kings can look up to. The other thirty percent is because there will be seven or eight thousand gods and kings in the heaven in the future, all of which were actually born in Meng Fan In the original universe, they have all made wishes to Meng Fan's idol for a long time. The concept of Meng Fan as a "god" has long been deeply rooted in their hearts.

But now, when several main gods calmed down and thought, they realized that what Wang Yin said was right. These four results, except for the first one, are not considered good results.

at this time.

A ray of light flashed in the Palace of the Heavenly King, and Master Zhuge raised his brows lightly and stood up and said to Wang Yin, "Master Heavenly King, please step into the depths of the long river of destiny."

Inviting Moon Palace Lord, Gu Xinao, and Wang Haicheng all looked at Wang Yin at the same time.

The existence of the **** king realm can create its own "absolute realm". The so-called absolute realm is the law of heaven and earth. All powers such as geomantic omen, four phenomena, five elements, etc., are used for their own use and are beneficial to themselves. .

For example, a **** king who uses the icy martial arts can create an extremely cold place. Being in such an absolute realm, he can get various ice power bonuses, and the enemy may not be able to withstand the pain of the extreme cold.

This is a relatively simple example.

As long as you are a **** king, you can create your own absolute realm, but it takes time and effort to create an absolute realm.

Even if it is the King of Five Tribulations, it will take some time to build an absolute realm.

But back then, when Meng Fan was the King of the Five Tribulations, he was already able to create absolute realms at will. After all, as a small heaven at the time, the law was uttered casually, and all laws were under his control. No matter where he wanted, he could You can create a favorable environment for you.

Not to mention now?

And in the depths of the long river of destiny that Meng Fan has been in retreat for tens of thousands of years, it is in this cosmos that belongs exclusively to Meng Fan's absolute domain!

If Wang Yin stepped into it, it would be equivalent to handing over his life to Meng Fan. I am the fish and the others are the swords. Even if the poet's civilization and the future heaven are not enemies, they are not friends after all. He did so, full of risks.

Even if Meng Fan doesn't treat Wang Yin, the risk is great.

Because Wang Yin had been ambiguous before, but once he stepped into the depths of the long river of fate, under the invisible pressure, could he still be so indifferent? If Meng Fan asks, why doesn't he answer?

This is the reason why the great gods look towards Wang Yin.

Wang Yin really hesitated, but he did show good courage, stood up and stepped into the depths of the long river of fate.

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