Supreme God King

Chapter 3214: No limit

Seventy million miles northeast of the Dragon Realm, a world shrouded in darkness.

There is a name here, Cang Shuguo.

Yes, this is the world of the Night Clan.

A few years ago, the black death catastrophe engulfed Lao Cang Shuguo, and the Night King fought with six knives with the brothers, buying time for the Ye Clan and allowing most of the Ye Clan to escape.

In that catastrophe, more than 90% of the Ye Clan survived and migrated here to rebuild Cangshu Kingdom.

Here, it took them just a few days to elect a new leader, inherit the national law of Cang Shuguo, and erect a statue of the Night King and five knives, calling themselves "the legacy of the Night King."

Without the Night King, the Ye Clan would not know how many people would die, and perhaps most of them would have been transformed into black death creatures, only a few would survive, and the Night Clan would also die.

They are naturally the heritage of the night clan.

As for the statue of the Night King, why are there only five knives?

It is because the most powerful knife, the high-grade Taoist tool, the Great Black Blade of the Book of Songs, did not fall, and was rescued by Meng Fan and sent back to the Ye Clan. Nowadays, the Great Black Blade of the Book of Songs is still the night clan’s protector. The only one in the clan is the Seven Tribulations "God King".

The new night king-let's call it this way. After all, the night clan is too mysterious. What is the name of the leader of the night clan? Few people know that the outside world calls the leader of the night clan the night king. It is a little random-a **** of six calamities. He is also the close guard of the Old Night King, once the first of the five assassins in Cangshu Country.

At this moment, Cang Shuguo, in the inner court compound.

There are black marbles everywhere here, just like other places in Cangshu Country, it is dark and there is no light.

Two people, sitting opposite each other on a piece of oval marble.

One of them, dressed in a green shirt, is impressively Meng Fan.

The other, dressed in a black shirt, looked like a middle-aged man, with a square look and sharp eyes.

He is the Great Black Blade of the Book of Songs.

In the early years, when the old night king smashed the world, he was wary of encounters with the **** king realm. Whether it was the night king facing the powerful black blade of the book of poetry, or the **** blade of poetry facing the night king, he could feel threatened and Hostile, so they fight together. When the two are very weak, the three major guardians of Longxianggu arrived, holding a reward order to chase down the old night king, the old night king’s phrase "behead me before thousands of people To show the public, extol me in the name of a sinner or a hero, and let the future generations comment, "it touched the Big Black Blade of the Book of Songs, made the Big Black Blade of the Book of Songs take action, and helped the Night King.

The Big Black Blade of the Book of Songs is one of the sacred artifacts of humanity. It was once a treasure of the Xuanyuan Family. It is not right. The Night King let the Big Black Blade of the Book of Songs see a quality that the human race has long lost.

Since then, the Great Black Blade of the Book of Songs has also been chased by Dragon Elephant Valley, and in desperation, he can only walk with the Night King.

Then, in the long years, the Night King and the Book of Songs Da Black Blade have known another five Taoist artifacts.

Five knives.

The Night King, Shijing Daheizan, and the other five knives have worshipped. According to age, Shijing Daheizan is the eldest brother, the Night King is the second brother, and the other five knives are the third brother, the fourth brother, the fifth brother, and the sixth brother. Brother, seventh brother.

Throughout the ages, the **** king and the Dao artifacts in his hands have always been in the relationship between master and servant. If the **** king falls, the Dao artifacts will have no owner and will fall into the world. Until they meet someone who is destined again, you rarely see them like the night king. Walk with Dao Qi.

After the black death catastrophe, only the Great Black Blade of the Book of Songs remains alive for the seven brothers.

"Jiao Wuqiong?" Meng Fan said: "This is the name of the Old Night King?"

The Book of Songs Daheizan nodded: "He is the descendant of the ancestor of the Night Clan. Back then, the ancestor of the Night Clan was also a powerful **** king. Before the ancestor of humanity, ah, no, before you, the ultimate road of the **** king of heaven. It’s stepping into the source of the heavens and stealing a Dao’s true meaning. Because throughout the ages, there has never been a **** king who has two great Dao’s true meanings at the same time, so it is already a powerful existence to obtain a Dao’s true meaning. The limit of'against the sky', after all, can't really destroy the way of heaven, it's enough to steal power.

The ancestors of the Ye Clan successfully stepped into the source of the heavens and stole the meaning of light. Although he died for a lifetime, he escaped in the end. However, like all the gods in the world who stole the true meaning of the Dao, he was affected by the heavens. Suppression, Heavenly Scourge, and endless pursuit and killing by the Heavenly Dao God King.

The ancestors of the Ye Clan have gone through countless lives and deaths, and have also endured heavy pressure. In the end, they reluctantly abandoned the meaning of light and lost the light forever. Wherever he went, there was darkness, and no light could shine. His body.

This was originally his curse, but it has been extended to his descendants.

Generations will bear this curse.

After tens of millions of years, his descendants increased in number and he became the Night Clan.

The ancestor of the night race, named Jiao Huan, does not have light in his descendants, but his daughter and children born to other races have a half chance of having light, and they are not the night race. The race living in the light and living in the darkness is like the sun and the moon cannot coexist and can only leave. After many generations, the night race is born, and Jiao Huan’s son, grandson, and Zhong The grandson is the purest Ye Clan, that is, the direct descendant, Jiao Wuqiong is the direct descendant of Jiao Huan, and he is probably the 16th generation grandson of Jiao Huan. "

Meng Fan had some insights when he heard the Great Black Blade of the Book of Songs explain the history of the Ye Clan in detail. He knows that many **** kings who bear the true meaning of the great avenue, or the **** kings who endure the condemnation of the heavens, such as the ancestors of humanity, were eventually obliterated by the power of heaven because they cut a part of the source of the heavens. There are many other **** kings.

Today's God Kings of the World, whoever grasps the true meaning of the Great Dao, will not be suppressed by the Dao of Heaven, but will get a lot of benefits, because the Dao of Heaven has declined and the Emperor of Heaven is sealed, and no one can suppress them.

However, in the ancient years, it seems that few **** kings who have mastered the true meaning of the Great Way have finally gotten good deaths.

Therefore, he can understand the ancestors of the Ye Clan who were overwhelmed and abandoned the light.

Today's Meng Fan is fully capable of dispelling the night clan's curse and returning light to them, but Meng Fan has not done so. If this is the case, the night clan will no longer be the night clan.

Moreover, if the Ye Clan wanted to embrace the light, they would tell Meng Fan.

Meng Fan never takes it for granted to do the so-called "right" things. Other people may not agree with what he thinks is right.

This is also the purpose of the future heaven.

If he is powerful, he will control the fate of the common people, like a **** of heaven, this is not the way Meng Fan walks.

"In the past, the gods of heaven and earth sought to change their fate against the heavens, but the limit they could reach was to break into the source of the heavens and steal the true meaning of the great avenue. After the ancestors of humanity, the source of the heavens was completely closed and there was no more The King of Gods can step into it." Said Da Hei Blade of the Book of Songs, there seems to be a certain deep meaning in these words, he quietly looked at Meng Fan, looked at his savior, and whispered: "The world knows the Emperor of Heaven. I am about to wake up, so Lord Heaven visits the powerful of the world. It is an honor for me to be visited. There is one question. I don’t know if you can give me an answer."

Meng Fan said, "Please speak."

"In the new era, what is the limit for the kings to change their fate against the sky?"

"There is no limit."

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