Supreme God King

Chapter 3215: Momoyama Boiled Wine

The human world, the imperial city, the imperial palace, and Taoshan.

The central emperor made the wine by himself.

Peach blossoms are flying all over the sky.

Next to him is the Confucian Sage, the head of the Hundred Sages of Humanity, the Hidden Sage of the Shenji Division, the Bing Sage of the Shogunate, the Taoist Sage of the Martial Arts Leader, and the Sage of the Three Provinces.

The five most powerful **** kings of the Hundred Saints of Humanity, gathered together.

Their strength, the first is their realm, and they have all become the Six Tribulations God King.

The second is power and prestige. These five gods, surrounded by the central emperor, are in charge of the entire human world, or the entire humanity.

But when the central emperor was cooking the wine, they were not seated.

Instead, he was sitting cross-legged on a hard purple bamboo couch a dozen steps away.

Sitting in front of the central emperor was Meng Fan.

Half an hour ago, the Central Emperor called the Five Saints to come.

Before a stick of incense, the bare peach trees of Taoshan were suddenly full of peach blossoms, and the central emperor began to make wine.

Then, the peach blossoms fell.

Flying all over the sky.


About a dozen breaths ago, Meng Fan appeared quietly, sitting in front of the Central Emperor, watching him cook wine.

The Five Saints were silent.

His eyes were on Meng Fan's body.

But they were not afraid.

In this world, those who are enemies with Meng Fan should be afraid of seeing Meng Fan.

Even though the Five Sages are saints and a part of humanity, but here is the human world, the imperial city of humans, even if the deity of Meng Fan arrives, they are confident and able to resist Meng Fan's shots.

The strongest confidence in the world is naturally the future heaven.

The second is the human world.

Confidence comes from strength.

The most powerful in the world is naturally the future heaven.

Secondly, it is the human world.

A hundred saints of humanity, thousands and a half saints, a unified avenue, and hundreds of millions of people.

Humanity is still the most influential avenue in the world, except for heaven.

Because the human race is the race with the largest number in the world except the Kun tribe.

A cup of turbid wine is boiling.

The Central Emperor put down the spoon, then looked at Meng Fan, and said, "After walking out of the heavens and myriad worlds, you and I have only met one side, it was at Riyue Peak. That time, you were the future king, and I was the emperor of the world. speak."

"Yes." Meng Fan reached out and took out a peach blossom from his wine glass. "On Sun Moon Peak, I want to teach the Dragon Emperor, repel Xiao Slaughter, and frighten the kings. I really haven't talked with you."

Central Emperor: "I guess you have met many people, I should be the last one."

"The powerhouses of all worlds, whether they are leaders, **** kings who have stepped into the Seven Tribulations, or former opponents, I have seen everything you can see. You are the last one." Meng Fan raised his head and looked at the sky. Peach blossom. "gorgeous."

The central emperor took a sip of dirty wine. "I planted this mountain full of peach blossoms. This is the back garden of the Great Qin Empire. There are hundreds of flowers in the world. I think it's too gorgeous and vulgar, so I pulled them out, moved a few mountains, and planted peaches. The tree has the name of Taoshan."

"Peach trees should bloom in March and April."

"Before you come, I ordered Momoyama to bloom."

"It's very good for face, I'm good." Meng Fan also took a sip of wine. "Are you going to step into the Eight Tribulations when the Emperor of Heaven wakes up?"

The Central Emperor nodded.

The words were neither light nor heavy, and when the five saints heard them, they couldn't help being surprised.

This seems to be a secret.

But in Meng Fan's eyes, it was not a secret.

The Great Central Emperor has reached the peak of the Seven Tribulations, and as long as he is willing, he can step into the Eight Tribulations with one effort.

Especially in today's situation where the restraint of the way of heaven to all beings is very weak, the Central Emperor has achieved eight calamities, almost certain success.

If Meng Fan is the biggest beneficiary of the Baibuxian Sealing Emperor, then the Central Emperor is the second biggest beneficiary.

The orthodox heaven is weak, and Meng Fan succeeds to the throne.

And the humanity commanded by the central emperor is like the world, the largest prince, the old emperor is seriously ill, and the largest prince will rise.

Humanity is prospering day by day. This is an indisputable fact. Perhaps the rising speed is not as fast as the future heaven, but it will not be inferior too much, but will follow.

The Central Emperor is suppressing the cultivation base and suppressing the power. He is waiting, waiting for the moment when the Heavenly Emperor wakes up and fights against Meng Fan to achieve the Eight Tribulations.

"I remember the past." Meng Fan put down his wine glass.

The Central Emperor slowly said: "I think of me fighting with you, or thinking of my attacking your dark alliance, or maybe I threatened you with your favorite woman and your granddaughter."

Meng Fan smiled and said, "I remember it all."

The Central Emperor took a deep breath: "You and I are destined to be enemies."

"Regardless of personal grievances, or the dispute over the great road, you and I are both old enemies." Meng Fan waved his hand, the sky full of peach blossoms dispersed, and Taoshan suddenly became empty.

Central Emperor: "Have you seen the impermanence fairy king?"

"I have seen it."

"I think at the beginning, he was the first to put you and me on the opposite side. He was the one who called you and me the enemy of fate. But I still don’t understand how he made his predictions, especially the sentence, you and me. Suddenly, one person dies in one life, and the one who lives will also die, sooner or later."

"Do you really care about his prediction?" Meng Fan asked rhetorically.

"Don't care." The Central Emperor said casually: "It may be a coincidence, but you and I have indeed become enemies."

Meng Fan stared into the eyes of the central emperor, was silent for a moment, and then said leisurely: "You don't believe it, but these words have penetrated into your heart."


The central emperor admitted, but did not refute it.

If there are, maybe the person who said it didn't care, or didn't think deeply, but it may be some coincidence, or it may be other things, which made this sentence more and more deeply rooted in the heart.

In the predictions made by the impermanence king, how many speculations and arrogances were there?

Or is it lenient like ancient poets?

In fact, it doesn't matter.

Meng Fan is a person who does not believe in the destiny of heaven. He doesn't care even if it is the prophecy made by the Dao of Heaven. What's more, even the Dao of Heaven cannot predict world affairs.

Not to mention the impermanence fairy king?

But the Central Emperor seemed to believe.

This stems from the origin of the two.

Meng Fan was never a specially selected person, nor was he a high-profile person. He changed his fate all the way to the point where he is today.

The central emperor, who was born to uphold the humanitarianism, was the heir chosen by the ancestors of humanity. He was unsuccessful throughout his life, and he has succeeded no matter what he did. The only time he played against Meng Fan was a tie.

In a tie, the Central Emperor is still undefeated.

He upholds luck, so he believes in the word "fate" somewhat.

In his fateful life, Meng Fan was the only one who frustrated him and was the only one to tie him.

Add the words of the Immortal King and everything that happened afterwards.

Meng Fan is in charge of heaven and becomes the future king, while the central emperor is in charge of humanity and becomes the emperor of the world.

The dispute between heaven and humanity.

As Meng Fan said, personal grievances and the true meaning of the Dao made them truly become enemies in the end.

"Then, see the source of the heavens." Meng Fan drank a glass of wine.

The central emperor moved slightly: "The source of the heavens."

"Yes." Meng Fan stood up and shrugged his shoulders. "When the emperor wakes up, whether it is the fight between the king and the emperor, the battle between heaven and man, or the rise of a group of heroes, this battlefield will not be under the full moon, or in the chaos realm, the battlefield, I will come Pick."

With that said, Meng Fan slowly got up and walked outside the human world.

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