Supreme God King

Chapter 3216: Choice

The Avenue Times, the ninth year, November 18th.

There are only twelve days left until the day when the Heavenly Court's latest speculation will wake up.

All the worlds are shrouded in oppressive silence.

In fact, since the Heavenly Court defeated the Siyuan Dynasty in the future, the world has become quieter and quieter, because the hegemony of the Heavenly Court has formed in the future, and Meng Fan's identity as the number one giant cannot be shaken. At this moment, silence is the best choice.

It means to watch the changes.

All the worlds seem to be very calm, and everything we do is not seeking merit, but seeking no demerits, or even rather not doing it.

At this time, it is ridiculous that any world seems too impatient, because wanting to do something means that there may be mistakes, and at this moment, they are allowed to do nothing, but they are not allowed to appear any mistakes.

Especially after the three larger Dao worlds of the human world, the dragon world, and the demon world have chosen to close and self-lock, the other worlds have also stabilized. Since the most powerful Dao world is so stable, the other small worlds To be active is to seek a dead end. After all, what is the use of anxious? The status quo cannot be changed. Only the foolish and vulgar will be anxious. The stronger the existence, the more stable.

They are all waiting for the emperor's awakening.


The Devil Leaning on the bed quietly watched the incense burning in front of him.

After fighting Meng Fan's avatar, the Devil Emperor fell into contemplation.

Many demon kings know that the devil emperor is ruminating against the incarnation of Meng Fan, and wants to get some insights from it.

Meng Fan’s realm, insight, and the world he saw all surpassed the current **** king, and he could fight him once, even if he was fighting against an incarnation, it was like climbing some peaks, looking at the distant scenery, his eyes no longer Limited to within ten feet.

So, need to think.

Now, several demon kings and families in the Demon Capital that were regarded as obstacles by the Demon Emperor have also been eradicated by the Jiuquan Demon Venerable. The Demon Realm has no internal worries and no worries. Just wait for the Heavenly Emperor to wake up.

Jiuquan Mozun walked into the empty room.

The Demon Emperor raised his head, glanced at him, and said, "How?"

"These kids are good." Jiuquan Mozun replied lightly.

"Since they are good, they are easy to cultivate. They are all excellent **** kings of the younger generation, but their realm is too low. It will take some time to develop into the backbone."

"If I train them, they are my disciples, and the secular dynasties are afraid of the world's generals coming from one discipline, wouldn't you be afraid?"

"Since you can say it, I'm not afraid. You have also said that your ambition is not something I can satisfy, so you will not covet this demon world. What's more, if you want, this demon world will be handed over to you. Take charge, as long as my ideas, you can put them into practice, and I don’t care about the others, and I’m happy to be able to relax and cultivate myself."

The devil said the clouds are light and windy.

Jiuquan Mozun smiled and said, "I have a question."

The devil nodded: "Say."

"The Emperor of Heaven wakes up, who has the greater victory in the battle with Meng Fan."

"What do you think?"

"I am not the leader of the avenue.

"If Meng Fan can become the Nine Tribulations God King, his victory will be even greater."

"Then can Meng Fan become the God King of the Nine Tribulations?"

"I don't know. Since ancient times, every step forward for the God King has been very difficult. It needs predecessors to pave the way. Once, the Great Emperor Chaos was the predecessor, but he became the God King of Nine Tribulations. He was in the chaos world for tens of billions of years. At that time, those of us who are now in charge of the world are still young, and our realm is not enough, we don’t understand at all, and what we can understand, either falls or goes into seclusion, is no longer. As for Baibuxian, the Nine Tribulations King , And even more profound and profound, stepping on two realms in an instant, it was too terrifying, terrible to be unreasonable, and there were only legendary figures like Bai Buxian in this world. One glance at the scene of the Great Primordial Chaos exiting the pass, you can understand everything. "

"So you think that if Meng Fan is walking on a road without predecessors to guide him, it is unknown whether he can achieve the Nine Tribulations?"

"It's not unknown. Meng Fan will definitely be able to accomplish the Nine Tribulations, but he has too little time."

"Meng Fan is in charge of the realm of heaven, and he can control calamity and accomplish nine calamities. Is it so difficult?"

"Oh, you really can't see through." The Devil said with a smile: "If you have a question, I will tell you the answer directly, but I won't tell you why, if I don't tell you the cause and effect, if I don't tell you the process of my thinking, then in the future you will If you encounter a problem, you still can't answer it?

Just like you want to build a building, I directly gave you a building, and you still don’t know how to build it.

Meng Fan is now calling for disaster and baptizing himself, what about? Essentially, there is no change.

He needs to truly understand the mystery of the Nine Tribulations. "

Jiuquan Mozun understood, and nodded gently: "Then you hope, who can win?"

"In the past, I hope Meng Fan can win." The Devil Emperor's eyes suddenly brightened. "I think the leaders of all worlds also hope so. All the Dao Worlds hope that Meng Fan and the Emperor of Heaven will be confronted. The longer the confrontation, the better, and give the world time to develop. After both lose, the Emperor of Heaven will fall. All the strong came together to kill Meng Fan. This is the best result."

Jiuquan Mozun did not ask the Devil Emperor why he thought so, because he understood.

The way of heaven has been on top of all beings for tens of billions of years.

In ancient times, the gods wanted to change their fate against the sky.

This emotion has been brewing, so in the eyes of the strong of the worlds, even if Meng Fan is very powerful, the worlds still cannot accept the way of heaven to re-dominate sentient beings, and the way of heaven has been transformed into living beings, with their own thinking, it has never been possible before Powerful.

Therefore, if you must choose a hegemon, the world would rather this hegemon be Meng Fan.

After all, Meng Fan has shown enough mind now. The heaven and earth gods all admire Meng Fan, even if he is an enemy, he must admire him.

Of course, as long as Meng Fan showed a trace of flaws, a trace of weakness, the world would kill him without hesitation.

If you must choose the overlord, Meng Fan is the best.

But there is no overlord, better.

"You said, past." Jiuquan Demon Lord said.

"Yes, in the past." The Demon Emperor took a deep breath and narrowed his eyes: "The powerhouses of the world, there may be a lot of people who think this way now. In the past, we thought that no matter how powerful Meng Fan was, he was better than Tian Dao Tong. It is better to guard all sentient beings, but we never thought that Meng Fan would be... so strong. If he can defeat the Emperor, it means that the Emperor is weaker than him. Then, compared to him, the Emperor seems to be better at dealing with it."

Jiuquan Mozun was silent.

Not long ago, he was watching the duel between the Devil Emperor and the incarnation of Meng Fan.

It's just an incarnation.

But still fighting with the Devil Emperor for hundreds of rounds!

Even a large sea of ​​repairing magic has evaporated.

In the end, the Devil Emperor tried his best to suppress and erase that incarnation.

If the deity is here, what will be the result?

On the Sun and Moon Peak that year, Meng Fan, who was still the King of Seven Tribulations, fought two Divine Kings of Seven Tribulations at the same time, and they were both veteran overlords, Xiao Slaughter of the Human World, and Dragon Emperor of the Dragon World.

The result is a complete victory.

Today's Meng Fan is the God King of the Eight Tribulations. As the leader of the Dao, the Demon Emperor defeated an incarnation of Meng Fan in the posture of the God King of the Seven Tribulations.

If the deity of Meng Fan was here, the Devil Emperor knew very well that he didn't even have the ability to resist, and had to rely on the power of the entire Demon Realm to fight Meng Fan.

If Meng Fan stepped into the Nine Tribulations and defeated the Emperor of Heaven, after the unification of the heavens...

The devil dare not think about this scene.

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