Supreme God King

Chapter 3217: it has started

News came from the outpost of the Chaos Realm, and a crack appeared on the full moon.

The crack is about a few feet wide and narrow, which is almost invisible on the huge full moon, so the outpost did not find it in time.

When the news came back to the future heaven, the kings guessed that the cracks might have appeared for a few days.

Although this crack is small and insignificant to the huge full moon, the **** of a thousand miles was destroyed in the ant nest, and the crack appeared, indicating that the emperor was breaking the seal, and perhaps the emperor would wake up in the next instant.

After the crack appeared, the future heaven was completely ready for combat.

From the mainland to the outer domain, all the outposts, strongholds, and fortresses are all waiting.

In sharp contrast to the future heaven, it is the worlds that are getting quieter and quieter, but they seem to be the tranquility before the storm.

Heavenly Palace.

In the future, all the main gods, second gods, and elders of the heavenly court will gather here, some pacing, some sitting still, some drinking tea, but all remain silent.

From now on, the leaders of the Heavenly Court in the future will not leave the Heavenly Palace.

In the future heaven, there will only be a powerful **** king, who has not arrived at the heavenly palace, that is, the old man with missing moon.

He stood on the peak of Lingding Mountain in Zhongkou County, looking at the direction of Yuanyue.

The old man lacking moon was invited by Meng Fan to be a guest in the future heaven. For this reason, Zaifu Shenfu opened a mansion for him in Zhongkou County for him to rest.

The Old Man with Missing Moon is the overlord of ancient times. He once commanded such a huge force in the Righteous Alliance, and has been at the forefront of the pinnacle for millions of years. How meticulous? He understood that Meng Fan's invitation was equivalent to solicitation.

This recruitment, of course, is not to make him a member of the heavenly court in the future. Meng Fan hasn't been so procrastinated, and the elderly with missing moon will not agree, but there are two purposes for the elderly with missing moon to return to monk civilization. One is to take a look at the new era. The scene, the worlds today, only in the future can we see the true new era in the heavens.

The second is the emperor's exit.

Such important events, the elderly who are missing the moon must always see them with their own eyes.

Nearly ten years ago, after the missing-yue old man and Baibuxian had a conversation, Baibuxian turned his life into a full moon and sealed the emperor. Today, whether it is to cherish the memory of an old friend or to witness a new era, the missing-yue old man will be there.

Therefore, Meng Fan invited the old man with missing moon to wait for the emperor's awakening in the heaven in the future.

Meng Fan’s purpose for doing this is very clear. First of all, the overlord of the missing moon old man is really rare. The Seven Tribulations God King, even if you look at the world where the powerful are like clouds, are not many, the Central Emperor, the champion Hou, and the demon. The emperor, the dragon emperor, the ancestor of Mingyi, the Qilin Ruihuang, the horned armor, the **** blade of the Book of Songs, even if there are hidden powerhouses, they can count them with both hands.

This kind of existence, as long as one, can change the world.

The Moonless Old Man and Meng Fan are not enemies and have no interests. If such an existence can be placed in the future heaven, it will first reduce a huge anomaly, and secondly, it will also provide a layer of protection for the future heaven.

The old man with missing moon looked at the direction of the full moon for a long time, and the sun in the heavenly court would set one by one in the future, and he couldn't help looking at Dragon City again.

In the eyes of the missing moon old man, Longcheng was rising up with **** beams of light soaring into the sky.

This is the secret method of the elderly with missing moon, and those blood-colored beams of light are a **** king with prosperous luck.

In the past, the elderly with missing moon could only occasionally see a few such beams of light.

Only if the strength is strong enough to threaten Emperor Bowu's existence, will this kind of atmosphere be emitted. Relying on this kind of method, the missing moon old man can accurately judge the strength of the opponent and the strength of his own.

Emperor Bo Wu and Bai Buxian all had such beams of light.

But even if Bai Buxian is a good friend of the old man who is missing the moon, the two have rarely seen each other for thousands or even tens of thousands of years. As for Emperor Bo Wu, they only meet occasionally.

Therefore, the elderly with missing months are rarely seen.

But at this moment, in Dragon City, there were more than a dozen Dao gathered.

This shows that in addition to the two Seven Tribulations God Kings, the ancestors of Mingyi and Qilin Ruihuang, the other leaders of the heavenly court in the future, those Six Tribulations God Kings, also have the strength to fight the Elderly Missing Moon.

"Majestic weather." The lack of moon said lightly.

at this time!

In the direction of the black and white full moon, a dazzling red light suddenly burst out!

The missing month old man immediately raised his head and looked over.

In fact, the black and white full moon has faded out of sight of the world for more than ten days. The black and white two colors blend and turn into gray, blending with the void of the universe, and it is difficult to discern. The old man who lacked the moon looked at the direction of the full moon before. , But in fact, he cannot see the full moon.

This is the first time in ten days that the full moon burst out with a dazzling light, allowing the world to see clearly.

It's just this light, scarlet dazzling.

As if blood filled the sky.

It makes people shudder.

Dragon city.

Heavenly Palace.

All the leaders raised their heads and looked at the **** full moon with serious faces.

It is conceivable that at this moment, in all worlds, there are also many strong men who have raised their heads.

Even ordinary creatures can see the **** glow of the full moon.

Not long.

A priest walked into the Palace of Heavenly Kings with a solemn face, and said, "The dozens of outposts around Yuanyue have just lost contact."

Master Zhuge was the closest to the main hall and nodded to the priest.

The priest retreated.

There is still silence in the Tianwang Mansion.

No one spoke, but these leaders all knew that the dozens of outposts surrounding the full moon and the nearly 100 **** kings stationed in them were fierce, and very likely, had fallen forever.

What kind of characters are all the **** kings present? All of them are the main gods and second gods of the heavens in the future, the reclusive old patrons, the **** light that has just erupted from the full moon, exudes the mighty heavenly might, the light shines on the world, so the void and laws close to the full moon may be torn Broken, or squashed.

The ancestor Mingyi, who was sitting firmly on the wicker chair, slowly clenched his fists.

"The Emperor of Heaven, is about to wake up."

Qilin Ruihuang also narrowed his eyes like tigers and dragons: "I feel it too."

At the moment when the Emperor of Heaven was sealed, the powerhouses of all worlds could feel that the power of heaven had fallen, and the **** of sentient beings had also weakened.

At this moment, the Emperor of Heaven is about to wake up.

The powerful **** king can also feel that the laws of the entire universe are trembling slightly.

The leaders in the Palace of Heavenly Kings couldn't help but look at the long river of fate.

The future craftsman empire, the capital.

The horned horns soared into the sky.

Looking at the east.

Watching that round of red sun.

Devildom, Devil Emperor.

A pair of eyes turned into six pupils, and the monstrous demon energy surging out.

Dragon world.

Between the mountains and rivers, there are waves of dragons.

Somewhere in the wasteland.

The solo champion Hou stopped.

The Demon God's Mansion, the Buddha Realm, the Wild Realm, and all the worlds have revived from the long dormancy!

The prediction of the future heaven is still wrong.

The emperor woke up early.

In the future, Heaven, Dragon City, Heavenly Mansion, deep in the river of fate.

A cyan brilliance spread.

Like a spring breeze, washing the future heaven.

As a result, the dead tree sprouts and everything welcomes the new.

Many little creatures opened up their wisdom one after another, many monks realized something in an instant, and many figures at the peak of the spiritual realm ushered in the catastrophe.

Then, a blue color flew out from the palace of the heavenly king.

Under the red sun, this blue color seemed so small and insignificant.

But the powerhouses of the world turned their gazes to look at the blue figure.

That cyan figure was brewing some kind of power that could change the primordial universe.

It is flying to the source of the heavens at an astonishing speed.

Since the translocation of the heavens ten years ago, the source of the heavens has been moving in the direction of the future heaven.

But since the ancestors of humanity cut a part of the source of the heavens millions of years ago, and completely closed the source of the heavens, no **** king has ever flown to the source of the heavens.

This is the first time in a million years that someone has gone straight to the source of the heavens.

Human world.

People imperial city.

Above the peach mountain.

The central emperor stood with his hand in his hand, looking at the green.

Behind him, is the Hundred Saints of Humanity!

A hundred saints, in different dresses and different temperaments, stood behind the central emperor.

"He is done." Central Emperor said lightly. "He became the God King of Nine Tribulations."

Then suddenly his whole body shook violently, bursts of explosions emanated from his body, and Momoyama shook wildly.

The billowing thunder fell from the sky in an instant, bombarding the central emperor's body.

After a few breaths, the thunder dissipated, only a faint electric light flickered.

The central emperor removed his plain clothes and put on a golden robe with dragons, tigers, leopards, phoenixes, and many humanitarian chapters.

A nine-linked jade crown appeared on the top of his head.

"it has started."

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