Supreme God King

Chapter 3224: His enemy

Edge of Chaos.

The red moon completely disintegrated.

From the disintegrating full moon, the emperor in a white robe straightened up.

His face was blank.

For ten years, he was sealed in the full moon, struggling to escape, struggling between chaos and sobriety.

The moment he woke up, he raised his head and his eyes fell on the twinkling spot deep in the starry sky.

Many years ago, the Great Chaos once said.

All beings know that the way of heaven will be angry, but can all beings know that the way of heaven will also be afraid?

In the long years of confrontation between the heaven and all living beings, gods and kings have stepped into the source of the heavens to steal the power of the heavens and occupy the laws of the world. The heavens are the big landlords, and the kings are the thieves who covet the wealth of the landlords.

So God will be angry.

Emperor Chaos is not a thief.

He is a thug who can threaten the life of the landlord.

So God is afraid.

At this moment, the moment the Emperor Tian's eyes fell on the flashing spots, his eyes were extremely deep, fear and anger exploded at the same time.

He wanted to know what had happened in the past ten years and why the source of the heavens would open up. He could even feel that there are countless gods stepping into the source of the heavens, looting his wealth frantically.

He rushed to the source of the heavens.


"Whoever the gods are watching, who can still act, kill without mercy!"

In the depths of the source of the heavens, the roar of the gods resounded.

Then, unsurprisingly, the roaring deity was crushed by the majestic power, and was instantly inhaled by Meng Fan.

The more you move toward the depths of the source of the heavens, the stronger the power of the deity will be. The deity that has just been swallowed by Meng Fan possesses the power close to the king of six calamities, and the body is also heavily stained with blood.

After swallowing this deity, Meng Fan's soul immediately had many memories. This **** has come to the world many times. Whenever a powerful **** king breaks through the realm, there will be a **** who will go down to the earth with the catastrophe and try to kill it. And this **** just now has dozens of **** kings in his hands. life.

"Whoever the gods are watching, who can still act, kill without mercy!"

In all directions, the roar of the gods rang again.

Gods are not creatures, they are just spiritual things condensed from the purest laws. Most of the gods are derived from the meaning of thunder or disaster. They don’t judge the difference in strength between the enemy and ourselves like the creatures do. In accordance with the rules for tens of billions of years, take action on any creatures that appear in front of them, and find ways to kill them.

Along the way, Meng Fan has swallowed tens of millions of miles of natural spar-covered continents, vast star-like vitality, numerous fragments of laws, and hundreds of gods.

But these are far from enough.

The tens of millions of li's natural spar, the vast vitality, and the condensed fragments of the law are all treasures of heaven and earth. If they fall into the world, they will have a huge impact.

At the source of the heavens, under the suppression of the powerful heavenly power, the natural spar became a continent, the vitality was highly condensed, and the laws became small fragments, but once you left the source of the heavens, you lost this suppression, thousands of The natural spar continent of thousands of miles is enough to expand to fill the entire monk civilization in just a few moments, and a drop of highly condensed vitality will expand into a galaxy, then atomize and spread everywhere.

A small fragment of the law can also directly evolve into a big world.

As for the laws in a deity's body, there are traces of the true meaning of the Great Dao, obtained by a deity king, can understand the many mysteries of the deity in a short time, and directly promote.

It can be said that the longer the source of the heavens is opened, the more supreme power will flow into the worlds.

Imagine a big landlord who has been in need for tens of billions of years, but the big landlord has amazing wealth. He can hire countless servants, puppets of heaven, and create various gods, so the poor cannot directly grab the wealth of the big landlord. , Can only steal.

If the wealth of the big landlord is dissipated and the poor get it, what will be the result?

After the emperor wakes up, he will immediately rush to the source of the heavens to prevent this from happening.

And the kings will madly **** the wealth of heaven.

But for Meng Fan, the things he swallowed were far from enough.

Those natural spar, vitality, law fragments, and the gods have expanded his original universe, making his original universe expanded dozens of times in a short period of time. The scale is already very huge, and even a few have been born. Thousands of powerful gods and kings have even evolved many strange creatures that have never been seen before. These have enabled Meng Fan, who has just achieved the Nine Tribulations, to quickly enrich his power, but what he really pursues is the source of the heavens. Core wealth.

He wants to see the heavenly path formed by the true intentions of countless great paths.

Then, swallow.

So Meng Fan moved very fast and kept going deeper.

Regarding the gods gathered around, Meng Fan regarded him as nothing. He had already achieved the **** king of the Nine Tribulations, and the **** created by the heavens could not kill the **** of the Nine Tribulations.

The most powerful deity in the source of the heavens is just the Eight Tribulations Divine King, which was brewed by the heavens in order to kill the Great Primordial Chaos in tens of billions of years.

But this kind of power is comparable to the **** of the Eight Tribulations King, Meng Fan did not see it.

In his deduction, even if it is the way of heaven, it is difficult to create such a god.

Meng Fan had already discovered the secret of the gods.

In the long years, the way of heaven confronted all living beings, and at the same time, they continued to obtain wisdom from all living beings. Many **** kings fell, and their wisdom was acquired by heaven, and then imitated these fallen **** kings to create gods.

Throughout the ages, how many fallen **** kings of the Eight Tribulations?

Too little.

As far as Meng Fan knew, the mother Qinglin was one, the mysterious old man of the Protoss was one, and there were only two.

The power that the Dao of Heaven can draw on is very limited, so there must be very few celestial gods comparable to the Eight Tribulations God King that can be created.

And the few that are very few, may have been consumed when the Chaos Great Emperor left the customs.

Meng Fan was about to abandon these gods and continue to move forward. He just took a step, and suddenly his body staggered.

A burst of weakness.

This kind of weakness should not appear in Meng Fan's body.

In thousands of worlds, any creature can be weak, but Meng Fan will not.

He almost fell and barely stood firm. The power of his entire body seemed to be emptied for a little while, the pillar of martial art became a little difficult to move, and the original universe was suddenly covered with mist.

This feeling is vaguely familiar.

Meng Fan suddenly remembered that he was originally a "fish" trapped in a small pond.

One day, the shackles on his body were broken, and he had unlimited freedom, even growing wings, and then flying high.

He almost forgot the feeling of being a swimming fish.

Now he remembered it again.

His eyes have never been so serious.

Continue to walk to the depths of the source of the heavens.

His enemy is coming.

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