Supreme God King

Chapter 3289: Computational power

In the Great Dao era, the tenth year, the twenty-fourth day of the twelfth lunar month, the Legion of Heavenly Court in the future entered the capital of the Infinite Realm and quickly suppressed all resistance forces. In the face of the offensive of the Heavenly Court in the future, the Infinite Realm was powerless and only insisted on a short two. Hours.

The first to step into the "mastermind" were Chen Qingyu and Ming Yi's ancestors.

The main brain is located on the first floor of the Guangming Building. This building is constructed entirely of a rare natural metal, and you can see a halo flowing in it.

Outside, it was calm.

It was so calm that even the wind could be heard clearly.

Chen Qingyu's expression has been a little tight, suddenly footsteps sounded, Chen Qingyu turned her head like a frightened little beast.

Zhiwei, who walked through the gate, frowned when he saw Chen Qingyu's expression.

At this moment, there are only three people in this hall, Chen Qingyu, the ancestor of Ming Yi, the most one.

The ancestor of Mingyi He Zhiweiyi wears inconsistent clothes here. The ancestor of Mingyi wears a wide robe with large sleeves and a dragon pattern. Zhiweiyi is a neat crimson brocade robe. Only Chen Qingyu is wearing unlimited A white close-fitting armor unique to the domain.

Zhiwei walked to Chen Qingyu's side and frowned, "What are you panicking?"

Chen Qingyu's throat stirred.

The ancestor of Mingyi said peacefully: "The vast infinite realm, one of the great civilizations of the universe, collapsed so easily, even the capital was suppressed, and there was no resistance at all. Mr. Chen has mixed tastes, is he dreaming? Illusion?"

Zhiwei sneered twice, raised his head and looked at the huge "mastermind".

The main brain is very large, showing an oval shape, with a width of about twenty feet. It is made up of countless colorful metal threads. A little bit of luster flashes in it. It is messy but beautiful. Any great painter in the monk civilization, Can't imagine such a chaotic beauty.

"The King of Light Brain has no deity, and the main brain is just a'house" of the King of Light Brain. A main brain has the calculation ability of about 10,000 incarnations, and it is also the king of light brain, the lair..." Chen Qingyu is difficult Said. "The avatar of the King of Light Brain will also age. When an avatar has existed for too many years and has done too much thinking and calculations, it will become dull, or become crippled because of fighting. When the avatar is aging, the aging avatar will return to the main brain, and the information in the avatar will be stored in the main brain and classified, and then the main brain will recalculate, clear and reorganize all the information in the aging avatar, and become a new one Incarnation."

"So, the King of Light Brain is not constantly splitting the avatar, but reusing the avatar?" Zhiwei asked.

Chen Qingyu hesitated and said: "No, the King of Light Brain can be split, but the splitting of incarnations is also carried out in the main mind. Some old incarnations can be split into several new incarnations. If you don't return to the main mind, a single incarnation is Outside, although it can also be split, the split incarnations are often incomplete and will not last long, so the main brain is equivalent to the lair of the king of light brains."

"How many similar masterminds are there?" the ancestor Mingyi asked.

"In the capital, there are hundreds of them. There are also some in major cities, scattered and scattered. In addition, in many places we don't know, the King of Light Brain must have made the mastermind."

Zhiwei said coldly: "So, the King of Light Brain still cannot be destroyed. As long as there is a mastermind, he can continuously create avatars."

"Even if all the main brains are destroyed, the King of Light Brains will still exist." Chen Qingyu spoke a little hard. "The King of Light Brain has dominated the Infinite Realm for so long. He exists in every corner. Even if all the incarnations are destroyed and the main brain is destroyed, he will still be reborn in certain places in the form of information. It is impossible to be eliminated. I am afraid it is difficult for you to understand this. After all, you are not people in the infinite realm."

"It's not easy to understand." The ancestor Mingyi suddenly stretched out his hand and placed it on the mastermind.

Suddenly, light and shadow flickered, gathering in the palm of the ancestor Mingyi.

The ancestor of Mingyi closed his eyes.

After a while, he suddenly opened his eyes, gasped heavily, and withdrew, being held by the most.

Chen Qingyu's eyes flickered and said: "This is the knowledge stratum. The mastermind of the capital is the oldest. Any mastermind has reorganized at least tens of millions of incarnations and stored the knowledge of these incarnations. The oldest knowledge is deposited in the most important part of the mastermind. Below, the later knowledge comes first, which is like the earth, which thickens layer by layer with the changes of the years. And the masterminds of the capital are all connected together. In other words, the ancestor of Mingyi, you The knowledge I just tried to acquire is almost equivalent to the knowledge stored by a dozen future husbands in the heavenly palace."

"A dozen future heavenly husband-study temples?" Zhiwei looked at Chen Qingyu coldly. "Do you know how many books there will be in the Fuxue Shenfu of Heavenly Court in the future?"

"What he said is true." Mingyi's ancestor quickly recovered. "The King of Light Brain is different from us. The King of Light Brain has no upper limit on the reserve of knowledge. In the future Heavenly Court’s Fuxue Shenfu, there will only be booked, edited, and carefully selected knowledge. Otherwise, the brain king, his stored knowledge is extremely complicated.

For example, in a war, most of the worlds will only record the victory and defeat of the war, the manpower, background, and leaders of the two parties involved in the war. These are more direct and useful things, but the King of Light Brain is not. A soldier's birth, family, and past are all recorded. It is not an exaggeration to say that he might even record a dust on the battlefield. "

"What?" He looked puzzled. "What does this mean?"

"We really can't understand." Mingyi ancestor nodded. "The thinking of the King of Light Brain is hugely different from ours. This is why the King of Light Brain is invincible in calculus, because we can only calculate one thing, and he can calculate tens of thousands of things at the same time. Make tens of thousands of times more complicated deductions. As I said earlier, the cost of recording a war by the King of Light Brain may be tens of thousands of times the cost of recording a war."

Even instinctively wanted to ridicule a few words, but he didn't say it. He had to say that he was shocked.

"This is what we need." The ancestor Mingyi exhaled. "Meng Fan."

The words came out.

Even for one, Chen Qingyu was taken aback.

Immediately, the dots of light in the void gathered together and turned into a figure.

Meng Fan.

However, both Chen Qingyu and Zhiweiyi quickly realized that this was not the deity of Meng Fan, but just some of his thoughts, which absorbed the time around and turned into a projection.

But even so, the best one quickly took two steps back and said respectfully: "Senior."

Chen Qingyu also became nervous.

Meng Fan walked to the main head step by step, stretched out his hand, and patted the main head.

"I want his calculation ability."

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