Supreme God King

Chapter 3290: Boring conversation

Thousands, uncountable, the king of light brain.

Gathered between buildings and towers.

If you look down from the sky at this moment, it is completely white.

On the street paved with mahogany.

Meng Fan slowly opened his eyes and looked at the countless incarnations of the King of Light Brain around him, feeling somewhat shocked, and said with a chuckle: "I am honored to have such a grand welcome."

From in front of him, on the other side of the street, from the crowd of Kings of Light Brain, an incarnation slowly walked out.

There is nothing special about this avatar, just like other tens of thousands of avatars.

This incarnation walked in front of Meng Fan.

"If you think of a mastermind as a city, then my incarnation is the inhabitant of this city. Most of my incarnations are born in the mastermind and grow up from the mastermind. After I leave, I will return for a few years. ."

The King of Light Brain explained peacefully.

Meng Fan said: "Different paths lead to the same goal, everything has its origin, everything has an end, and everything is similar. Although you are not a creature, you live like a creature."

King of Light Brain: "At this moment, in this mastermind, there is a part of my incarnation, a very small part, about 80 million, I am the representative, come to talk to the King of the Universe."

"The conversation between you and me is very boring." Meng Fan smiled lightly. "Life is impermanent and limited. All beings are doing their best to analyze the depth and breadth of life in order to expand the space of life. Therefore, no matter whether it will become bones in a century or not, everyone in the world wants to be kings, generals, legends, and not ordinary To spend a lifetime, this kind of vision or desire constitutes the soul of all beings. You who have unlimited time will not understand, and the conversation between us is destined to be fruitless, because you do not understand what I say."

In the entire "city", the incarnation of the 80 million King of Light Brain flashed at the same time.

It's bright.

Meng Fan couldn't help but raised his head and looked around: "Is this a manifestation of your thinking."

"Yes, for simple things, one or two avatars can think clearly, and for complex things, more avatars are needed. In order to understand what the king said just now, 80 million avatars run at the same time."

"Run once at the same time." Meng Fan laughed. "Then you know, what I just said can be understood by any ordinary person."

"I know my shortcomings, as early as the battle of subversion in the human world, I knew it." The King of Light Brain is not happy or angry, so he is always calm, no matter how much mockery in Meng Fan's words. "I work hard to learn human nature, but as Xie Feng said, I can't learn it, just like a person who was born blind, no matter how others describe a color, he will not understand it."

"This feeling is very deep."

"I thought that devouring the creation gods can make up for my shortcomings, but I was wrong. The creation gods are still not creatures. They are crude, primitive and incomplete heavenly ways, meaningless to me, but they only further improve my calculations. Ability, and created some powerful incarnations for me.

So I participated in the plan of a new Protoss in the God Realm.

I know that the plans brewed after my huge calculations, no matter how alarming the world, are ‘little clever’ in your eyes. For the kings of the world, only Tao is the real great wisdom. "

"Not bad." Meng Fan responded lightly. "The battle of subversion is still worth seeing, but afterwards, whether it is the Sun Moon Peak Alliance you formed, or later sending Qin Taichuan back to the monk civilization, and using Emperor Bo Wu to launch the second subversion war, in my opinion, It’s all ridiculous. Maybe it’s not just me. In the eyes of the Central Emperor and many Dao leaders, your little tricks are very naive, but you can’t be blamed. The only thing you can do is to keep calculating and make the universe the largest You can’t do the calculations of the future, deeper things."

"Yes, so I participated in the new protoss plan, so that the new protoss I created will become the majority of the gods a little bit and become the main force. Until the end, I control the protoss and let the protoss become a sharp blade in my hands. The plan is obviously unable to escape your magic eye."

"I also know that God has your shadow in Qing. An incarnation of yours has been fused with God in Qing to some extent, so you can influence God in Qing."

"Yes, this is my plan to control the Protoss. In my opinion, it is perfect. The Protoss hopes to escape the threat of Scourge and want to create a new Protoss, but they can't do it because their calculations are not enough. Fine, and this point, I am the best at it. I helped them create a strong enough new protoss, but because it was too fine, the gods could not detect how many hands and feet I had made in it. At the same time, I also affected including Most Protoss leaders including God in the Qing, what a perfect plan, as long as I have a thought, I can create a torrent of thoughts in the God Realm, and control the spiritual world of the Protoss is to control the entire Protoss.

However, I spent so much energy and resources to prepare a plan for decades, but was so easily destroyed by you.

Dispel the scourge.

The impact of this incident is too great. The confrontation between the new Protoss and the traditional Protoss, the loss of divinity, the thought of worshiping you, the decline of the Protoss from generation to generation, in fact, you have controlled the Protoss, because the survival of the Protoss is all In your hands, these are things that I cannot understand.

However, this plan is not a complete failure.

Because in this plan, there is another link. Not only do I want to create a new protoss, but I also want to have... a flesh. "

Meng Fan said calmly: "So you used my blood to create 21 replicas, and incorporated your avatar into 11 of them."

"Yes, I want to see if I can become a creature, and I also want to see how I am different from a creature.

However, this plan still failed. It took a long time for Tiandao to truly become a creature. I only took a few days. It was impossible. After my incarnation took over the re-enacted flesh, there was only a short time to fully control the flesh, and then the incarnation would be It began to decay, and at the same time it was backlashed by the power of the flesh, and eventually became independent existences, namely Chen Yu and Youyunhu.

But... not a complete failure.

I smell it. "

The incarnation of the king of 80 million light brains flashed violently, shining dazzling light across the world.

"Although the time to fully control those physical bodies is short, I still smell... the smell.

The smell of earth.

The smell of wind.

The dryness in my mouth, the hunger for water.

The time is short.

But I still feel it. "

The King of Light Brain suddenly sighed. For the first time in history, the King of Light Brain showed a state like a creature.

This tone has many meanings.

The most is... lost.

"I yearn for."

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