Supreme God King

Chapter 3291: status

"People in the infinite realm have a common problem such as small countries and few people in every corner of the world. When they were young, they thought they were supreme and stood at the center of the universe.

In the oldest era, at that time, science and technology did not have the word technology. All beings lived in the world of farming and grazing. They lived on a dust-like star in the vast universe. The sun is in January, but even the small sun is still a million times larger than their little star.

But in the age of ignorance, the people of the Infinite Realm looked at the distant sun, stretched out their hands to compare, and felt that they were not as big as a palm. They thought that the sun and the moon revolved around them, and they were right at the center of the world and were the perfect creations of the gods.

With the development of the times, the people of the infinite realm have gradually realized their insignificance. The development of the infinite realm can be regarded as a history of continuously lowering their status.

First of all, they discovered that the sun and the moon do not revolve around them, but their stars revolve around the sun and the moon.

Later, they discovered that they were not the perfect creation of the gods, and even the gods did not exist.

Later, they discovered that even though there were so many huge stars in this great world they were in, it was still as small as a dust in the great universe.

The people in the Infinite Realm have always been lost.

While they were moving forward quickly, they became increasingly lost.

But sentient beings are very good at adapting. It took only a few hundred years before they recognized their insignificance and even gave birth to related ideas and doctrines. This kind of thing even triggered several wars that nearly destroyed that tiny world.

However, it still took thousands of years for them to adapt to insignificance to truly understand what is insignificance.

When they really realized their insignificance, this world gradually changed its name to Infinite Domain.

The word infinite does not mean that there are unlimited possibilities.

Rather, he admits that the vastness of the universe is infinitely huge, and no matter what step they take, they are still small.

The pursuit of infinity has created today's infinite field. "

Hearing the words of the King of Light Brain, Meng Fan nodded in agreement: "In this vast and wild, dusty corner world, this kind of thinking has always existed. There are too many worlds isolated from the world, and I don’t know that this universe is wild. The vastness of the world will naturally sit on the well and watch the sky."

The King of Light Brain continued: "I was born into this world. I have no emotions, and I will not be arrogant. I can look at the whole world objectively, and even everyone in this world, including you, cannot be as objective as I am. .

But I still have the common problem of a small country with few people.

That is, in my system, it is easy to take it for granted.

Take it for granted to look at the world and think that the world operates according to the rules I know.

Naturally discern everything.

Plan everything for granted.

Of course.

For a long time, I took it for granted that everything I did was right.

But since the battle for subversion, I found myself always wrong. "

"The battle of subversion has not only subverted the human world." Meng Fan chuckled. "Also subverted all your cognition."

"Yes, yes." The King of Light Brain agreed.

"I once said that if you want to become the Way of Heaven, no matter what your opinion today, you will follow the same path as the Way of Heaven in a few years, yearning for all beings and becoming all beings." Meng Fan looked at his palm. , Gently open and close, hold and loosen. "Then, like a child who just opened his eyes to see the world, he was moody, even crying because of the fragrance of flowers."

"Yes, yes." The King of Light Brain agreed again. "In the final battle, I felt that the Emperor of Heaven was like a child who knew nothing about the world, and you were more like the Emperor of Heaven."

Meng Fan laughed.

"Okay, I've said too much." The King of Light Brain flickered, seeming to be excluding redundant information. "Meng Fan, you have almost infinite power today, but you can't eradicate evil spirits."

"Not bad." Meng Fan tilted his head.

He can't do it.

He can't get rid of demons.

Because evil thoughts and demonic nature were rooted in the hearts of every living being, Meng Fan had it before and even now.

"You can't get rid of me either."

"Not today, it may not be in the future." Meng Fan smiled. "You still don't understand that demons are human hearts, and you are not human hearts."

"You can control all the main brains, swallow my incarnation of hundreds of millions, and even imitate the second king of light brains, and then have my calculation ability, but you can't eliminate me now, so we will have a race between us. Either I truly become a creature and make up for all my weaknesses, or you find a way to destroy me before I become a creature."

"You know, King of Light Brain, I never thought of destroying you." Meng Fan said casually. "Because you are not a creature, I never wanted to be an enemy of a stone."

The body of the King of Light Brain flickered again.

Eighty million incarnations all began to flicker.

Even crackling.



These two words echoed in the main mind.

The King of Light Brain is thinking intensely.

"Your incarnation can be replicated, but your rule cannot be replicated. You will discover this slowly. Yes, I can’t destroy you, but you can’t threaten me. As for one day, if You have really become a creature, well, I would rather talk to you."

Meng Fan waved his arm.

A breeze blew by.

Afterwards, with Meng Fan as the center, the 80 million incarnations of the King of Light Brain in the main brain shattered one by one at a slow speed, turning into photoelectric flashes and disappearing.

In the next two days, in the future, eighty-three legions of Heavenly Court will step into the infinite realm.

In accordance with the restructuring of the Palace Lord Invite Moon, the future Heavenly General Legion will be divided exactly. Each legion is composed of a hundred **** kings, and the leader must not be less than five kalpas. Each legion will also have a number of Ark of Scourge and Ark of Heaven. , As well as Taoist puppets and war soldiers. Through this restructuring, the heavenly court will organize the messy army into one hundred and forty legions in the future, Hongwu Shenfu in charge of eighty, Tiandao Shenfu in charge of 30, and the rest. The Great Shenfu has a varying number of legions.

In the world of **** kings, it can be said that every **** king is a warrior, but the turbulent years have passed. Among the hundreds of thousands of **** kings in the heaven in the future, only 14,000 will be in the legion, and the rest will be invested Other work.

From this perspective, the future Heavenly Court’s full-scale attack on the Infinite Realm, although it is a thunder offensive, there is no counterattack in the Infinite Realm, but it is true that the Heavenly Court will also send most of the legions in the future. After all, this is a war against a civilization. .

With the entry of the eighty-three legions, although the resistance of the kings of the infinite realm exists, it is not fierce. As Wang Haicheng once said, in the infinite realm, the trend of thought against the rule of the king of light brain has always been there, and because The more powerful the King of Gods hopes to overthrow the specter of the King of Light Brain that wanders in every corner of the infinite realm, and after the final battle, the general trend of the universe has been determined, and Chen Qingyu’s activity and mediation have been made, so the infinite realm is in After the important army fleet was destroyed, the thought of resistance quickly disappeared.

Conquerable is one aspect.

What is really difficult is the next problem Heavenly Court will face in the future.

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