Supreme God King

Chapter 3308:

In the Tielu Hall, Gu Xin proudly represented the future heaven, and took the lead to speak, announcing the opening of the first World Congress, but then, his gaze turned to the direction of the Kylin family on the silver chair.

Ruihuang, who had just sat down not long ago, stood up and walked towards the middle of the hall.

The eyes of all kings focused on him.

Afterwards, on the Tian Wang Zhu Bo's podium, Nangong Jingyu's voice calmly said: "According to the previously agreed conference process, please speak on behalf of the Tian Wang."

Regarding this arrangement, the kings did not show any surprised expressions. The Emperor Rui is now reclusive, but this reclusive is only nominal. He continues to be active as a pavilion elder. After all, in the past, he was the future heaven. A very small number of the Seven Tribulations God Kings are pillar-like existences. In the turbulent era, he still cannot retreat.

In this conference, Meng Fan is not there, and it is difficult for the kings to guess where Meng Fan is. They can only simply think that Meng Fan is doing "something that the kings cannot understand." Then who will open the book on behalf of Meng Fan What about the prologue of the conference?

The first World Congress was held in the Divine Mansion of Fasi. It’s no problem that Zhiweiyi was appointed as the Daitian King, sitting on Meng Fan’s chair and looking around at everyone. There is no problem. Let the most be one. To really represent Meng Fan as the opening of this conference, his weight and reputation are obviously not enough.

Therefore, as it should be, Qilin Ruihuang should do this.

Under the gaze of the kings, his long black hair almost reached his ankles, his face was fair, his eyes were clear, a simple black robe, Qilin Ruihuang stood on the podium easily and looked at thousands of **** kings. , The solemn face suddenly smiled, and said: "What are you doing so nervously, I am not Meng Fan."

As soon as this remark came out, the atmosphere of the venue changed a bit, but it was not relaxed. Some **** kings naturally relaxed, such as the ancient elephant tribe in the wasteland and the demon tribe in the demon palace. They all smiled, but there are still In some worlds, the expression becomes more serious.

The meaning of Qilin Ruihuang's words is very simple and easy to understand. Meng Fan is worthy of your fear. Meng Fan can also make the world fear.

After saying this, the Emperor Rui leaned on the podium with one hand casually: "I don’t want to say much. First of all, I welcome you to the future heaven and participate in the first World Congress. This is the truth. If it’s not the case, your ability to come has already explained a lot of problems. In addition, in the near future, the Heavenly King’s succession ceremony, I hope everyone will also be there. Dragon City has already made a list of guests for the banquet. If you can’t come, we will invite it."

The same as before, after Rui Huang said this, there were still people smiling and some serious, and the meaning in the words couldn't be more clear.

"Okay, let’s get back to the subject. The holding of world conferences is of great significance, because this is the first time in history that the entire universe has been lit up. In the past tens of billions of years, the vast universe has been a canyon. The mountains and rivers separated all civilizations from the world. Tens of millions of years ago, only a few people in the world knew about the existence of the infinite realm. Millions of years ago, we never even heard of the arcane civilization. Decades ago, the Artisan Empire and Siyuan Dynasty were still a mystery.

Except for the huge universe, even if it is just here, in the very center, in the depths of our world, there are still many secrets hidden. In the pinnacle book that year, the legendary Bai Buxian who occupied the second place all the year round, the old man did not recognize it, and many people did not recognize it. There were many secrets like this.

In the past ten short years...ten years, compared with a relatively long history, it is really just a snap... We have worked together to lift the veil of the entire universe, drive away all darkness, and connect all civilizations and the world. Together, at this moment, there are many expeditions in the heavens in the future that are exploring further corners of the world.

We were primitive and barbaric at the moment when we emerged from the dark and the wild. In the past ten years, we have been in this process. The weak and the strong eat the strong, the fittest survive, kill or fight, without mercy, and today, we have survived. That moment passed.

Swordsmen, you can let go. We work together to establish a new world order. This magnificent cause requires the efforts of everyone here.

Finally, thank you again for being able to come to the future heaven. "

After Qilin Ruihuang finished speaking, he tapped the podium lightly with his knuckles, which seemed to be a very random movement.

There was a round of applause in the venue.

When Rui Huang returned to his position, the applause ceased.

"Thank you Ruihuang." Nangong Jingyu took the conversation and opened an iron book: "Then, the first thing we need to confirm is the procedures and regulations of the world conferences.

According to the opinions of the representatives of the world who first stepped into the heavenly court in the future, we have decided on the following points. Please make your decision. Once it is decided, it will not be changed, and it will exist as an iron law.

One, the world conferences are held every ten years.

Second, the major ‘powers’ of the primordial universe are regarded as individuals and are members of the world conferences. Members are divided into three levels, with different rights and obligations. The concept of ‘power’ will be explained below.

3. The concept of'power' is recognized by the members of the world conferences. When a certain first-level member or more than half of the second- and third-tier members of the world conferences recognize a power, then this power exists and has the ability to join Qualifications for the World Congress.

Fourth, the first group of members of the world conferences are determined to be: the future heaven, the future craftsman empire, the wilderness, the demon god’s mansion, the glory empire, the infinite realm, the Aolong empire. The seven forces are recognized as the founding forces and have not violated Under the constitution, the seven-party forces cannot be removed, but the first-level member has the right to remove the second-level or third-level member without objection.

5. The contents of each world conference include: resolving world disputes, amending major laws, adding or reducing world conference institutions, adjusting world conference assets, increasing or reducing members, and sanctions. In the part of the conference that requires voting, first-level members have ten votes, second-level members have five votes, and third-level members have one vote.

6. Under special circumstances, the first-level members have the right to convene an extraordinary meeting, which will open after obtaining a majority of votes. "

Nangong Jingyu closed the heavy iron book and looked to the kings: "These six articles are the agreed statutes of the world conferences. At this stage, the tentative ranks of the seven members are, first level, one member, and are for the future heaven. The second level, six members, are the future craftsman empire, the waste world, the demon god’s mansion, the glory empire, the infinite realm, and the Oron empire. Then, what are the opinions of the founding forces of the seven parties? Please speak."

As soon as the voice fell, Ju Xiaoxian raised a hand and attracted some eyes.

"I agree." Ju Xiaoxian said lightly.

Not far away, the Demon God's Mansion Kui Fazi also raised a hand: "I agree."

The messenger of the Infinite Realm, the messenger of the Glory Empire, the messenger of the future craftsman empire, and the messenger of the Oron Empire all raised a hand: "Agree."

On the throne of the king of heaven, on behalf of the king of heaven, raised a hand: "Agree."

Nangong Jingyu nodded lightly: "Then the regulations are passed."

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