Supreme God King

Chapter 3309: Future Alliance

The basic statutes of the world conferences were naturally drafted by the future heavenly court, and the positions of the second-level members were also given by the future heavenly court. The approval of this vote is also reasonable.

Anyone who looks at the basic statutes can see that the world conferences are the beginning of heaven's dominance of the worlds in the future.

In the basic charter, the Heavenly Court in the future possesses immensely huge powers. The biggest power is the ability to remove members from the World Congresses. Because there is only one member of the first-level member of the Heavenly Court in the future, the highest authority belongs to the Heavenly Court in the future.

The worlds cannot express dissent, because the worlds are not members of the world conferences. They are just invited to "watch" the first world conferences. They can also choose not to join the world conferences. From this perspective, The World Congress is actually a big alliance planned with the heaven as the center of the future. Naturally, other forces have no right to express any opinions on this big alliance.

In this "Future Alliance", the second-tier members are all iron-clad alliances of the future heaven. Infinite Realm is still in a "half puppet" state. The power of the new ruling Chen Qingyu is not as high as the supreme power.

Nangong Jingyu confirmed the constitution several times, sealed it up, hung it in the middle of the Tielu Hall, and gave the rubbed version to the second-level members, and announced the establishment of the world conventions.

At this point, most of the world **** kings present were still in a state of serious and thoughtful expressions.

Soon, the **** kings of all worlds thought it out clearly, and they absolutely couldn't deny two things.

First, the newly established world conferences are "hegemonic conferences." The so-called fairness is natural, but this fairness is based on the recognition of the supremacy of the heavenly courts in the future. Joining the world conventions is equivalent to acknowledging the heavenly courts in the future. Dominance.

Second, if you do not join the world conferences, you will be excluded from the mainstream world in the future, or even excluded from the order of the new world. No matter where you are, as long as you are not in the world conferences, it is equivalent to being excluded. In the marginal world, their rights and interests will not be guaranteed, and their status will not be recognized. All the welfare of the new world has nothing to do with them, but many disasters in the new world may be related to them.

These two points are unbreakable.

Once the world conferences are completed, the future alliance has been established, and the situation of the new world is also established. To break this situation is to destroy the future alliance and the future heaven.

Is it possible?

Of course it is possible.

If all the forces that are unwilling to participate in the future alliance are regarded as a whole and wage war against the future alliance, then in terms of strength, they must surpass the future alliance, even if the fighting power of the countless war-fighting gods in the future heaven is overestimated. , This battle is still fought.

Just like the past ten years, the more distant era.

But that era has passed.

Just as Qilin Ruihuang said, the barbaric, dark world, which relies on the weak and the strong and the law of power to operate, has ended.

In the past ten years, the black death catastrophe, the great catastrophe of the era, the great avenues have risen, the wars have been conquered, the heroes are fighting for hegemony, and the war is endless. The morale of the world has been consumed almost. The tone also relaxes. Today, who else is really willing to start a big battle?

What's more, this may be the first full-scale war in the universe in the past and present?

But these analyses are actually not important.

Soon, the kings all recognized a truth, which was the third truth they couldn't break.

In fact, this truth has always existed, and the kings cannot ignore it, but this truth is too huge, as huge as the sky. Very often, people who are busy with the immediate things rarely raise their heads to look at the huge sky.

Meng Fan.

He is the sky, this is not an adjective, this is a fact.

He is already equal to the sky.

The fact that Meng Fan threatened the entire Demon Realm by one person has spread throughout the world.

The Demon Realm is certainly not the strongest among the many Dao Worlds. In the past few years, the most powerful forces recognized are the future Heavenly Court, the Human Realm, and the Infinite Realm. This is the first-rate world, but the Demon Realm follows closely. After that, it ranked second.

Meng Fan could rely on himself to threaten the entire Demon Realm, but the Devil Emperor did not dare to take risks.

If you don't rely on realm, but rely on strength to divide the gods into ranks, then the One-Tribulation God King is of the star level, and any One-Tribulation God King has the power to destroy a small star.

Then the Five Tribulations Divine King is of the dimensional level, because the Five Tribulations Divine King can tear down the dimensional barrier.

The Seven Tribulations Divine King is an extra-dimensional level, and they have the power to penetrate a dimension, or even suffocate a dimension.

What level is Meng Fan?

It’s impossible to know what realm Meng Fan has reached today. Throughout the ages, the highest realm of God Kings was only divided into the Nine Tribulations, but all kings agreed that Meng Fan’s power has surpassed the Nine Tribulations. Certainly, but after the Demon Realm incident, the kings can use their power to determine the level of Meng Fan. He is a "world-level" existence.

One person has the fighting power of a great world.

It is not terrible to let one Dao World confront another Dao World.

But when such a majestic power is concentrated on a person, who can come and leave if he wants, no one can stop him, no one can stay, and no one can even survive in front of him for an instant, then too terrifying.

Moreover, the world also knew that Meng Fan at this time was far from reaching the peak.

Many Dao’s true meanings scattered in the primordial universe are quickly returning to Meng Fan and are refined by him. At this moment, there is news that about one-third of the Dao’s true meanings have been refined by Meng Fan, about a thousand, but still There are two-thirds of the true meaning of the Dao, which means that Meng Fan still has two-thirds of room for improvement!

He is already an incomprehensible existence in the world.

While the kings were meditating, Nangong Jingyu started the next content of the first conference.

Expand the membership of the World Congress.

That is to expand the "Future Alliance".

First of all, Nangong Jingyu admitted that the world represented by all the **** kings present can be regarded as a complete power, and they already have the qualifications to become members.

Immediately afterwards, all forces that want to become members can apply to the world conferences and express their agreement with the basic statutes, and then the existing members of the world conferences will decide whether to accept them, and then they need to submit to the world conferences accurate and accurate information about their own forces. Comprehensive information, and then symbolically contribute some resources to the treasury of the world conferences for use in the operation of the world conferences, and you can become members.

After Nangong Jingyu finished speaking, the meeting was adjourned.

The next meeting will be held in six hours. These six hours will give the world time for them to apply to join the major league.

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