Supreme God King

Chapter 3314: Ruling legion

Inviting the Moon Palace Lord, as the future God of the Heavenly Court Hongwu, clearly explained the relationship between the worlds in the new era.

Peace will become the norm, war will become accidental, and the world conferences will protect all members and destroy the non-members or members who started the war.

End the war in the cruelest, fiercest, and most determined way.

These remarks have caused many gods in the hall to think and silence. They know that from now on, the world conferences will enter the most serious stage. The previous discussion was only about regulations and laws, and the next one will be Real things.

Regulations and laws, if no one observes or enforces them, is just decoration. The law needs someone to enforce it.

Inviting the Moon Palace Lord’s gaze stayed on the faces of the kings in the hall for a moment, and continued: “The world congresses need their own military power to maintain peace and order. In order to maintain peace, the world congresses will establish the'Allied Forces of the World'. It is recommended for each member force. It is preliminarily drafted that the world coalition forces will be composed of 20,000 gods, responsible for maintaining the normal peace of the world, and direct attacks on the forces that start the war. The commander of the world coalition forces shall be the'commander of the coalition forces'. The first-level member forces select candidates, and four deputy chiefs are established, recommended by each force. The 20,000 **** kings are divided into 40 teams, each team has 500 **** kings, and the chief and the deputy directly lead a team. Leaders of other teams also have recommendations from various forces. Regarding the proposal for the establishment of the world coalition forces, I have finished talking, and I would like to ask all members to express their views. Who agrees and who opposes?"

Inviting Moon Palace Master's eyes once again looked around the kings.

The forces of Wasteland, Demon God's Mansion, and Craftsman Empire first raised their hands to agree, and other forces also raised their hands.

In fact, at this moment, any proposal made by the heavenly court in the future will be passed. The kings understand this in their hearts. The world conferences are not a conference where all worlds in the universe are equal in the true sense. The first-level members of the conference are the future heavenly court. The members are all hard-core allies or puppets of the future heaven. This is a meeting for the future heaven to establish a new order. The new members have only two choices, either agree to all the proposals of the future heaven, or be removed from the future heaven and be excluded from the mainstream Outside the world.

What's more, the proposal made by Inviting Moon Palace Master was all expected.

The proposal was passed by unanimous votes. Then, the worlds began to vote for the first commander of the world coalition forces, and this vote was also very simple and clear, inviting the Moon Palace Lord to serve as the commander of the world coalition forces as the future God of Heaven Hongwu.

It is expected that within 30 days, the members of the World Congress will send up the list of coalition soldiers they want to recommend, and after the review of the Hongwu Shenfu, the list of the first group of coalition members will be determined.

However, every world knows that this first batch of coalition forces will only be a small part of the true coalition forces. After the beginning of the Great Dao era, the number of **** kings in all worlds has skyrocketed. Only in the future, the **** kings will exceed 230,000. The human world has nearly one hundred thousand **** kings, the infinite realm has more than one hundred thousand **** kings, the arcane empire has five to six thousand, the wild world has fifty thousand, the demon **** mansion has fifty thousand seven thousand, the devil has 60,000 **** kings, and the dragon world. There are 90,000 gods and kings in the Buddha world, and there are also 20,000 gods in the Buddha world. In each of the highest heavens, there are a few hundred gods and thousands of gods, and so on. It is estimated that the total number of **** kings of the powers of the world conferences has far exceeded the Siyuan dynasty in its heyday, about 1.7 million **** kings.

In the face of such a huge total number of **** kings, the 20,000 **** kings of the world coalition forces are not enough.

Therefore, in the future, Heavenly Court will gradually expand the number of coalition forces and only select elites.

However, in the face of the powerful forces of the World Congress, the war may be obliterated in its infancy. Therefore, the world coalition forces whose main task is to maintain peace in the universe may not have much use. The true meaning of this coalition is approximately There are only two, one is deterrence, and the other is to promote the integration between the members of the World Congress. When they become fellow brothers and stay together day and night, this integration will be very fast.

Of course, there is a hidden meaning. The leader of this coalition is the Hongwu Lord God of the Heavenly Court in the future, and also symbolizes the military power of the Heavenly Court in commanding the world in the future, which is of great symbolic significance.

Inviting the Moon Palace Master to return to the seat of the Lord God, at this time, Lonely Heart walked down step by step.

In the past ten years, this master **** of law, who has been famous all over the world, is active on the main stage as brothers Meng Fan, holding the path of nirvana. As the king of the Seven Tribulations, he has his in almost every battle. The figure, and they are all the main force, probably no one knows the arrogance and self-righteousness of the young heart, the arrogance and self-righteousness of the young, the life-and-death arrogance that has been seen since ten years ago. Calm and indifferent, even gradually becoming one of the pillars of the future heaven.

And when he walked to the podium, the kings of the world knew that something really important was about to happen.

Standing proudly in front of the podium, he gently kneaded his neck. This movement seemed very casual and made everyone watch him quietly. Afterwards, he smiled proudly and said: "Peace has already come from the allied forces of the world. Maintained, then the task of maintaining order will be handed over to the Judging Corps.

The first laws of the world have come to the hands of all members. These laws are rough, but the core content is clear. The laws will maintain the basic equality and equal rights among the members of the world conferences and provide a good environment for the world. To create a world that is infinitely close to perfection for the latecomers, the war and chaos must be stopped, and this is the meaning of order.

In the years to come, we will make up for and perfect the laws of the world together, and all members must abide by the laws of the world and self-discipline. Then the law and order of the world will be upheld by the Judgment Corps. The Judgment Corps will We have the power to arrest, maintain stability, and temporarily try in emergency situations. Of course, the final conviction will still be tried by the world courts. Now, we have to vote whether we agree to establish a ruling army and Grand court. "

Zhi Weiyi raised a hand and agreed.

Representatives of the world also raised their hands in agreement.

All this is as it should be.

Lonely and proudly continued: "The ruling legion is planning to select eight thousand **** kings. The leader is the grand ruling officer and the executive officer. The grand ruling officer is responsible for controlling the entire ruling army, and the executive officer is responsible for managing each team. Each team will have forty kings. The first, second, and third teams will be directly led by the chief adjudicator. In addition, the chief adjudicator has the right to appoint and remove executive officers, and the adjudicating legion will act alone, but the content of the action needs to be reported to or applied to the grand court, and the world coalition forces Similarly, the rulings of the ruling legion will be recommended by the world.

Oh, yes, I almost forgot one. As a symbol of law and order, the ruling legion only accepts the Five Tribulations God King or higher realm God King to join. "

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