Supreme God King

Chapter 3315: Four-way device

The ruling legion will become the most powerful force in the world conferences.

Since peace has become the norm, the symbolic significance of the allied forces of the world will exceed the actual meaning, but the ruling legion is different. They will only be composed of the five kalpas and above. This is terrible. You must know that the worlds today have the six kalpas. The king of gods is still a powerful existence, which is rare. Among the several major gods in the heaven in the future, more than half will be the kings of six calamities. From this, it is conceivable that the ruling legion will become a powerful combat force.

Eight thousand gods, a legion of **** kings consisting of five, six, and even seven calamities.

They will wander through the worlds, maintain order, enforce the law, and even cut first and then play, obliterate those who violate the laws of the world.

The law is naturally fair, but at the same time it is faintly inclined to the future heaven, because after the formation of the world conventions, the so-called right and wrong, good and evil, good and evil, including justice, will be determined by the future heaven.

Then, in the future, the heavenly court can accuse anyone of being wrong, and then a powerful ruling army will be dispatched.

Every member of the ruling corps will become an enforcer, a monitor, and even a judge.

Therefore, in silence, the worlds are all thinking about how to win more places in the Judging Corps.

"Strength is only one aspect." Gu Xin proud continued to speak. "It is also the prerequisite for everything, but after having sufficient realm and strength, the more important thing is the attitude, absolutely maintaining the dignity of the world conferences, and the attitude of the world order, impartiality, no two-mindedness, this is The basic requirements of the ruling corps for the rulings. Each member who applies to join will undergo a 100-day review. After one hundred days, they will assist the ruling corps as a temporary member, and when they have made enough contributions and achievements After that, you can formally join the Judgment Corps and become a qualified judgment. The Judgment Corps will have separate and inviolable regulations, and any member who violates the rules will be immediately removed and will never be allowed to join the Judgment Corps again.

After becoming full members, the judges of the Judgment Corps need to be trained for one hundred and thirty-five days. The training content includes memorizing the laws of the world and the Judgment Corps Declaration, as well as learning the mysteries of battle and the world. It is compulsory to be proficient in the various secrets of the worlds, but it must be understood. In this regard, the intelligence and information of the worlds collected by the world conferences will be fully disclosed to the members of the ruling army.

Members of the Judging Legion have the qualifications to "walk in the world". They can pass through the world at will without obstruction. The law enforced is higher than the local laws of the world. When needed, the worlds need to provide all conveniences for the members of the Judging Legion. These generals Make clear written rules. If the worlds are found to violate the above requirements, the world conferences will be held accountable or punished.

The members of the ruling legion will be equipped with four pieces of Taoism uniformly, namely—"

Lonely proud of the palm of his hand, a token appeared in his palm.

On the front of this token is written "dignity, cautious, ruthless", and on the back are the words "World Congress, Great Court, and Ruling Legion". On the edge of the token, there are many small and uneven scratches. He is a powerful king with amazing eyesight, and he can see such things as numbers, codes, etc. on these tiny nicks.

The token appears black and gold as a whole, with halo and ripples around it.

This is a low-grade Taoist device!

Moreover, it is made of an extremely rare metal that is not recognized by the gods of the world.

Several representatives of the infinite field thoughtfully.

Yes, this material is an alloy from an infinite field, but not exactly.

Gu Xinao directly solved the doubts of the kings: "This'relentless card' is the identity symbol of the members of the Judgment Corps. It is a lower-grade Taoist device, but it is much harder than ordinary lower-grade Taoist devices, and even comparable to many middle-grade Taoists. The material of the Ruqing card comes from three places, most of which are the secret alloys of the infinite realm, and the other parts are the earth dragon stone of the craftsman empire and the natural spar of the future heaven. The engraving, formation, and seal are In the future, the Heavenly Palace’s Zaifu God’s Mansion and Fasi’s God’s Mansion will be jointly produced, but the craftsmanship of the entire talisman is the craftsmanship of the craftsman’s empire. The spirits are different. The spirits in the ruthless cards are not completely'free'. They can think like other spirits, but they can only think within a limited range, and they will report news to the Grand Court and the headquarters of the Judging Corps in real time. The spirit cannot be promoted by itself, and the realm is locked. In general, the spirit of the ruthless card is very similar to the optical brain in the infinite field, but it is strictly controlled by the grand court and the headquarters of the ruling legion. If the ruthless card is held Those who have made enough achievements can apply for promotion to Qi Ling."

A ruthless card that combines the skills of the craftsman's empire, the technology of the infinite field, and the "Tao" of the heaven in the future. Although it is only a low-grade Taoist tool, it makes the world serious. Such a low-grade Taoist device is quite powerful, and from this it shows the power of the world conventions, because it gathers the power of the various worlds of the universe.

Guxin proudly waved his hand again.

From outside the hall, a black and gold cloak flew into the arena.

The cloak looks unpretentious, but it seems very heavy. In the center of the cloak is a red sword inserted upside down on a book, giving people the illusion of a sword hanging above their heads, shuddering.

Gu Xin Ao flicked his fingers, and the cloak fell on him. This obviously inappropriate size cloak expanded to just the size that can cover Gu Xin Ao.

This is a middle-grade Taoist device!

"Judgment boxer armor, the middle-grade Dao weapon, is different from the ruthless card. The spirits in the ruling boxer armor have great freedom, and even their minds are infinitely close to people. They are not loyal to any master, only unconditionally. Allegiance to the ruling legion headquarters, and responsible to the grand court, when a ruling boxer armor is sent to a ruling, the armor will make a contract with the ruling. The ruling legion headquarters is responsible for drafting the contract and acting as a guarantor, and the ruling legion has the power The contract shall be annulled after ruling of violation of regulations

In each piece of ruling boxer armor, there are 3,600 layers of space, converging into a large world, and it also contains the meaning of space and ice, which can be motivated by the ruling of the signing of the contract. In battle, the boxer Armor can be used as a ruling armor, but also as a comrade in arms. The flat-angled armor will be made by the heavens in the future and will be provided by the demon palace. "

Lonely proud waved his hand, this ruling boxer armor flew directly out of the Iron Law Hall.

He summoned again, this time, two Taoist artifacts appeared out of thin air in the very center of the Iron Law Hall.

They are a sword and a book.

The shape of the sword is quite simple. There is no exact division between the hilt and the blade, but a whole. The hilt is softly transformed into the blade. The whole body is dark green, and the blood grooves are purple. On the side of the blade, you can see some inscriptions of the law.

The book is a shell made of red gold, with a gold lock on the side, standing firmly in the air, as if growing in the depths of the space, immovable, and without any breath radiating out, making it hard to see or see through.

"Medium-grade Taoism, Great Judgment Sword, and Medium-grade Taoism, all world law books. The Great Judgment Sword contains 16 kinds of true meanings of the Great Way, including cutting, splitting, meditation, mind, etc., and flat-angled armor The same, signing a contract with the holder, and having the ability to fight on their own, with high wisdom, the spirit of the Great Judgment Sword was jointly created by the wasteland and the demon palace. The spirit of the Great Judgment Sword surpassed all others in power Dao implements are infinitely close to the Five Tribulations God King, far beyond the Four Tribulations God King.

The codes of the world are the guidelines for the actions of the judges. The judges need to act in accordance with the codes from time to time. They contain 18,000 layers of space and are divided into five large worlds. Unlike several other Taoist artifacts, there are five deities in the code at the same time. The weapon spirit, each weapon spirit occupies a large world, they adhere to one-fifth of the law of the book, and a single weapon spirit has the combat power equivalent to the two-kage **** king, and the combat power of the five weapon spirits combined can be comparable to the big verdict. The sword spirit, when it is judged that the legion needs to be tried and enforced immediately, the five spirits will act as temporary judges and judge the judges according to the laws of the world. "

Looking arrogantly around the hall: "These four Taoist weapons will become the standard equipment of the Judging Corps."

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