Supreme God King

Chapter 3316: Assembly molding

Four Taoist implements, one inferior product, and three inferior products, this handwriting can be said to be quite large.

Ordinary **** kings can have a natal Dao device, and it is at the limit. Only a very powerful **** king can use multiple Dao tools at the same time, because to use the Dao device, it needs to recognize the master, which takes quite a lot of money. Great spirit and strength also need time.

However, in the future, the four Taoist artifacts given by the heavenly court, except for the ruthless card, the other three are contracted with the holder, and they have high wisdom and are loyal to the ruling headquarters and the large court. Energy to cultivate.

The ruling corps, eight thousand rulings, the standard equipment, that is 24,000 pieces of Taoism, is this kind of handwork not big? A low-grade Dao implement is equivalent to the One Tribulations God King, the middle grade Dao implements are equivalent to the Three Tribulations God King, and the powerful middle grade Dao implements are equivalent to the Four Tribulations God King or even close to the Five Tribulations God King. In one fell swoop, 24,000 gods and kings were created who absolutely obeyed the ruling headquarters and the great court.

Obviously, being able to join the ruling legion is a great honor and also has great benefits.

There will be a lot of applications submitted by the worlds. The ancestors of Mingyi have estimated that almost all the gods who meet the standards will be sent by the worlds to apply for the quota of the adjudication legion, which may reach tens of thousands of gods. Strict elimination, but in this elimination, strength is not the only criterion, or even a very important criterion. In other words, the **** kings with insufficient realm and strength may remain, and the powerful **** kings may be eliminated instead, because in Gu From Xinao's point of view, attitude and spirit are more important. What he needs is to firmly defend the rulings of the world conferences. He even prefers future members of the heavenly court in his heart. The strength and realm can completely make up for it. If the future heavenly court is willing, he can Turning a pig into a powerful **** king, with abundant resources and rich profound support, the improvement of strength is easy.

Subsequently, the grand court was established.

The Grand Court will become the highest hall of all laws in the world. All legal amendments, additions and deletions will be carried out in the Grand Court. The ruling of the Legion is an independent part of the action, but nominally it needs to be loyal to the Grand Court and the leader of the Legion. The adjudicator needs to be appointed by the grand court.

In the fifth meeting, the world agreed on the structure of the Great Court in detail. Of course, the future heavenly court will dominate.

The final result is that the grand court is composed of a justice, eight presiding judges, and 13 jurors. The jurors are responsible for the implementation and supervision of the law, and the presiding judge is responsible for trying the most serious criminals in the world who violate the law. He has the right to judge any world, and he can also convict a world. The judge is responsible for sentencing, overturning the presiding judge’s conviction, and appointing and dismissing members of the jury. He also has the power to appoint and dismiss the leader of the legion. Generally speaking, The justice is the leader of the court and the nominal leader of the ruling army.

In the fifth meeting, after confirming these structures, the world congresses elected the first justices, arrogant.

From the beginning of judging war criminals in the infinite realm with loneliness, the world knows that solitude will be the guardian and supreme administrator of the laws of the world.

Afterwards, Gu Xinao directly selected eight judges and 13 jurors from the members of the assembly. Among the eight presiding judges, in addition to Rui Baichuan and Tianxingcang, there are also Wild World, Demon God Mansion, and Infinite Domain, Aolong Empire, and Glory Empire each have one person, and the 13 jurors are all from the newly added third-level member forces.

After determining the structure of the Great Court, Gu Xin Ao appointed the first Chief Adjudicator of the Adjudication Legion, Xuanyuan Aohan.

Xuanyuan Aohan gave a speech on the podium and announced that he would start selecting executive officers from the world. It is expected that a rudimentary ruling corps will be established within a month, and the formation of the entire corps will be completed within a year.

After the establishment of the four institutions of the Supreme University, the Allied Forces of the World, the Adjudication Corps, and the Grand Court, the fifth institution, the last of the three legions of the World Congress, began to be formed.

This is the "Building Legion".

The construction of the army will have two tasks, one is to protect the stability of the place, and the other is to build the world.

The world congresses have a ten-year plan. This plan is to connect the members of the world congresses together. It is expected to build 100,000 teleportation arrays, 8,000 commercial roads traversing east, west, north and south, and 6,000 trading ports. To establish a trading fleet that passes through various worlds and to unify the time calculation methods of all worlds, it is necessary to set up a big clock. The new time algorithm is based on a "table" made according to the standards of advanced and sophisticated instruments in the infinite field. The time unit of the infinite field "second, minute, hour, day, month, year" will be used. After the calculation of the ancestors of Mingyi, the time calculation unit in the infinite field is indeed more accurate than other worlds, and there is no error at all.

These are the main parts of the ten-year plan, and there are hundreds of projects that need to be completed by the construction army. In the face of the vast universe, ten years are not enough to do anything. After the ten-year plan, there will be another ten. Annual plan.

The formation of the Construction Corps is a president, thirty participating generals, and the commanders of each legion. The number of the construction legion is estimated to be 30,000 **** kings. This number is huge, but it is necessary to build an empty space. The universe is premature, and it is impossible to have no sufficient number of kings.

After a round of voting, the president of the Construction Corps was Nangong Jingyu.

This is something that the world did not expect. According to the establishment standards of the major institutions before the world conferences, all the worlds thought that the leader of the construction legion would be the main **** of the master of the gods, but it did not.

As a result, the five major institutions of the World Congress were established.

The highest institution in charge of academics, spirituality, and public opinion will undoubtedly dominate the world of thought and spirituality in the years to come.

The coalition forces of the world will become a huge army that will deter all parties.

The ruling corps will become law enforcement officers and maintain the order of the world.

The Great Court will become the supervisor and judge, and will have the highest power to interpret the laws of the world.

The building corps will build the entire universe and connect the worlds into a substantial whole.

The five major institutions form the core of the worlds. Subsequently, the world conferences announced the establishment of a "seat" system, which determined the highest power of the world conferences as "seats." Among the five major organizations, the ruling legion is relatively independent, but it is responsible to the court. Therefore, leaders are appointed and removed by the Grand Court. In addition to the ruling legion, the highest leaders and sub-leaders of the highest schools, the world coalition forces, the grand court, and the construction legion are all voted by the world conferences. Without accidents, the four major institutions Leaders are lifelong, but as long as there is a problem with a leader, the world conferences can immediately vote to remove him, and more than half of the votes will be passed. If the leaders of the four major institutions are accidentally king during their tenure, the oldest of the secondary leaders He will temporarily take over as the supreme leader, and then the world conferences will immediately elect new leaders. In an emergency, if it is too late to convene the entire conference, the first-level members will decide for themselves. This is the "seat" system.

Generally speaking, the five major organizations act in accordance with their powers, but they need to report to the world conferences, and their leaders are appointed and removed by the world conferences.

In addition to the five major institutions, the seats in the World Congress have the power to change laws, establish new institutions, abolish old institutions, and reform institutions.

For each vote, the first-level members have five votes, the second-level members have three votes, and the third-level members have one vote. So overall, the third-level members of the world conferences have more than 100 votes. The second-level members The number of votes he has is 18, and the first-level members only have the future heaven, so there are only five votes, which is quite fair.

According to regulations, the first-level member can directly remove any third-level member if their opinions are unified, or even the second-level member under special circumstances.

The authority of the second-level members is higher than that of the third-level members.

The first-level members only have the future heaven, and they have the greatest power. The second-level members are all the iron alliances or puppet forces of the future heaven. Therefore, the world conventions are still firmly controlled by the future heaven.

After the end of the fifth meeting, the one sentence of the most one was included in the founding transcripts of the world conferences.

"We must maintain fairness on the surface, not fairness from the inside out. Pure fairness will lead to equal power, and equal power will lead to division. Only a centralized empire with power can maintain long-term stability and stability. It will definitely fall into a civil war. This is the purpose of the establishment of the world conferences."

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