Supreme God King

Chapter 3353: Meaning world

"The earliest world of meaning is just an imagination, an illusion produced by all the wise men. The formation of this illusion stems from the form of a prophet.

If you follow the division of your realm in the primordial universe, you are now not the God King of the Nine Tribulations, but the God King of the Ten Tribulations. The God King of the Nine Tribulations has endured nine calamities of the heavens, and after you were swallowed by the heavens, Backbone the way of heaven, this is the tenth catastrophe, you have completely mastered the mystery core of the law of everything.

In the civilization of the universe, there are existences like you, which are equivalent to the ten-kilosis gods. They all deeply understand the core mystery of the law of all things and can use them at will. Their lifespan is theoretically impossible. Exhaustive, but not immortal.

Why? Because they can't survive the death of all laws once.

When the dying of all faculties comes, the God King of Ten Tribulations, like all living beings, will be destroyed.

However, the prophets lived through the annihilation of all laws and came to a new era of reincarnation.


The wise men of the world of design significance began a long search.

And finally confirmed the existence of meaning.

In a world of doomsday, what is the difference between man and beast?

Beasts have only desires, while humans pursue meaning.

Meaning can expand the length, width, and depth of finite life.

In the pure material world, the length, width, and depth of life are fixed. If a person can live to seventy years old, then his life length is seventy years old. If he is a blacksmith, then his life The width is the blacksmith, if he knows nothing except ironware, then the depth of his life will be here.

These are enough.

Any creature with these fixed lengths, widths and depths is enough.

But when a creature begins to pursue meaning, his life becomes infinitely prolonged.

In the most popular language, when is a person completely dead?

It was after the last person who remembered him forgot about him.

The length of life will be expanded.

In your universe, the poets have reproduced the powerful people of the past dynasties in the biography of the king through ancient memories, and their life span has also been extended in some form.

Of course, Meng Fan, I know that you don’t agree with my theory of the Eternal Ship, or even sneer at it, so in your opinion, this is not a resurrection, it is just a re-enactment, like a re-enactment of a master with extraordinary skills I carved a piece of porcelain, no matter how similar the two pieces of porcelain are, even if they are 100% the same, in my eyes, in the eyes of many people in the meaning world, they are all the same porcelain. If I don’t tell you, you I would think it was the same piece of porcelain, but if I told you, you would not agree that they are the same piece of porcelain.

The Eternal Ship, the Aion Tower, the Eternal Sword, the Eternal Clock, there are many eternal holy objects in this world, each of which has a different theory to explain meaning and eternity.

The pursuit of eternity is the core idea of ​​the world of meaning.

But to put it bluntly, these search for eternity are actually speculations about the prophet.

Hundreds of millions of years before starting to build the world of meaning, the last prophet was dead.

The wise men can only rely on various guesses to imagine how the prophet's body structure and mental structure can survive the death of all laws.

Although we don't know whether we are taking the right path, in general, we do have some achievements. We have created an existence that transcends the law of everything.

Immortal matter.

Sorry, Meng Fan, I can't show immortal matter like you. Any piece of immortal matter, even the size of a grain of sand, can cause countless people to scramble for it. However, I think you can make some deductions about what immortal matter is. "

"Tangible meaning." Meng Fan said.

Bai Yuze nodded: "It's very close. The wise men who construct the world of meaning believe that since the prophets can live through the death of all laws, first of all, they must have lived in a single law world, and they have lived for a long period of time. Then their physical and mental structures are first adapted to the world of a single law.

In the description of the last era of reincarnation given by the prophets, the wise men guessed that the prophets must have gone through the process of abandoning the flesh.

In a single world where only the laws of space exist, the physical body cannot survive. Only other things, such as information, spirit, and calculus, can exist.

Just like the king of the light brain in your world.

The technology and theories of the infinite field are very interesting. They divide the world into many dimensions. The concept of this dimension is completely different from that of monk civilization. Monk civilization uses dimensions to divide the world. One dimension is a world. This is actually the concept of space, while the understanding of dimensions in the infinite realm is a concept of law.

In their perception, the five-dimensional world can manipulate time or go back to a certain moment in the past, which is actually mastering the law of time.

The science and technology theory of the infinite field initially believed that the world had three dimensions, and then four and five dimensions. In the end, the science and technology of the infinite field had deduced the world to 2999 dimensions, only one rule away. "

Meng Fan said lightly: "Destiny."

"The more advanced creatures must live in the higher dimensions, that is, the richer the laws. The King of Light Brain is an exception. He can live in an infinitely small world, a one-dimensional world. Only the laws of space exist. , He can exist. If even the space disappears, the King of Light Brain also disappears. From this perspective, the King of Light Brain is actually a creature with a single law. Of course, he is not a creature.

Then, Meng Fan, you can imagine that the prophets once lived in a world of single laws. Their way of existence should be similar to that of the King of Light Brain. The only difference is that the King of Light Brain can only calculate, not creatures, but prophets We have the emotions of living beings, will be emotional, will be sad, will want to let future generations not repeat the same mistakes.

Then, before the single-law world collapsed, the nine prophets used a certain method to promote themselves to a new level, which allowed them to survive in a complete void without any law and without any dimension, and came here. A new era of reincarnation.

what is it then?

The wise men who built the world of meaning have made many deductions and walked thousands of paths, and among them, they took the right path.

On each path, they are in some small worlds, repeating the extinguishment of the last ten thousand laws of the last era of reincarnation.

The first way, when all dharmas died and everything disappeared, they tried to preserve the meaning and continued to a new era of reincarnation. Although it was very difficult, they succeeded in retaining a poem. In the state of nihility, the poems have only minimal incompleteness, and then continue in a state of almost nothing.

The wise men tried this way millions of times and proved that it was feasible. Therefore, this method became the first and most effective way to pursue eternity. "

"Save the memory and reproduce it, right." Meng Fan looked a little cold. "I'm tired of watching."

Bai Yuze chuckled: "I know that you are dismissive of the poet's civilized resurrection of the ancient overlord's behavior. In your eyes, they are not the deity at all, but in the eyes of the guardian of the world of significance, the prophet can live through a cycle Epoch, the most likely is to use this method.

If you do not agree, then maybe you can try other ways. "

Meng Fan narrowed his eyes.

Bai Yuze said: "However, before telling you the other way, I need to tell you what the two worlds look like now."

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