Supreme God King

Chapter 3354: Extinction Act

"The concepts of the world of power and the world of meaning appear at the same time, without high or low, nor sequence, but develop simultaneously.

The core of the world of power is naturally the nine universes. After the first war, the nine universes have not had a large-scale war again. They formed a consortium to maintain the order of the power world. This union The body is called the United Universe.

When the united universe was formed, the wise men who constructed the world of meaning also obtained the prototype of the world of meaning through various words, models, and formulas, and began to put their ideas into reality little by little.

Only more than ten years later, with the success of various experiments in the world of meaning and many shocking results, the world of meaning is accepted by the world of power, and the powerhouses in the world of power are also pursuing higher levels of existence and Immortal, taking refuge in the world of meaning.

Since then, the world of meaning and the world of power have begun to differ, and almost all the strong have gathered in the world of meaning, and there has been a distinction between high and low.

In the end, more than half of the members of the Great Council of the United Universe have joined the world of meaning, and the decision-making power of the United Universe has also shifted from the world of power to the world of meaning.

The power world still exists, and the nine universes are still the core and subject of the power world, but the nine universes have become the ‘precipitate’ of the meaning world.

People in the world of meaning are called Taoists. "

Hear the last words of Bai Yuze.

Meng Fan's eyes flashed violently.

"Yes." Bai Yuze nodded: "We are in control of everything, everything you can see and invisible, everything known and unknown."

Meng Fan was expressionless.

After a while, his brows wrinkled unnoticeably.

A chill filled the hut.

Bai Yuze immediately waved his hand: "This sentence is a bit big. Meng Fan, the nine universes and the world of meaning do not allow other universes to develop cosmic-level civilization."

Meng Fan was still expressionless.

But his mind has been working rapidly.

Bai Yuze's words revealed a lot of information.

On the one hand, the nine universes and the meaning world do not allow other universes to develop the highest civilization, indicating that the nine universes and the meaning world have unparalleled strength and can be "allowed" or "not allowed", but the universe where Meng Fan is located is wild Indeed, in the end, a civilization that masters the core of the law of everything has been developed. That is to say, the laws of the nine universes and the world of meaning are not absolute.

Or, they can't.

"At the beginning of the formation of the world of meaning, the nine universes raised objections. They believed that even if they stopped expansion and wars themselves, other universes would always develop civilizations strong enough to threaten the world of power and even the world of meaning. By then , How?

The general proposition of the world of meaning is how to solve the dying of the world of meaning. On the one hand, the world of meaning has proved through 680 billion calculations that the dying of the world of meaning will definitely happen, but the time of occurrence is different, and the world of meaning has also been I figured out a few ways to survive the death of all laws. On the other hand, the world of meaning admits that the methods they have found to survive the death of all dharma are only ‘possible’ and ‘maybe’, so it is necessary to delay the arrival of the death of all dharma.

The goal of the meaning world is very clear, to delay all large-scale wars at the cosmic level. For this reason, the meaning world needs to supervise all universes within the visible range.

So the exploration of the great universe began.

Of course, the whip is beyond reach, the end of the force.

Even the nine universes and the world of meaning, the scope they can affect is very limited.

What I can tell you is, Meng Fan, the universe you live in is already the limit that the world of meaning and the nine universes can reach.

Your universe was discovered in the age of the ancestors. At that time, because the distance was too far, the world of meaning could not find out the state of your universe. It just sent a Taoist master as a monitor, and I am the monitor.

From the world of meaning to your universe, it took me 1.2 billion years to reincarnate four times.

My reincarnation is resurrection from death. This is the way of immortality recognized by the meaning world. Of course, you may not accept it. According to your perception, I am no longer the original self.

I need to keep a record of my words and deeds, every move, and even a blink of an eye. I have to record it. Heizi is my narrator, but the one who came out of the world of meaning is not the one I see today. The account is incomplete, and she has reincarnated twenty-seven times, which is very different from what she once was. "

Bai Yuze waved his palm to a part of the house.

A bronze mirror appeared immediately.

Meng Fan could see that this was not an ordinary bronze mirror, but a kind of "mapping sign" that could engrave the image.

"In this area of ​​my life, everywhere, there are this kind of mapping tokens. I have half an hour in my daily work, which I use to write diaries. The more complete my account of myself, the more complete my life will be in the end. When the yuan is exhausted and reborn, it becomes more complete.

I arrived here after four reincarnations in 1.2 billion years. It was a long journey.

When I arrived here, the era of era had already begun for a long time.

I immediately realized that your universe has reached the sixth degree of danger.

The fifth degree of danger means that a universe has developed to the fifth level of civilization, rule civilization.

And the sixth degree of danger refers to the fact that a universe has moved towards cosmic civilization.

Although it takes an extremely long period of time to evolve from a legal civilization to a cosmic civilization, even with a little coincidence, a legal civilization can never become a cosmic civilization, but sometimes it is also a little coincidence. A civilization has just become a legal civilization, maybe several thousand. Ten thousand years can transform into a cosmic civilization.

When I saw that many avenues had taken shape, and the king of God had begun to change his fate against the sky, to explore the true meaning of the law, I understood how dangerous this was.

So I immediately wrote a letter and sent it to the world of meaning.

It is faster for a letter to go back than a person, but it takes 400 million years to go back and forth.

I continue to observe your universe and wait for letters, four hundred million years.

But 400 million years later, I did not get a letter.

After that.

The world of meaning seems to have disappeared and lost all contact with me.

I don’t know what happened in the world of meaning. I waited for millions of years. After completing another reincarnation, I decided to go back to the world of meaning to see what happened. At this moment, the world of meaning finally replied to me. Up.

Only then did I know that the world of meaning has found a second way besides re-engraving, which can survive the death of all dharmas, and facts have proved that this path is completely feasible, so I supervise each universe and delay the death of all dharmas. The arrival of is not so necessary. All the energy of the world of meaning has been devoted to the second path. They have no patience for other universes.

Normally, the Taoist master cannot interfere with the development trajectory of any universe. There is only one exception, that is, when a civilization is about to rise, such as when an ignorant civilization is to be promoted to a rule-based civilization, the Taoist master can take action and interfere with this. The law of civilization.

The characteristic of the law is regularity. Gravity is a kind of law, and it is the basis of many laws. As long as the Taoists act casually and interfere with the gravity observed by a civilization, all the results they get are wrong and invalid, and they cannot evolve from an ignorant civilization. Law civilization.

This method is a common method used by Taoists in the world to ‘lock up’ many civilizations.

In addition, when it is possible for the rule civilization to evolve into the cosmic civilization, the Taoist will have to take action to interfere, but in the same way, this interference must be hidden. The world of meaning believes that the greatest feature of all beings is that they will always find a way out. All beings know that when they are hindered by an existence far superior to them, they will take another path and do things that even the world of meaning is unpredictable.

However, the meaning world at that time had no intention of wasting energy to supervise other universes, so the receipt to me was very simple.

Destroying the source of the primordial heavens in your universe will take away the true meaning of the three thousand avenues that have developed to the extreme, and you don't need to care about the secret terms, and you don't have to worry about whether it will cause disaster for the entire universe.

This bill is called the extermination bill.

After the implementation of the extinction bill, I don't know how many universes have died out. "

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