Supreme God King

Chapter 3367: Seven sons of the Meng family

In a remote world, there are more than a dozen small kingdoms and three large empires. The population of these small kingdoms is around six or seven million, and they are peaceful and peaceful, while the large empire has a population of several hundred million and is prosperous.

The kings of the small kingdom warned their subjects not to step into a forbidden area. This forbidden area is surrounded by small peaks and some black woods. It is rumored that this is the place where the gods live, and they have lived for five hundred years. In the years, the gods often appeared, helping the surrounding small kingdoms and empires to solve various natural disasters and man-made disasters. However, the gods did not respond to requests regularly and almost never interfered in wars. For more than 100 years, the gods did not appear. .

The gods mastered certain profound meanings, and some subtle spells were spread out. They were widely spread among these small kingdoms and great empires, and gradually formed some systems, collectively referred to as "qi". Some of the more powerful qi cultivation became various The mainstays of the kingdom and the empire, some who have comprehended a certain kind of mystery and possess the ability to call the wind and call the rain became the national teachers.

The national teachers have been handed down from generation to generation, opening the mansion and raising the pillars and collecting the Roman disciples. They are all powerful under one person, and all the national teachers and Qi teachers are longing for the forbidden area, hoping to see the power of the gods with their own eyes.

Two or three hundred years ago, there were occasional young people who tried to break through the forbidden forest, dreaming of getting adventures, and suddenly flying into immortals. Without exception, they were lost in the forbidden forest, and then somehow walked out of the forbidden forest. He could only return to his hometown sadly, and found nothing.

But very occasionally, some people will get some rare treasures in the forbidden forest, and some people will even see the gods with their own eyes, have a conversation or two, get a point, and then they will cultivate a lot of miles.

There are different opinions about the appearance of the gods. For hundreds of years, many people say that they have seen the gods, but some say that the gods are a young woman who is like a fairy, and some say that the gods are tall men, and in the oldest records Tenjin is a young man with a handsome face and an ordinary figure, in short, there is no accurate image.

In the years that followed, those who broke into the forbidden forest would not come back gradually. Some people said that the gods were disgusted with the interruption of mortals, so the forbidden forest would not send the intruders back, but directly swallow them. .

He Ling doesn't believe it.

This young man, who was very clever and unconvinced from his fate, used to learn Qi in order to cure his mother's illness, and then tried his best to join the National Teacher's Gate of the Liuli Kingdom, but was turned away. A year ago, his mother died of illness. Inspired by the impermanence of fate, in order to control his own destiny, he stepped into the forbidden forest and was lost in the forbidden forest for several months. He encountered many dangers and wild beasts. After escaping from death, he finally walked out. The Forbidden Forest.

As soon as he walked out of the forbidden forest, he saw the ancient stone arch bridge.

What surprised him was that this stone arch bridge was much larger than the ancient legend, and it was spectacular.

He Ling suppressed his excitement and walked towards the stone arch bridge step by step.

But he was blocked by a giant stone beast on the stone arch bridge.

Just when the giant stone beast was about to swallow He Ling, a woman who appeared to be a few years older than He Ling, dressed in a pink dress, and whose beauty made He Ling feel unreal, appeared.

The moment He saw the woman, He Ling even forgot the fear of death. He looked at the woman idiotically, and he thought to himself that it would be impossible to see such beautiful things in this life.

The woman asked the giant stone beast to let go of He Ling, and then asked who He Ling was.

He Ling immediately knelt on the ground, repeatedly kowtow, and asked the "God of Heaven" to teach him the true mystery and magic.

The woman said: "Boy, what do you think is the true meaning and magic?"

"Call the wind and call the rain." He Ling replied excitedly. "It can cure diseases and save lives."

The woman smiled and said, "Boy, who do you think is the most glorious person in this world?"

"Human?" He Ling thought for a while. The gods are definitely not human, so he said: "The national teachers of the Great Thousand Empires, and those emperors!"

"If you knew that the farthest distance you could see was only a few minutes away, and if you could know that the world in your eyes was just a grain of dust, you wouldn't think so."

As the woman said, she took out a piece of spar: “There are some things you can learn here, enough for you to use for a lifetime, as long as you are smart enough to become a national teacher, or become an emperor, it’s not difficult. There is nothing more."

He Ling took the spar fragment, kowtow again, turned and left.

When he was about to walk to the edge of the forest, he suddenly returned to his head and shouted at the woman: "Are you a god?"

"I am not. There is no **** in this world."

He Ling nodded, he confirmed his thoughts. He has never believed that there are gods in this world, because in the eyes of mortals, the national teachers of a country are gods, because they have very powerful power, but these national teachers have also cultivated from a mortal all the way up.

If the national teacher is not the end, can you continue to cultivate to a higher level?

Are these gods in a higher realm?

He Ling said again: "I want to know your name."

The woman smiled: "You are so bold, dare to ask the name of the god?"

"You said there is no **** in the world."

"Haha." The woman chuckled, "My name is Zhao Fuying."

"Good." He Ling, a stubborn boy, walked into the Forbidden Forest.

Zhao Fuying only found it interesting and didn't think much.

She didn't know, because of her few words, He Ling suddenly felt that even the national teacher or the emperor could not satisfy him.

He has a bigger goal.

Marry the most beautiful woman he has ever seen in his life.

In the east of this stone arch bridge, there lives the Meng's house, the east of the bridge.

However, if this woman introduces her, she will say that this is "Qiaodong Zhao's house".

The husband and wife of the Meng family in the east of the bridge are Zhao Qilin and Meng Niuniu. They gave birth to seven children. The eldest man, Meng Fusheng, has married a wife and had children. The second man, Meng Fuyan. The third man, Zhao Fuli, the fourth man, Zhao Fuling, the fifth woman, Meng Fuchen, the sixth woman, Zhao Fuying, the seventh man, and Meng Fuyun.

Among the seven brothers and sisters, the eldest Meng Fusheng has a calm personality and has become the King of Six Tribulations. Meng Niuniu said that Meng Fusheng’s personality is very similar to Meng Fan after the formation of the future heaven. The most important thing is that he looks similar. When he was a teenager, he looked exactly like Meng Fan.

The second child, Meng Fuyan, has a quieter personality and good talent. He is already the God King of the Five Tribulations at a young age. He has been living deep in the east of the bridge and has never left.

The youngest Zhao Fuli had left home many years ago and went to travel around the world. There was no news. When he left, he was still the King of Three Tribulations.

The fourth oldest, Zhao Fuling, has a frivolous and eccentric, unruly personality, looks like Zhao Qilin, and has good talent. He is already the pinnacle of the Five Tribulations God King.

The fifth oldest, Meng Fuchen, is quite similar to her fourth brother Zhao Fuling. He is considered to be the most amazing of the seven sons of the Meng family. He is already at the pinnacle of the Six Tribulations and is quite lawless. She seems to be afraid of her mother Meng Niu and Niu He Big brother Meng Fusheng.

The sixth Zhao Fuying, like Meng Fuyan, has been waiting at the east of the bridge. He only accompanies the mountains and fields every day. He loves flowers and plants and is a **** of the Three Tribulations.

The seventh old Meng Fuyun, with a gentle and elegant personality, was born in the realm of Shenyuan, and it took many years to become a **** king.

No one knows what these seven children will look like in the future.

They are still young.

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