Supreme God King

Chapter 3368: Relic


Endless nothingness.

This is true nothingness. No matter or law exists. There is no darkness or light. Meng Fan needs a little bit of space law to move forward.

Five hundred and forty years.

Meng Fan has been away for 540 years.

Relying on the uninterrupted power of Origination provided by the Origin Universe in his body, Meng Fan can always keep moving at the highest speed. From time to time, he would think about how the Great Chaos moved, and even a few times, he hoped to be able to move. Encountered the Great Emperor Chaos on this road.

Meng Fan has been in retreat for a long time, tens of thousands of years, so hundreds of years of walking alone is nothing to him, but for hundreds of years, he has been on the road, looking around, there is only endless nothingness, and he His hometown has become farther and farther away. Even Meng Fan will feel a sense of loneliness. In this sense of loneliness, if he can see the Great Chaos, Meng Fan will also feel relieved.

According to the coordinates given by Bai Yuze, it would take Meng Fan tens of millions of years to reach the next universe.

Yes, tens of millions of years.

Five hundred and forty years is just a beginning, a small beginning.

Suddenly, Meng Fan stopped.

He was in a trance.

Vaguely saw a light spot in front, flickering gently.

Standing in place for a while, Meng Fan took out the coordinates given by Bai Yuze and took a closer look. If the coordinates are correct, nothing should appear here. Meng Fan can still feel the gravity of his hometown, which shows that he is in this place. The space is still being pulled. Any law or matter must fall into the surrounding universe. How can there be light spots?

After thinking about it for a moment, Meng Fan decided to shift his course slightly to go to that light spot.

Fourteen years later.

Meng Fan was already close to this light spot.

At this moment, this is no longer a light spot, but a small universe.

Yes, little universe!

Just like Meng Fan’s original universe, he could clearly feel that this universe was not born on its own, but someone who, like Meng Fan, had reached the realm of Xiaotiandao and gave birth to a strong man in the original universe. , Dying here, the body and soul are dead, only some thoughts remain in the void, but the original universe cannot be destroyed, so it stays here, and because it loses its bondage, it expands and spreads rapidly. Little by little it turned into a huge universe.

The so-called huge, in fact, is equivalent to the size of more than one hundred supreme celestial dynasties, less than one-thousandth of the universe of Meng Fan's hometown, but the law of light is extremely powerful, so it releases such a powerful light.

The lifespan of this universe is not long. Meng Fan made a simple deduction and concluded that this universe has only existed for at most 8,000 years, and it has only started to expand for 50 to 60 years. In other words, the person who owns this original universe The king of gods died fifty or sixty years ago.

In the first few thousand years of the existence of this universe, its "owner" was the same as Meng Fan, stimulating the flow of time within it several times. According to the condensed degree of some laws in this universe, Meng Fan can infer that the interior of this universe Hundreds of thousands of years have passed since the time, so many gods were born.

When stepping into the endless emptiness, Meng Fan realized that he is not unique, he is only the only master of heaven in his homeland universe, but in other places, other universes, there are also existences like him, which can create the original universe, even in Certain universes, small heavens, may be just a realm.

This universe that is rapidly expanding and spreading in the endless emptiness, the number of **** kings in it is about 50,000, and there are also the existence of the **** kings of the Five Tribulations. Located in Meng Fan’s hometown, the universe is a huge-scale supreme celestial dynasty with its own Civilization and glory, but this glory will not last long. The laws and matter of the small universe are too fragile. Compared with the real universe, it is just a dust. Under the gravitational pull of the large universe, this small universe will only have two solutions. One is the constant being Pull to a large universe, and then when the gravity reaches a limit, the small universe is obliterated and gasified. The second result is that the small universe has not been pulled into a large universe, because it is in the void, spreading and expanding infinitely, and finally the boundary becomes thin and disappears, and then diffuses, and everything in it is exposed to the real void. All **** kings will die.

The small universe does not perish. There is only one way, that is, in the next two to three hundred years, a **** king who can master many laws, especially the laws of space, will be able to survive in the void and maintain the small universe.

But according to Meng Fan's deduction, this possibility is almost zero.

Meng Fan's figure flashed and landed in a small universe, a prosperous seaport in a continent.

The overall structure of the small universe resembles Meng Fan's original universe many years ago.

There are many powerful monks’ sects and worlds belonging to **** kings, but most places are occupied by secular dynasties. These dynasties, the smaller ones are kingdoms, only tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands. The larger ones are the empires, the few with tens of millions of people, and the larger with more than a billion people. They are distributed on different continents and islands. According to the terrain, they are transformed into different civilizations. Approximately, the population of these dynasties The sum is about seven or eight billion.

In the imperial dynasty, there are some "Xiandao sects", that is, the territory of those monks. These immortal sects are all connected to the world and participate in various affairs of the secular dynasty, and the monks can often control the political situation of a secular dynasty. .

In the secular dynasty and the immortal sect, you can occasionally see some **** kings.

But the truly powerful gods do not live with the secular world and the immortal sects. They are regarded as "shanghai immortals" and "true gods". They live at the other end of this small universe, block the exercises and practice day and night.

This scene is very similar to the early days of Meng Fan's original universe.

But later, especially after the power of vows appeared, Meng Fan’s universe completely changed its appearance. First of all, the secular forces disappeared little by little. There were no mortals at all. All wise creatures are monks, and There is no huge isolation between each other. The **** king and the little monk live on the same land. They practice together to create prosperity. Regarding power and status, no matter whether they are powerful **** kings or mortals, Too important.

This situation is possible because Meng Fan opened up his original universe and let the creatures in it know the existence of the external world, especially the existence of the future heaven. As long as there is a powerful **** king in the original universe, Meng Fan will It is up to them to decide whether to give them the opportunity to stay in the original universe or to escape and enter the real world.

Now that you know that the world you live in is just a small universe, there is no need to fight for power and gain status. It is even more ridiculous to stay at the door.

What surprised Meng Fan was that in this small universe, in the world where the powerful **** kings lived, there was an issue that was unfolding in full swing.

How to face destruction.

These gods do not live in "ignorance" like other monks or secular dynasties. They clearly know what kind of world they are in, and they also know that their world may perish in a few hundred years.

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