Supreme God King

Chapter 3463: Vicissitudes of life

Pei Chenglun was born in the Ninth Five-Year Realm.

The Ninth-Five World is one of the three thousand six hundred and fifty worlds of the God King Universe.

The day Meng Fan left, the future Heavenly Court was determined to be the first day of the "new century".

According to the chronology commonly used in the universe of God Kings, after the end of the Era era, it was the first stage of the Dao era. The first century and the beginning of the century are the most prominent studies in the history of the God King universe. Although it is only a short decade, it is about The books and various studies of the past ten years are as many as the historical studies of the King Universe at other times, and they are considered to be the ten years of the subsequent explosion of the King Universe.

After the beginning of the first century, the new century lasted for a long time. In the ten thousand and one hundred years of the Dao era, that is, the ten thousand years of the new century, the first era of the new century ended and the second era of the new century began.

The end of the First Epoch and the beginning of the Second Epoch were not accidents, but the results agreed upon by many bigwigs of the God King Universe.

The reason is that God King Universe has experienced unprecedented development in these ten thousand years, mainly the development of laws and martial arts.

Because Tiandao is no longer a secret, but a knowledge that everyone can study, especially in the future Heavenly Court, Tiandao will become a compulsory course in the highest academy led by Wang Haicheng.

The powers of the world, with the big brothers of the future heaven as the core, have indirectly or directly touched the core of the law of all things in these ten thousand years, and they have begun to intentionally or unintentionally reform the foundation of the law of God King universe, and the extent of intentional reform. It's not big, but the unintentional impact is huge. The biggest manifestation of this impact is the small fluctuations in the law of time. These small fluctuations make the overall time flow of the God King universe faster.

How fast is it?

More than three thousand years after the beginning of the new century, the heavens in the future will monitor that the flow of time has passed by one breath every year from the beginning of the Dao era.

By the time of about three thousand years, the flow of time has further accelerated, about two breaths faster every year.

By the 4th and 700th year, the Heavenly Court announced in the future that the flow of time has been faster by three breaths per year and has stabilized. This means that the flow of time in the universe of God King will not continue to increase, but it will not recover. Undisturbed.

So after 10,000 years of accumulation of this error, the law began to be revised, and the first era ended.

The second era of the new century lasted for ten million years. Entering the third era, this change in the calendar is not due to a specific reason. It is just for the convenience of calculation. After that, the king of universe maintained this habit. Thousands of years will enter the next era of the new century, and so on, so at this moment, God King Universe is in the tenth era of the new century.

It has been almost 100 million years since Meng Fan left his hometown.

This made Meng Fan very emotional.

But what Pei Chenglun said is not the point, just for the convenience of what to say later.

Pei Chenglun spoke, it is difficult to tell what happened in the God King Universe in the past 100 million years. After all, the God King Universe is too large, and the subsequent development is too rapid, so Pei Chenglun chose to only tell the important things. .

The first is about the establishment of "world".

The formation of the world is the result of expansion. As early as when Meng Fan just left, the world conferences launched the development of the blank universe under the leadership of the future heaven. The newly developed world was set as a world for the convenience of management, and created the power of the world and various laws. , In order to form the barriers of dimensions and avenues. At the beginning of the Second Age, there were already about 900 realms, but these realms were almost empty and sparsely populated. Only a few pioneers were building. Among these pioneers, many young people have emerged. Of course, these young people who are still alive have become powerful existences, and they are legendary existences and ancient legends.

By the fifth era of the new century, that is, more than 50 million years ago, the universe of God Kings was completely "filled", and all known areas had already existed living creatures, and territories had been built. This is today's three thousand. The prototype of six hundred and fifty worlds.

Around the beginning of the Fifth Epoch, the number of God Kings in the God King Universe had grown from more than one million to two million when Meng Fan left, to 10 million.

It was also in the millions of years at the beginning of the Fifth Age that the present-day God King universe was formed, that is, a connected unified universe led by a "core world" higher than other realms.

The so-called core world is the original members of the world conferences. To be precise, they are the first-level members, the second-level members, and the third-level members, that is, the oldest Dao worlds and the highest celestial dynasties. These worlds are not adjectives that are higher than other fields. . After Meng Fan left, the future heaven will be completely integrated with the heavens and become the source of the new heavens, standing on the commanding heights of the universe, just like a mountain and river, and many avenue worlds are slightly higher than other worlds, surrounding the future Around the heaven. In the future, the heaven is the peak of the mountain, and these avenues will form the mountain. Under the Great Dao World, that is, at the foot of the mountains, there are many ancient supreme celestial dynasties.

Because of the establishment of many "worlds", in the early third era, the world conventions re-delineated the membership and created the fourth-level members. After that, many powerful people who opened up new worlds established their own forces. These new people After joining the world conferences, the forces are unified into the fourth-level members, enjoying certain powers and shouldering corresponding tasks.

By the end of the Fifth Age, 3,650 realms had been completely formed. The areas of these realms were similar in size but different in development. Generally speaking, the closer to the core world, the more prosperous, and the farther away, the more desolate. In some outer realms, there may only be a few **** kings in the entire realm, but at the same time, a realm near the core world may have gathered a hundred thousand **** kings.

The Sixth Age was called the "Unified Era" by later historians.

In the early days of the Sixth Epoch, after tens of millions of years of development, the world conferences have become very large and powerful, especially the first three-level members of the world conferences have regarded them as the supreme king of the universe, the only So in the early days of the Sixth Epoch, the World Congress began to manage many circles, and gradually put an end to the complex and intertwined situation of various forces in many circles, began to support some huge forces, and worked hard to bring many small forces together. The forces united together to form a huge force, responsible for the management of a world. As for those desolate worlds, the world conferences directly sent powerful kings to command and build. At this stage, the construction legion has become more than ever The time is huge.

It was also in the early days of the Seventh Epoch that the World Conferences passed the "Mandatory Liability Act." The bill made the World Conferences, which were originally the only supreme authority in the King Universe, more powerful. The content of the bill was complex and varied, but its core was about four. .

Article 1. Any creature born in the universe of the God King is a part of the universe of the God King and enjoys the protection and support of the laws of the God King universe, but must also perform the obligations of being a member of the God King universe and recognize the world conferences , Is the basic duty of every creature.

Article two, identity. Any **** king needs to establish his own identity in the world conferences and make records. Without an identity **** king, many interests and powers are not recognized, and it is even difficult to move.

The third article is that any leader of the world conference members must hold a certain position in the world conferences.

Article 4 The replacement of the power leaders of the first, second and third levels of the world conferences needs to be approved by the highest councils of the world conferences.

These laws were passed through millions of years of hard work by a man called the "leader of the world."

This person known as the "Leader of the World" is full of admiration for all the gods who study history. He is called the "Great Man of the Times", "Architect of the Universe", and the overlord of the "Emperor of the New Century".

The pinnacle creature, the king of ten tribulations, is the most one.

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