Supreme God King

Chapter 3464: Last note

It was in the middle of the Fifth Epoch that the Zhiweiyi achieved the Ten Tribulations God King. At that time, the heavenly court's comprehension of the laws of the heavens had reached an extreme level. After all, the source of the heavens was in their hands. For the big men whose avenues were truly in the heavenly court in the future, it was as easy as viewing patterns on their palms.

Zhiweiyi is also another ten-kalpa **** king recorded in the universe after Meng Fan.

With the departure of Meng Fan, the fall of many old **** kings, and the retirement of another part of the old **** kings, a younger generation of **** kings jumped onto the stage one after another. As the leader of the future heaven, he naturally became his generation. The leader of the young **** king, his wrist and strength are impressive.

In the new century dominated by the most unified, in tens of millions of years, what he has done can actually be easily summarized into two things. The first is to continuously strengthen the future heaven, and the second is to continuously strengthen the world conferences. Power and influence.

At the beginning of the Seventh Epoch, the passage of the Mandatory Accountability Act meant the complete unification of the King’s universe. The world congresses had supreme power. Legally, they ruled every corner of the King’s universe. In terms of responsibility, every **** Wang Yuyu's creatures are all citizens of the world conferences.

Since then, the **** kings of all worlds have no longer deliberately distinguished the future heavenly court, the human world, and other avenue worlds from the future heavenly court, but regarded all core worlds as a whole, and regarded them as the true center of the **** king universe and ruler.

Although the supreme power of the God King Universe has been transferred from the future heaven to the world conferences, the rule has become stronger, and tens of millions of years have passed, the future heaven will still be the only first-level member of the world conferences, and the original establishment of the world conferences The difference is that in the future, the heavenly court will not have the strong "dictatorship" that it originally had.

Zhiweiyi ruled most of the seventh era.

In the 493,311,100 years of the Seventh Age, Zhi Weiyi, who had commanded more than 60 million years of the new century, announced his retirement, dismissed his post as the supervisor of the World Congress, and handed over this post. A young man in the future heaven was given. In the second year, Zhi Weiyi left the throne of the fourth future heavenly king in the future heaven. He also gave this position to that young man, and Zhi Weiyi himself continued to serve as the heaven. The lord of the palace, Bo and the six honorable leaders of the world, for more than a thousand years, completely resigned all their positions and lived in the Manyun Mountain in the future heaven. It was a huge manor built in the second era, and many old gods in the future heaven The king lived there after retiring. According to Pei Chenglun, it was a mysterious and sacred place, and it was also the same in the eyes of many young people in the universe.

And the young man who successively took over the most various positions and continued to lead the universe of the King of Gods. Born at the end of the Sixth Age, he was a talented person who was five million years old and became the King of Nine Tribulations. His name was Liang. Chen, after all, is behind the famous door. His ancestor was a warrior **** king in the early days of the Great Dao era, when Heavenly Court was just established in the future, and he participated in the battle against the Heavenly Dao Alliance and the Battle of Dragon City. Since the beginning of the new century, his ancestor has been serving in the Hongwu God's Mansion. In the Second Ji, he married a woman from the Zhuge family of the future heavenly court. This woman was the niece of the **** Zhuge Diaoyun, the ruler of the future.

After that, the son of his ancestor, the great ancestor of Liang Chen, served as the Changqing in Hongwu Shenfu and Jingyu Shenfu. This status is already very high in Shenwang Universe, and everyone must look up. In the future, the Changqing of any divine mansion in the Heavenly Court will be able to flow unimpeded throughout the Divine King universe, and in those newly established worlds, it will be the existence of the Supreme Emperor.

By the generation of Liang Chen’s grandfather, the Liang family was already flourishing, with thousands of people, many of whom held positions in Longcheng. Liang Chen’s father briefly served as the master of the God’s Palace. Changqing later went to Outland to serve as the commander-in-chief of the legion, about this time, Liang Chen was born.

It can be said that Liang Chen’s family background is very good, the background is strong, the background is very good, and his own talent is even more amazing. When he was very young, he served in the Tianwang Mansion, and step by step he achieved the position of the master, assisting the most. Later, he became the second **** of Hongwu Divine Mansion, and became the main **** of Tiandao Divine Mansion hundreds of thousands of years later, and has always succeeded as the scepter of the One.

For Liang Chen's story, Pei Chenglun recites the story. This is what every young person who studies history and dreams of the strong will do.

In this way, we can understand why Meng Fan is not real in Pei Chenglun's eyes.

Because Liang Chen, in the eyes of Pei Chenglun, is a legend, who became the king of the universe after the Supreme One, and the Supreme One is like a god.

Liang Chen has always been the leader of the heavenly court in the future, the chief speaker of every meeting of the world conferences, and he is still today.

Liang Chen couldn't make such an astonishing feat as the One. What he did was Xiao Gui and Cao Sui. He completely followed the concept of the One, walked the path of the One, and always called the one teacher.

However, Liang Chen did some things, for example, to promote the formation of the "three supreme powers."

This is about another thing.

And it was something related to Meng Fan.

In the last million years of the Seventh Epoch, Liang Chen published a long scroll.

It was announced at the world conferences, and through various visual formations, it has also been made known to the world in more than ten days.

This long scroll originated from a small world outside the God King universe.

In fact, as early as thousands of years after Meng Fan left, the expeditions of the World Congress, when exploring the boundary of the universe, had already stepped out of the God King universe, and for the first time truly saw nothingness.

That expedition was a disaster. The members of the expedition team who were exposed to the environment of nothingness were all below the Five Calamities, so they were swallowed by nothingness.

But this incident still shocked the Divine King Universe greatly, letting them know that there is another realm outside the Divine King Universe, that is nothingness, but then many Divine Kings speculated that it is impossible to all be in nothingness. It is "Nothingness".

However, after this expedition, the world congresses agreed to prohibit the **** king from stepping out of nothingness. This was due to the fear of the unknown, but at the same time, the world congresses also showed their ambitions. On the one hand, they expanded the army and expanded the universe. On the other hand, it is also constantly observing the nothingness outside the universe.

The long scroll published by Liang Chen originated from a small, withered world in the nihility on the border of the God King universe.

It turned out that after Zhiweiyi retired, he did not always live in Manyun Mountain. He stepped into nothingness and began to explore the nothingness. It was him who discovered this long scroll and brought it back, but for a long time. Li-no one knows when Zhiweiyi discovered this scroll-Zhiweiyi kept concealing the contents of the scroll until it was announced by Liang Chen.

This long scroll was written by a legend that many young people are about to forget.

This long scroll clearly describes the existence of the meaning world and many things about the meaning world.

Speaking of which, Meng Fan already knew.

When he left the small world of Bai Yuze, he left an avatar, but this avatar also has life. I don’t know when it will fall. Meng Fan left a task for the avatar to tell some things later. Obviously, this avatar is old and dying, and before dying, this avatar wrote this long scroll.

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