Supreme God King

Chapter 3470: Pursuit team established

After the large-scale clean-up of the Xiliang corridor was over, the strength of the Nine-Layered Gate in the Thousand-Star Universe has caused dissatisfaction with several other giant forces. Almost everyone felt that Fang Haoyun wanted to bring the entire Thousand-Star Universe. Enter the "Overlord Era".

Since the Thousand Star Universe was managed by the World of Meaning, the forces that first took refuge in the World of Meaning have grown into a giant in billions of years, checking and balancing each other, but also maintaining peace. In these billions of years, how many big There are almost no large-scale conflicts among the Big Mac forces.

Moreover, the world of meaning obviously does not want the Thousand Star Universe to be unified in the hands of one force.

This is the idea of ​​the world's management of many universes, that is, these universes cannot be unified into a single dominant force, they must be divided, and then people will be sent to manage them.

But now, the situation has changed.

Regarding the establishment of a heterogeneous defensive pursuit team, it has been determined that the world of meaning will set up a heterogeneous defensive pursuit team in each of the three universes in a short time. The manpower of the meaning world is limited, and it is impossible to send a large number of Taoists to form this team. Teams, so the defense pursuit teams of the three universes must be composed of strong men in their respective universes.

The defensive pursuit teams have the highest power in their respective universes, and other forces must provide all kinds of conveniences. After leaving their own universe, the defensive pursuit teams are supervised by Yin Gu.

The establishment of the defensive pursuit team will break the "balance" of the various forces in the Thousand Star Universe. Whoever can control the defensive pursuit team will have the greatest say in the Thousand Star Universe.

According to the news from the world of meaning, the Taoist who is responsible for forming the defensive pursuit team is coming from the world of meaning.

Ten years after the elimination of the Xiliang corridor, the Xiliang corridor has completely restored its prosperity before the elimination, and it is still developing steadily.

At the same time, in other parts of the Thousand-Star Universe, various small-scale conflicts continue.

For example, a cross-border incident occurred at the border of North Desert, and an attack on the nine-fold gate elders occurred in the largest neutral trading houses in the Thousand Star Universe.

All kinds of small frictions continue.

In the Thousand Star Universe, there is a smell of war.

"War is impossible."

Nine-folded door, inside the Danding Hall, Meng Fan is making tea.

Not far away, there was a man sitting on a limp, dressed in a purple robe, his face was elegant and square, but there was an imperial atmosphere in his eyebrows that couldn't hide it. It was the suzerain Fang Haoyun.

Meng Fan poured a cup of tea for Fang Haoyun. Fang Haoyun took a sip and nodded, "The spirea tea in the Danding Hall really tastes good. There is no such thing in the ninth gate."

Meng Fan smiled lightly: "The seventy-five Lingcao Mountains in the Great Hall of Pill Ding are full of precious treasures used for alchemy. This spiraea tea was originally sprinkled by some seeds accidentally, but it was nourished by various essences. The effect is not inferior to some top-grade tenth-class pill."

Fang Haoyun put down the teacup, his face became serious again: "Junior Brother, you are right. No one dares to act rashly by the giant forces in the Thousand Star Universe. It is everyone's great cause if they hurt their nerves and bones. Every sect will suffer. No. Secondly, the meaningful world is staring at it, making trouble, not ending."

Meng Fan said, “It’s enough to show your attitude and gain some benefits in certain things. Clearing out the Xiliang Corridor solves a major problem. In other places, there is no need to fight. It is meaningless. In the end, defend the pursuit team. The establishment still depends on the intentions of the Daoist and the attitudes of several major forces. If we are too violent, it will not be good."

Fang Haoyun closed his eyes, thought about it, and opened it again: "The original intention was to clean up the Xiliang Corridor. After that, things are going out of control. The nine-fold door is big, but it should not be deceived. Tough attitude and nonsense are two concepts. I am thinking about holding a conference recently, inviting all kinds of forces to participate, young disciples contesting, older veteran overlords chatting, and then jointly deciding something about the development of the Thousand Star Universe. What do you think, Junior Brother?"

"Putting on people can make people surrender, and inviting people to eat can also make people surrender. I think it is feasible, but we have to prepare well and rebuild some places to show the strength of our sect. In addition, once the conference is formed, all aspects of the Thousand Star Universe The strong will arrive, and stability is also a problem."

"Okay, then do it."

Soon after this conversation between Meng Fan and Fang Haoyun, Jiuzhongmen sent invitation letters to the various forces in the Thousand Star Universe, inviting the powerful from all walks of life to gather at Jiuzhongmen. It is simple from the beginning. Thirteen years later, it will be the nine-fold door. A grand celebration of initiation once every 100 years.

The number of invitations sent out is staggering. There are about 20,000 copies. In addition to the several giant forces in the Thousand Star Universe, they have received them, as well as those medium-sized forces that cannot be underestimated, as long as there are more than 100,000 gods. All the forces have been invited.

As for some smaller forces, all those who surrendered to the nine-fold gate, or had various agreements with the nine-fold gate, were also invited.

Seeing what this means, the nine-fold gate is going to be a grand event, and even the scale of the young cultivator competition held at a fixed time in the Thousand Star Universe is incomparable with this.

But can it be done? That's a problem.

The invitation letter will be sent out, but will the people who receive the invitation letter come?

Needless to say, the forces that surrender to the nine-fold gate will arrive. Those who have an agreement with the nine-fold gate will also arrive. Others are not clear. If only these forces arrive, then this event is somewhat nondescript.

So Jiuzhongmen actively launched diplomacy.

On the one hand, they tried their best to resolve the various contradictions that arose after the Xiliang Corridor was cleared. On the other hand, many Taishang elders began to serve as envoys to various forces.

But the hardest thing is the giants.

The four giant forces recognized by the Thousand Star Universe are Jiuzhongmen, Saints Hall, Shiluo Tianjiao, and Fengjian Pavilion.

Meng Fan voluntarily went to the Saints Church and invited the head of the Saints Church to participate in this celebration.

Meng Fan went there almost alone. He brought only one person, Pei Chenglun.

When passing through the ancient jungle, Meng Fan took Pei Chenglun to take a break, then took out the drawing board to paint the scene of the ancient jungle.

Pei Chenglun watched silently.

When Meng Fan started writing, a painting that was not realistic but full of artistic conception appeared. Pei Chenglun exclaimed and asked: "Senior, I see you have many paintings. Why do you like painting when I got here?"

"When I was young, I had the habit of painting." Meng Fan said lightly, and couldn't help but think of some experiences in the causal maze. "I want to write down the various scenes of this world, maybe one day, I can send back to my hometown what I have seen and heard here."

Pei Chenglun nodded.

Meng Fan put away the drawing board and said, "I have only one purpose when I stepped into this place. I saw the immortal road, but I have always been far away. This time, the Taoist came to visit, and the opportunity was rare."

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