Supreme God King

Chapter 3471: Saints Church

Pass the Bawang Mountain, pass through the ancient woods, and then pass the ghost hall.

The Guishen Hall is a big power in the Thousand Star Universe, but it is still inferior to those giants. It belongs to the second-class power, with more than 300,000 gods.

Although the Ghost Church is an independent force, many people regard it as part of the Church of Saints.

It is true.

The Ghost Church was established about 400 million years ago. After the generation of the Saints Church retired, they established a mansion on the southeast plain of the Saints Church, where they asked questions, meditation, and aged care, and taught sentient beings. Time After a long time, the morality and justice spread, and many creatures established their own towns and cities near the mansion. By the time the old master passed away, more than 40 million years have passed, and hundreds of cities have appeared in this land.

After several generations of the masters of the Saints Church retired, they would meditate in this city, and also imitated the old master professors and disciples to spread morality and justice. Over time, the place became more and more prosperous.

After a very complicated historical change, this place was planned by the Saints Church, and the Ghosts and Gods Hall appeared. Since its establishment, the Guishen Church has always existed as a subsidiary force of the Saints Church, guarding the east gate for the Saints Church, and the heads of the Saints Church of the past will almost always live here for the elderly.

"Cheng Lun, how have you learned about the Thousand Star Universe over the years."

Meng Fan and Pei Chenglun strolled leisurely in the surrounding towns of the Guishen Hall.

Pei Chenglun said: "The juniors are trying their best to learn, but there are still many shortcomings, but for the big giants, it is quite clear. As one of the oldest forces in the Thousand Star Universe, Saints Hall is in harmony with the nine-fold gate and many others. The same forces all originated from ancient theology and shaman organizations. Unlike the Nine-Layer Gate, the Saints Church is more adept at commerce. It used to be a huge business empire, although it is now The color of the business empire has faded, and it has become a giant force, but many of the rules and traditions are still those of the business empire.

For example, the leader of the Saints Church is called the master, and there are many positions such as president and governor. The leader is elected every eight thousand years, and a leader can be re-elected for up to four terms. Therefore, the position of the leader is changed quite frequently. Basically, the leader will be changed in 24,000 years. This is a bit too frequent in the world of the gods. "

"Yeah." Meng Fan nodded and flew into the center of the ghost hall with Pei Chenglun.

The center of the Ghosts and God Hall is a very huge city. The towering walls enclose the city. From the heights, you can see that the city is huge to many mountains, lakes, and rivers, covering an area of ​​more than 8 million miles. Importantly, it is a huge stone statue, which is much higher than the other buildings in the city. It is several thousand feet high and stands upright on the ground.

The stone statue is an old man. This is the first master who taught morality in this land.

"There are three hundred thousand gods in the ghost hall. What is interesting is that more than one hundred thousand gods live in this city. This is the center of the ghost hall. There are also a hundred thousand gods living around the central city. The other territories of the Guishentang are a hundred times larger than this city, but there are 100,000 gods scattered in scattered places."

Meng Fan said, stepping into the city with Pei Chenglun.

He just stepped in with his front foot.

Immediately, many powerful auras locked Meng Fan.

Pei Chenglun immediately squinted his eyes and said with a spirit: "Senior, there are actually two Eight Tribulations God Kings in this central city. They are amazing."

"It's the hall master of Ghosts and God Hall, the other one, but I don't recognize it." In Meng Fan's eyes, all the secrets and formations of this huge central city were transparent and could not hide anything.

He clearly saw the two Eight Tribulations Kings who were looking at him.

Standing on the outer main street of the central city, wearing a white robe and carrying a picture clip, Meng Fan gently turned his body, looking towards the deepest part of the central city, and was talking to the subordinate, but suddenly felt Meng Fan’s Exist, the hall master of the Ghosts and God Hall who turned his head looked at each other.

The two are a million miles apart, but at this moment, they are close at hand.

The Hallmaster of Ghosts and God pondered for a moment, looked at Meng Fan, and then said, "Elder Nine-fold Gate Danding actually visited? I don't know what it means?"

"Goodwill." Meng Fan smiled, making people feel like spring breeze. "My Hall Master, please also remove the enemy-killing formations surrounding the city. Otherwise, the formations will be activated and I will destroy them one by one. I am afraid this central city will suffer. It is always bad."

Hall Master Guishen waved his hand, and then moved his body, directly crossing a million miles away, and came to Meng Fan.

"I want to come, Elder Dan Ding is not here to place my little ghost hall, but I want to take the road to the Saints hall?" The hall master of the ghost gods is dressed in a uniform and is slightly taller.

Meng Fan nodded.

The masters of the ghosts and gods of the past generations are very powerful, because the ghosts and gods are different from the saints. Although the ghosts and gods are affiliated to the saints, the head of the saints is determined by the anonymous voting of the veterans, and the ghosts The hall master is voted by all the **** kings of the Ghosts and Gods Hall. Once elected, it is a lifelong system. The hall masters of this generation of the Ghosts and Gods Hall have been leaders for 60 million years, and they are quite strong.

"Please follow me." Hall Master Guishen took Meng Fan forward.

Under the guidance of the Lord of the Ghosts and Gods, Meng Fan quickly arrived at the Saints Hall and saw the vastness of the Saints Hall.

The glorious atmosphere of the Saints Church is the same as the nine-fold gate, but the style is very different. The style of the nine-fold gate is all-encompassing, while the style of the Saints Church is plain white. There are huge white temples everywhere, many stone statues, and various monuments.

Those stone statues are some legendary figures in history, powerful people who have made great contributions to the Saints Church, or ancient gods in mythology.

The monument is used to record and record various glorious deeds.

Walking into the Saints Hall gave Meng Fan a feeling of entering a huge temple, full of piety and legend.

In the Church of Saints, the first person to receive Meng Fan was a veteran.

The elders in the Saints Church are like the Supreme Elders in the nine-fold gate, but there are some differences. First of all, the veterans of Saints Church are really "old", all over 100 million years old.

Because the Saints Church has strict regulations. To become a veteran, there are three elements. First, you must make enough contributions to the sect. Second, you must have the support of other elders and no veterans can object. , That is, the age must be over 50 million years old.

The power of the senator in the Saints Church is not as great as the power of the Supreme Elder in the nine-fold gate, but the senator has a thing that the nine-fold gate does not have, that is, "voting."

Many things in the Saints Church must be decided by the elders, including the choice of the head of the family. Moreover, the heads of the past dynasties are all served by the elders. This is completely different from the nine-fold gate. The elders of the nine-fold gate are not qualified Become the suzerain.

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