Supreme God King

Chapter 3472: Hesitate

Saints Church, Jianyushan, is the place where Saints Church is responsible for receiving foreign visitors.

The word "Jianyu" has a profound meaning. It is one of the first teachings of the Saints Church to walk the world. It means to listen to the world. Later, Jianyu Mountain was established, and it became a diplomatic center to still listen to the world.

Stepping into Jianyu Mountain, Meng Fan saw many jade steps. These are pure white jade, produced by several small volcanoes in the stranded sea. They are no longer there. Although precious and rare, they have no practical value.

After walking through the steps, you will be at the main hall of Jianyu Mountain. Under the spar pillars, there are many leather chairs, some spar coffee tables, precious fruit wine, tea, and food made from pill. .

In the main hall, there are already seven old **** kings.

These seven old **** kings are all veterans. The lowest realm is a Six Tribulations God King, and the highest is an Eight Tribulations God King.

This scene reminded Meng Fan of stepping into Haoyun Mountain for the first time. It was also awe-inspiring, and also full of thoughts and vigilance.

Although the seven elders smiled and greeted Meng Fan, they all stood and bowed their hands, but they were very wary of Meng Fan. This kind of guard was a spiritual guard.

It’s no wonder they, the Nine-fold Gates in recent years have indeed been too tough, so that the forces of the Thousand Star Universe have been "coldly watching" for a long time, especially the big giants. Although they cannot be dissatisfied, after all, this kind of little The friction is not a big deal, but there are opinions.

In addition, there is a faint "number two person" in the nine-fold gate, Ye Weiyang, the king of Danding, whose reputation has already spread throughout the Thousand Star Universe.

Why is it the second person? There is a former suzerain in the nine-fold gate who has already stepped into the world of meaning. He has cut off the fetters and seems to have nothing to do with the nine-fold gate. The current nine-fold gate is Fang Haoyun headed. This new suzerain has gathered all the strength of the nine-fold gate and stepped into the pinnacle of life. Ranked and accomplished ten calamities, he is already one of the few supreme powerhouses in the Thousand-Star Universe, and under Fang Haoyun, there are three Nine Tribulations God Kings who have lived for more than one billion years. However, it is said that these three Supreme Elders , Are living in seclusion, not paying attention to things in the sect.

It is true. For many years, let alone the outside world, even the people of Nine-fold Sect have never seen these three elders. Meng Fan has heard of these three elders several times, but he has seen it with his own eyes, and has not.

Then Meng Fan's identity and strength are naturally the second person who has the final say.

But the most important thing is that although Meng Fan is very famous, there are very few people who have seen him with his own eyes, because Meng Fan lives in the Danding Hall most of the time. The few fights that made him famous were all when he was still a disciple. Thousands of years have passed.

Vigilance is inevitable.

After Meng Fan took the seat, he exchanged greetings with the seven veterans.

The Church of Saints is not only different from the nine-fold gate in many structures, but also in strength.

The contemporary leader of the Saints Church is just an ordinary veteran, just a **** king of the Eight Tribulations.

The real powerful combat power of Saints Church is the same as the nine-fold gates. They are the reclusive veteran overlords. They are the two Nine Tribulations God Kings. However, the two Nine Tribulations God Kings often appear in addition to the leaders of the previous generation and preside over the Saints Some things in the hall, the other has long since disappeared, without knowing his life or death.

From this point of view, although Saints Hall is also a giant force in the Thousand Star Universe, it is still inferior to the nine-fold gate.

However, this is not the case.

The Saints Church also has a Ten Tribulations God King, the true pinnacle creature.

It is a "natural god".

The super boss who has lived for two billion years!

It is also the oldest boss in the Thousand Star Universe today!

Inside the Nine-Layered Gate, there are some old monsters that have lived for more than one billion years, such as the three Nine Tribulations Supreme Elders, but their ages are all 1.2 or three billion years old, compared with the old monster hidden in the Saints Church , It seems "very young".

This old monster of Saints Church has lived from ancient times to today.

The various forces in the Thousand-Star Universe have different divisions of history, but almost all forces agree that the era before the World of Meaning began to manage the Thousand-Star Universe was the ancient era.

Indeed, the Thousand-Star Universe after the management of the meaning world is completely different from the Thousand-Star universe before the management of the meaning world. In the ancient times, the Thousand-Star Universe was still quite barbarous. Various myths, legends, witchcraft, and aspirations prevailed. As a result, countless ghosts and gods were born. For example, Meng Fan summoned many times in the nine-fold gate. They are ancient ghosts and gods. Although those ghosts and gods were not born in ancient times, and most of them were illusory, they easily dissipated. They were all "consumables" in Meng Fan's hands, but their source was the belief of shamans in ancient times. .

After the management of the meaning world, the civilization of the Thousand-Star Universe began to develop greatly. Many forces abandoned those ancient powers and began to invest in martial arts, and followed the meaning of the world with orthodox practice methods, and only then has today's Thousand-Star Universe.

This hidden boss in the Saints Church has lived from the end of ancient times to today.

The Church of Saints is also an ancient belief organization that honors the power of gods. There have been many sorcerers, freelanders, servants of the sky, etc., and they have also been born under their concise and aspirational worship. Many ghosts and gods.

But in the end only one completed the transition from myth to reality.

Holy spirit.

That is, this two billion-year-old boss, the only Ten-Kalpa God King in Saints Church.

As a business empire, Saints Hall is actually far inferior to the nine-fold gate in martial arts and many aspects of development.

About 600 million years ago, the Nine-fold Gate saw the first ten-tribulation **** king, the pinnacle creature, and the former suzerain.

Six hundred million years ago, the Thousand-Star Universe, after more than one billion years of development under the teaching of the world of meaning, finally gave birth to peak creatures. After that, several figures appeared one after another, and to this day, those top overlords.

But the Church of Saints has never had any veteran who stepped into the Ten Calamities.

However, the Holy Spirit, as an ancient ghost and god, also achieved ten calamities 600 million years ago, not long after the former generation lord of the nine-fold gate, and this became the strongest support of the Saints Church and made the Saints Church stable. Standing in the ranks of the giants.

So the greetings between Meng Fan and the elders soon came to the Holy Spirit. The news that Meng Fan is good at ancient witchcraft and created ghosts and gods on his own has long been known to many people, and there is quite a bit of talk in this regard.

After chatting for about half an hour, Meng Fan finally turned the topic to the topic.

About Daqing Jiuchongmen.

The elders of the Saints Church heard this and were silent.

Meng Fan knew that they were thinking.

Normally, if a giant force like the nine-fold gate sends an invitation, they should have agreed directly, but the silence now shows the problem. One is the style of the nine-fold gate in recent days, and the other is the major The Big Mac forces have already heard that Meaning World has sent a Taoist master on the way, preparing to establish a defensive pursuit team, which is estimated to arrive within a thousand years.

At this time, many things need to be considered.

Meng Fan smiled and said: "Nine-fold doors have sent invitation letters to all forces in the Thousand Star Universe, almost all known forces, and have received reply letters..."


Suddenly, a soft groan came from the main hall.

Several elders all looked behind Meng Fan.

Meng Fan also slowly turned his head.

Behind him, stood Pei Chenglun.

At this moment, Pei Chenglun, in the eyes of outsiders, was an ordinary God King of Two Tribulations. He was obviously a young disciple trained by Meng Fan and should not have attracted any attention.

But a look of pain flashed across his face, and the moan just now came from him.

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