Supreme God King

Chapter 3473: memory

The discussions with the veterans of the Saints Church did not yield any results. These elders dared not make any decisions, so they asked Meng Fan to live in a side hall on Jianyu Mountain. The elders decided to invite their family members to come and interview Meng Fan. day.

The head of the Saints’ Church generally has been in office for about 20,000 years, so there is no such thing as the nine-fold gate leader who often retreats for millions or even tens of millions of years. Leaders, who have only been in office for tens of thousands of years, have to do things. They cannot live in seclusion after becoming a leader.

Meng Fan settled down in the Piandian, waved his hand to cover up many formations in the Piandian, and looked at Pei Chenglun.

The performance of Pei Chenglun in the main hall of Jianyushan was indeed abnormal, but Meng Fan and several elders chose to ignore it.

Pei Chenglun said: "Senior... in my soul, there are some memory fragments that have never been seen before."

It can be seen that Pei Chenglun is still in pain now, that is the pain of the soul.

Meng Fan frowned, took a few steps forward, and pointed at the center of Pei Chenglun's brows, and suddenly his heart poured in.

Pei Chenglun's face gradually unfolded.

He blinked a few times and solemnly said: "Senior, I have some memories that I have never had before."

Meng Fan said: "What memory?"

While speaking, he pressed Pei Chenglun's shoulder to let him sit down.

Pei Chenglun said: "About the memory of black holes. The meaning of black holes appeared very late. Although it is not the latest Dao true meaning created in my hometown, it is one of the most powerful Dao true meanings. Relying on the meaning of black holes, the huge God King universe is Connected together, from one end to the other, relying on the meaning of a black hole, it only takes a few hundred days to get there.

Therefore, in various parts of the God King universe, nearly 10,000 black holes have appeared as channels in tens of millions of years.

However, although there are many meanings of black holes, it is still the most mysterious power. In our hometown, only a few big men of the heavenly court in the future can control this power. Others, such as many **** kings of the construction army, can imitate black holes. But the black holes they created are all semi-finished products and need to be completed by the big guys of the heavens in the future, and most of the gods who have participated in the construction of black holes are actually not clear about the mystery of black holes.

Later, the big guys transformed the punisher into an unprecedented huge black hole. Compared with this **** hole, the nearly ten thousand small black holes in the King Universe are nothing to mention, they are like dust. The mystery in the **** hole is not something I can understand. Even the big guys, they have no control over the **** hole and are full of uncertainty, so what will happen after the five of us step into the **** hole, we can’t know. I arrived here safely, and the other four, who knew their life or death, were already lost.

But in my mind, many mysteries of the meaning of black holes suddenly appeared!

I do not understand why. Suddenly there were many more memory fragments in my soul, all scattered and broken memories, piece by piece, and these memory pieces were all imprinted with the mystery of black holes. "

After listening to Pei Chenglun's words, Meng Fan sat aside and asked, "Chenglun, don't look at the mystery of these black holes. Tell me what those pieces of memory are."

Pei Chenglun's face was confused: "It's...a, many children. They are sitting in a hall leaning against a purple bamboo forest. There is incense next to it. There is an old man in front of him who is teaching the children... I am one of the children."

Meng Fan: "What kind of children are these children?"

"They are all ordinary children... Only a few have stepped into the martial arts, and the realm is very low, and the old man is a **** king!"

"What is the old man talking about?"

"Talk about local customs, stories, various ancient legends, and some history. In addition, there are...there are...the mysteries of black holes."

Meng Fan squinted his eyes: "This is not right."

Pei Chenglun nodded: "It's not right... Most of these children are twelve or thirteen years old, almost all of them are new to martial arts. They have not even figured out the circulation of vitality, let alone such things that only the **** king can understand The black hole is an aggregation of many laws. These children simply can't understand... The most important thing is that the old man is just a **** king, and he shouldn't know the secret of the black hole."

Meng Fan said in a gentle voice: "Cheng Lun, blend in, merge these memories. You said, you are one of these children, then what is your identity as a child?"

Pei Chenglun immediately closed his eyes again and meditated.

After a long time, he spoke: "This is... my childhood! It is... the memory of my being stripped away!"

He opened his eyes and looked at Meng Fan.

Meng Fan slowly turned his head and looked forward.

"Someone modified your memory and then unblocked it. These memories are returning to your soul, people from your hometown, trying to contact you. From the moment you step into the **** hole, the connection between the King of Gods and you To be completely broken is equivalent to throwing you into an unknown bottomless abyss, but this is indeed a one-way contact method. The hometown cannot get your response, but you can get some information. This method is very powerful, and I can't think of it. Yes, Cheng Lun, take a good rest, there should be memories returning."


Pei Chenglun immediately sat upright and continued to meditate.

Meng Fan closed his eyes and rested, and stayed beside him. The return and reintegration of this kind of memory is very dangerous. If Pei Chenglun has a problem, he must take action to comfort him at any time.

After a stick of incense, Pei Chenglun said: "Senior...I saw a woman...a...a beautiful woman. I have never seen such a beautiful woman in my life... No, it's not that I have never seen it in my life, even if I imagined it. , It’s hard to imagine such a beautiful woman... She is tempering my spirit and stripping my memory... I remembered that she is an ancient legend invited by King Liang Tian... and one of our mentors."

Meng Fan's thoughts trembled: "Linglong Xinzun."

Pei Chenglun nodded immediately: "Yes... She is called Linglong Xinzun... I have seen it in history books... She is stripping my memory and teaching me how to temper my spirit... She said... She said five There are three **** kings who have stepped into the black hole. Their memories have decayed and dissipated. This shows that they are dead. There is still a memory. Although it has not dissipated, it is constantly flickering. Extinction, only my memory is still intact, indicating that I am safe."

This is another modified memory. Sure enough, as Meng Fan had guessed, God King Universe was sending a message to Pei Chenglun.

"That period of memory that is fading and disappearing at any time... is the memory of the Eight Tribulations God King who walked with me, named He Huaijiao."

Pei Chenglun opened his eyes and looked at Meng Fan: "Senior, this He Huaijiao, she is your ninth generation granddaughter."

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