Supreme God King

Chapter 3482: Two worlds

The war of the Nine-Layered Gate against the Saints Church can be said to have won a total victory. The Nine-Layered Gate, which has annexed nearly 30% of the territory of the Saints Church, is accelerating the digestion of the "food" swallowed in its abdomen.

While the Jiuzhongmen strengthened their rule, Shiluo Tianjiao and Fengjian Pavilion were obviously ready to move. They did not want to see the Jiuzhongmen grow bigger, but what they hoped was that the scene of losing both sides did not appear. Tutang’s war losses were minimal, and the cost was almost negligible, and the nine-fold gate was still very powerful.

In addition, the nine-fold door holds a very important bargaining chip.


The powerhouses of the Nine-Layered Gate, Saints Hall, Shiluo Tianjiao, and Fengjian Pavilion all know a truth, even if they are fighting here in the dark, even if they tear the entire Thousand-Star universe to pieces, in the eyes of the world of meaning, It doesn't matter. When the Taoist comes, all kinds of grievances and tit-for-tat have become children's playhouses.

The world of meaning doesn't care how many giant forces there are in the Thousand Star Universe, nor does it care which forces occupy the dominant position.

As long as anyone can turn in aliens, prove their own strength, can eradicate invading outsiders for the meaning world, and do things for the meaning world, it is enough.

Just like an emperor with supreme authority, supreme power, and can't be shaken, quietly watching the ministers below make intrigues and intrigue, but don't care, whoever can do things for himself, just use whoever.

Holding a different kind of nine-fold door in hand, has a huge advantage.

The waves of the war quickly passed, and everything returned to peace.

Jiuzhongmen continues to expand its advantages.

Meng Fan lived deep in the Great Hall of Pill Ding and did not take a half step.

Pei Chenglun and He Huaijiao also lived in the Danding Hall.

In a blink of an eye, fifteen years passed.

The Taoist arrived in the Thousand Star Universe.

But Meng Fan did not see this Taoist master.

According to Fang Haoyun's request, Meng Fan would have been under house arrest in the Danding Hall for thousands of years. He could only learn what was happening outside through the mouth of others.

The Taoist master summoned the four giant forces, the Nine Gates, the Saints Hall, the Shiluo Heavenly Sect, and Fengjian Pavilion.

At the same time, hundreds of other forces in the Thousand Star Universe were also summoned. A large part of these forces were attached to the four giant forces, but among them, the strong came out in large numbers.

This meeting lasted for more than ten days, initially confirming the prototype of the defensive pursuit team, and then the Taoist inspected the territory of the Thousand Star Universe according to the instructions of the world of meaning, and selected the **** kings suitable for joining the defensive pursuit team from various forces.

Five years later, the Taoist master left.

The defensive pursuit team has also been completed.

The defensive pursuit team has a chief, which is elected every four hundred years. The internal members of the defensive pursuit team will vote. After the voting results need to be reported to the world of meaning and recognized, the old and new chiefs will be handed over.

In addition to the chief, the defensive pursuit team will also have four pickets. Their status is second only to the chief, and they are still determined by the votes of internal members. However, the pickets do not need to be recognized by the world of meaning and can take office directly. The term is also 400 years. , The commander can launch a defensive pursuit team to impeach any picket, with more than half of the votes, the picket needs to leave his post.

The defensive pursuit team is expected to be composed of three hundred gods. The state of the gods cannot be lower than the five kalpas. The members are selected and recommended by the chief and pickets from all over the Thousand Star Universe. The chief has the priority to recommend. Once the members reach three hundred, they will not Increase again.

The defensive pursuit team is only responsible to Yin Gu, the highest commander of the three universes and the world of meaning. Most of the time, there is no need to report to Yin Gu. The defensive pursuit team has the highest right of passage in the Thousand-Star Universe. Any force must make way for the defensive pursuit team, and can investigate anyone in the Thousand-Star Universe, and any force can also leave the Thousand-Star Universe and go to the Liuli Universe under special circumstances. Or the living universe performs a mission.

The defensive pursuit team is higher than all forces in the Thousand Star Universe.

The commander and picket of the first defensive pursuit team were chosen by the Taoist who arrived in the Thousand Star Universe.

Unsurprisingly, the Dao Lord has no interest in the complicated relationship between the various forces in the Thousand Star Universe, and he is too lazy to investigate. He led the largest force and turned in a different kind of Fang Haoyun, and was randomly selected by the Dao Master as the first commander of the defensive pursuit team. The term of office is four hundred years and cannot be re-elected. As for the choice of the four pickets, Fang Haoyun, who was directly appointed as the first commander-in-chief, had a great say. He directly turned Li Qingyun of the nine-fold gate into a picket. The other two pickets came from the release. Luo Tianjiao and Fengjian Pavilion.

The establishment of the defensive pursuit team confirmed the nine-fold goalkeeper as the dominating force of the Thousand Star Universe, and this dominance will last at least four hundred years.

When the three hundred **** kings of the defensive pursuit team were selected, nearly half of them came from the nine-fold gate.

Thousand Star Universe ushered in the era of hegemony.

Sixty years have passed.

Early one morning, Pei Chenglun once again got new memories, and immediately went to Meng Fan's residence, telling Meng Fan the contents of these memories.

These memories are the memories of Pei Chenglun when he first became a god, and he studied the historical period, but the memory became very messy, and it was mixed with all kinds of memories that did not belong to Pei Chenglun, but belonged to another person.

This person is a very young God King of One Tribulation, but in the world he lives in, he is very powerful, and he is also an overlord. There are many **** kings around him, and he has defeated various powerful enemies.

When Pei Chenglun pieced all these memories together, he suddenly discovered that the person in the memory was Meng Fan.

To be precise, it was Meng Fan, who had just become a **** king during the period of the heavens and ten thousand realms, and had become the king of the gods step by step.

Pei Chenglun didn't understand why the memory of Meng Fan came from his hometown.

After seeing the pieced together memories, Meng Fan determined that these memories should come from the memory re-enactments of the giants of the sky, the palace lord of the moon, Gu Xin Ao, and many old **** kings from the dark alliance period, as well as the various memories in the highest institutions. History books.

A few days later.

Pei Chenglun got more memories of Meng Fan.

Although Pei Chenglun studied history, he knew Meng Fan quite well, but his understanding was through words, and these memories were the repetitions of many old gods who had witnessed the rise of Meng Fan. After thinking about it, it was as if he had experienced everything personally, very deeply.

These memory fragments came one after another, and it took about a few months.

After the last piece of memory was fused, Pei Chenglun saw the One in the memory.

It is a very young One who has just followed Meng Fan's One.

Zhi Weiyi spoke to Pei Chenglun among the memory fragments.

"Three days after the creation of the world, my teacher, Meng Fan, went to the world of meaning as early as 100 million years ago. He has been away for too long without any news, but he really came from that era and has seen The seniors believe that he must arrive safely and have a firm foothold. Cheng Lun, you may not understand why we are so sure, nor do you need to understand, you just need to remember.

You did a good job. Not only did you stand in the world of meaning, you also saved Huaijiao. We found that the memories that Huaijiao left behind became active, and you did well.

You can’t communicate with us, you can only receive our news. Now, you need to know a few things and complete a few tasks.

First, believe that the Lord of All Paths is alive and living in the world you are currently setting in. If you can, find him and he will help you.

Second, after you left, we accelerated the study of the **** hole. It is expected that soon, we will be able to create a new **** hole and send some people to the world of meaning.

Third, hide yourself and act in a low-key manner. You and Huaijiao are our bridgeheads. No matter what happens, our priority is to save our lives.

Fourth, your memory fragments are about to run out, and we will pass on information through He Huaijiao's memory next. "

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