Supreme God King

Chapter 3483: Fight for supremacy

Four hundred years after the establishment of the defensive pursuit team, under the leadership of Fang Haoyun, the nine-fold gate began to quickly consolidate its position and "spread hegemony."

Using the power of the defensive pursuit team, Fang Haoyun began to continuously interfere in the internal affairs of various forces, expand the influence of the nine-fold gate, and establish a stronghold of the nine-fold gate. There are quite a few excessive behaviors, which aroused opposition from other forces, and even caused defense. A series of protests within the pursuit team were suppressed by Fang Haoyun with quite fierce means, and the cards were shuffled several times before and after. The proportion of members of the nine-fold gate in the defensive pursuit team was slowly increasing.

In the 200th year of the establishment of the defensive pursuit team, Fang Haoyun personally issued an impeachment order to remove a picket of the Shiluo Tianjiao, but he did not replace him with the nine-fold gate, but from the Shiluo Tianjiao. Choosing a pro-nine-fold elder, this demonstrated Fang Haoyun's authority and further consolidated his position.

But at the same time, Fang Haoyun also knew one thing very well.

He cannot be the commander of the defensive pursuit team forever. According to the regulations, he will step down after 400 years. To ensure the supremacy of the nine-fold gate, he must continue to inject fresh blood into the defensive pursuit team, so Fang Haoyun used the nine-fold gate. To cultivate the younger generation of disciples vigorously.

Both Pei Chenglun and He Huaijiao joined this training plan as ordinary disciples of the Nine-fold Sect, and they have steadily "improved" the state.

By the end of Fang Haoyun's tenure, Pei Chenglun became a reserve member of the defensive pursuit team as another genius disciple of the Nine-fold Gate. At this time, his strength was the Four Tribulations God King.

But so far, the three major universes have never appeared out of the ordinary.

Can understand. Although the emergence of alien species has become a crisis, it is not frequent. It is not surprising that there has been no alien appearance in hundreds of years.

Four hundred years have passed quickly.

Fang Haoyun left his post, but immediately after voting, the second chief of the defensive pursuit team still came from the Nine-fold Gate, and he was one of the three Hidden Nine Tribulations Kings, the Supreme Elder Zhu Qing.

In terms of seniority, Zhu Qing is the uncle of Fang Haoyun, Li Qingyun, Ye Weiyang and other generations.

The information of the new commander was handed over to Significance World. Ten years later, Significance World gave a reply and agreed to Zhu Qing as the commander of the defensive pursuit team.

It was also shortly after Zhu Qing became the commander of the defensive pursuit team, Pei Chenglun became an official member of the defensive pursuit team as the King of Five Tribulations.

Another four hundred years.

When Zhu Qing was about to leave office, Pei Chenglun showed the realm of six calamities.

And He Huaijiao became a reserve member of the defensive pursuit team in the realm of the Four Tribulations.

Two four hundred years.

Eight hundred years.

The defensive pursuit team has never performed a real mission, and there has never been an outlier. What the defensive pursuit team really does is to establish hegemony for the nine-fold gate.

When Zhu Qing left office, the nine-fold gate had become a truly giant force in the Thousand Star Universe, and no one could be compared with the nine-fold gate.

The third chief of the defensive pursuit team was voted internally by the defensive pursuit team, and the first place was Li Qingyun.

Information is handed over to the world of meaning.

This time, the answer given by Meaning World is not to agree.

The reason is that Li Qingyun is still only a creature of the eight realms, with insufficient realm and strength, and designated the second place in the vote, and Ao Jianyi, the picket of Fengjian Pavilion as the third chief.

This result was all within Fang Haoyun's expectations. When the Taishang elders gathered, Fang Haoyun said that the world of meaning does not want any party to become stronger. Although in the eyes of the world of meaning, the struggle for hegemony in the Thousand-Star Universe is meaningless, as the Supreme Emperor, the world of meaning only needs a piece of order. Can affect the situation of the Thousand Star Universe, so why not do it?

Moreover, Fang Haoyun also said that he guessed that Shiluo Tianjiao and Feng Jiange could not have been sitting and watching the actions of Jiuzhongmen. In the past few hundred years, the two must continue to communicate with the world of meaning and even accuse Jiuzhongmen's toughness.

So Jiuzhongmen decided to give in, and the third chief was assumed by Fengjian Pavilion.

But this is not to say that the hegemony of the nine-fold gate is over.

The huge bonus gained by defeating the Saint Hall and the hegemony established by the two chiefs cannot be destroyed so easily. Even if Fengjian Pavilion served as the third chief, the nine-fold gate is still the most powerful giant in the Thousand Star Universe. There is no doubt about the hegemony.

Soon after the third chief came to power, Li Qingyun gave the picket position to another Nine Tribulations Supreme Elder at the Nine-fold Gate, and secretly left the Thousand Star Universe.

Where he went and what he was going to do, only the high-ranking elders of the nine-fold gate knew.

He went to the world of meaning.

The first task is to lobby the world of meaning, create public opinion, and make people believe that the nine-fold gate is peaceful and absolutely loyal to the world of meaning.

The second task, he is going to find the former suzerain.

Another hundred years have passed.

Meng Fan has been under house arrest in the Danding Hall for 900 years.

In these nine hundred years, not only has there been no aliens, but the king of universe has never sent any more news.

This day.

He Huaijiao returned to the Jiuzhong Gate to deliver the task, and arrived at the Danding Hall to meet Meng Fan.

"Ancestor, there is news."

He Huaijiao got a new fragment of memory.

Among the memory fragments, it is clear that the King Universe has successfully created the second **** hole, and through the coordinates, once again sent troops to come!

But this time, only one person was sent.

Who it was, the memory fragment did not say.

Divine King Universe also did not hope that Pei Chenglun and He Huaijiao would do anything, but only said that they would try their best to respond as much as possible.

The information from the memory fragments also shows that the **** hole created this time is much more stable than the previous **** hole, and the only person who stepped into the **** hole this time is also far stronger than the five young **** kings sent last time. , The probability of being able to reach is close to 90%.

According to estimates, if all goes well, this person will arrive within 150,000 years.

He Huaijiao left.

Meng Fan continued to take care of his Danding Hall.

The commander of the defensive pursuit team retired one term after another, and another new commander was appointed.

In an instant, two thousand years passed.

The defensive pursuit team has changed five chiefs, except for the first two, Fang Haoyun of the nine-fold gate and Zhu Qing, the elder of the Supreme Supreme. The fifth person is the person who Fengjian Pavilion, as the deputy chief.

The world of meaning obviously knows that the nine-fold gate is too strong now, so it is intentionally weakening the influence of the nine-fold gate.

Just as the fifth president was about to step down, news suddenly came from the world of meaning.

In the 400-year election of a chief executive, this rule will not change, but it cannot be re-elected. This must be changed, because the **** king who can truly serve as the chief of the defensive pursuit team is the most powerful, and the number of powerful people of this level Not many. According to this situation, one must step down after serving once, and within a few years, the defensive pursuit team will not be able to elect a new chief.

Therefore, the fifth chief, Feng Jiange deputy chief, was re-elected.

But after three sessions, a total of 1,200 years, the nine-fold gate has never served as the general director. Among the members of the defensive pursuit team, the proportion of nine-fold gates has been quite low.

It was also after the news came.

Fang Haoyun came to see Meng Fan.

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