Supreme God King

Chapter 3484: Difficulty

Fang Haoyun brought to Meng Fan the fine wine brewed in the Nine-Layer Gate, which was made with pill medicine and the fruits poured out from the blood of ancient animals.

After the two had a brief drink, they began to chat.

For two thousand years, Meng Fan did not step out of the Pill Ding Hall, nor did Fang Haoyun come to the Pill Ding Hall.

This is the first meeting between the two brothers in two thousand years.

"The number of medicines refined in the Qinglong Mountain Range these days seems to be much less, Junior Brother, go and check it out when you have time, and clean up." Fang Haoyun said lightly.

Meng Fan nodded.

One sentence is enough, to tell Meng Fan that his house arrest is over.

This time the house arrest did not go through the penalty hall or notify anyone. Even in the nine-fold gate, few people knew that Meng Fan was under house arrest. To be precise, this was not a formal punishment, only Fang Haoyun's request.

So now, Fang Haoyun asked Meng Fan to go out and have a look, which means that the house arrest has ended.

After talking for a long time, Fang Haoyun talked about the current situation of the nine-fold gate. The nine-fold gate is still the largest force in the Thousand-Star Universe. Nearly a quarter of the territory of the entire Thousand-Star Universe is under the management of the nine-fold gate. In comparison, the territories ruled by the two giants Fengjian Pavilion and Shiluo Tianjiao Add up to a quarter of the entire Thousand Star Universe.

In terms of finances, Jiuzhongmen has consumed too many resources in order to establish hegemony over the past two thousand years, and it has been focused on hegemony, which has relaxed the economy. For two thousand years, Jiuzhongmen’s fiscal revenue has not increased, but has declined slightly. And the treasure house is empty, too many resources have been used up.

As for the disciples, the number of disciples of the **** king among the nine-fold gates has exceeded 2.4 million. This number has refreshed history. It is all because of the establishment of hegemony and the expansion of the sphere of influence. The number of **** kings within the sphere of influence is almost five million.

But it is still a financial problem. Because the number of disciples is too large and the extravagance is too large, the problem of making ends meet has begun to appear. Just ten years ago, the Nine-Layered Gate built a huge city in a place very close to the Saints Church. It covers an area of ​​120,000 li, and the wall is as high as 35 feet. It can accommodate tens of millions of monks. It was said to be a huge project, but to build this city, the nine-fold gate borrowed a lot of money, and it was not enough to build it by yourself.

This is the current situation of Jiuzhongmen. The biggest problem is financial.

"Senior brother should have heard about Xinruyi's re-election as president." Fang Haoyun said.

Meng Fan nodded: "I heard."

Fang Haoyun solemnly said: "In the lobbying of the world of meaning, our nine-fold gate has a disadvantage. The world of meaning has begun to suppress our nine-fold gate from all aspects. Now that the finances are empty, Shiluo Tianjiao and Feng Jiange have joined forces for many years. In secretly supporting the Saints Church, if the position of the chief officer continues to be held in their hands, then soon afterwards, the nine-fold goalkeeper will become weaker and even face a huge crisis. According to the regulations of the defensive pursuit team, I and Shishu Zhu are not qualified to serve as defensive pursuit The team’s commander is now, and Xin Ruyi may be re-elected for several terms, Junior Brother, I need you to act."

Meng Fan said: "I will join the defensive pursuit team."

"You will become a picket and run for the next chief. In addition, I need you to improve the financial capacity of the nine-fold gate as soon as possible. Can you do it?"

"It's too extravagant, it won't happen overnight, but I try my best."

"Okay, that's enough."

Fang Haoyun left.

The conversation between the two is very brief.

For the first time in two thousand years, Meng Fan stepped out of the Danding Hall.

Immediately, he established a financial officer system.

This system is attached to the Danding Hall, and will select financial officers throughout the sect.

Although not many people know about Meng Fan's house arrest, he has been living in seclusion in the Danding Hall. For many years, he has not appeared in various affairs. Outsiders also smell something, but many people don't know why.

At this time, Meng Fan suddenly walked out of the Danding Hall and directly established a new system and position. Everyone at the nine-fold gate knew that a big move was needed.

Meng Fan's reputation, prestige, and influence have not been weakened by his two thousand years of seclusion. His every move still attracts the attention of many people.

Soon after the establishment of the financial officer system, Meng Fan successively selected nearly two thousand young **** kings, and through layers of selection, finally left five hundred people based on realm, strength, and temperament, and established an affiliated to Danding Hall. Financial government.

So, the financial officer began to act.

They first conducted a thorough investigation of the finances of the nine-fold gate and reduced all unnecessary expenses.

Subsequently, a large number of pill refining formulas were issued by the financial officer to the hands of many disciples up and down inside the gate. The sect began to encourage the refining of pill, and the Pill Ding Hall also began to refine a large number of lower-grade Taoist-level alchemy cauldrons, rewards A disciple who has made achievements in pill refining.

Several months have passed since all this was done.

Then the financial officer began to wander inside and outside the nine gates, as well as various power bases, to encourage trade and manage tariffs.

In the end, the financial officer moved into North Desert and supervised the mining of natural spar.

In the third year of Meng Fan's departure, Danding Hall recruited a large number of disciples to settle in, and began to increase refining colorful crystal blocks.

By the beginning of the fifth year, the negative fiscal situation had been eased, and Jiuzhongmen began to have a certain surplus.

In the sixth year, the fiscal government further expanded its enrollment. The number of fiscal officials reached 1,700. In addition to supervising and adjusting various fiscal revenues, the fiscal officials were also responsible for assisting the establishment of a new trading town in Jiuzhongmen. , The nine-fold goalkeeper used a large amount of surplus money to establish trade bases in various places.

With this development, until the 30th year, the fiscal revenue of Jiuzhongmen had almost reached the state before the war between Jiuzhongmen and Saints Church.

Two years later, Fang Haoyun started the voting, and Meng Fan joined the defensive pursuit team as a picket, but he only hung a name, and he was still dealing with financial issues and refining pills in the nine-fold gate.

By the sixtieth year, the fiscal revenue of Jiuzhongmen has increased to a certain extent, and it has been enough to maintain it in all aspects. This can be regarded as a crisis.

Also in this year, Meng Fan set off for the headquarters of the defensive pursuit team to participate in the meeting.

Pei Chenglun and He Huaijiao accompanied him on this trip.

He Huaijiao successively received many messages from her hometown.

The newly dispatched **** king has been in the black hole for sixty years.

At the same time, God King Universe is also planning to build a new, larger, more stable, and stronger black hole.

And consider establishing an effective communication channel so that both sides can communicate.

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