Supreme God King

Chapter 3512: Dream year

God King Universe, where thousands of God Kings gather, the core world.

This is where the highest halls of the world conferences are located.

The highest institutions of the world conferences, built with pure white natural spar, occupy tens of thousands of miles, and have hundreds of affiliated colleges. They have the highest power to annotate all the books of the God King universe, and the obligation to store all knowledge and theories.

In the past tens of millions of years, the young **** kings of the **** king universe have countless choices if they want to get ahead, but 90% of **** kings will choose to join the various schools and colleges opened by the highest institutions, and then enter the highest institutions step by step. Obtain a recognized diploma degree.

The Divine King Universe Diploma is divided into nine grades. The first grade can only be issued by the highest institution, thus establishing the absolute dominance of the highest institution in thought and knowledge.

The person in power among the highest institutions is also known as the "ruler of the universe and spiritual world of the **** king."

The depths of the Ziyin Temple.

A handsome middle-aged man with a thin body and a three-inch black beard, quietly looking at the light picture in front of him.

In this light map, there is a huge universe and a sea of ​​stars.

The light map is changing in clusters.

More than fifty gods surrounded the light map, constantly revising the light map.

At this time, an old man with a pale beard and a robe with thunder patterns stepped into the Ziyin Hall.

"Ao Han."

The old man called.

Xuanyuan Aohan turned to see the old man, and said, "Old Wang."

Lai Ren is the longest ruler of the heavenly court in the future, one of the founders of the heavenly court in the future, one of the nine saints of the Creation Temple, and the first Lord God of the Tianting Fuxue Temple in the future. He is also a husband today. The main **** of Xue Shenfu.

At the same time, he is also the leader of the highest academic institution and one of the 22 executives of the World Congress.

Wang Haicheng.

Although his realm is only the Eight Tribulations God King, he is much inferior to the many peak powers in the God King universe, but his status, prestige, and influence are extremely high, not inferior to any peak overlord. .

After all, he has controlled academics for nearly 100 million years.

Wang Haicheng was already a little old, and his pace was not as neat as he was when he was walking. With Xuanyuan Aohan's help, he came down to Guangtu and watched carefully.

"This... is the world of meaning."

Wang Haicheng's slightly dim eyes exuded a bright light.

Xuanyuan Aohan nodded: "Five hours ago, all kinds of knowledge about the world of meaning came from the Origin Realm. This knowledge was extracted from the souls of more than a dozen gods and kings, and one of them was not inferior to any Dao. The lord’s ten-halal **** king. Sixty-six vassal universes are surrounded by nine universes as the core. Among the nine universes, there is a world of meaning. Together, they constitute the most powerful force in the known world.

"Well, the world is known." Wang Haicheng nodded.

Since the appearance of the discipliner that year, God King Universe has begun to realize how many secrets are hidden in the nothingness. Not long ago, after encountering the Calculus Universe, the highest academic institution required that any discovery be labeled "known world" for rigorous academics. "Four words.

Xuanyuan Aohan handed some information to Wang Haicheng.

After seeing it briefly, Wang Haicheng squinted his eyes: "In this way, when we created a black hole twice, we only touched the boundary of the world of meaning, and the boundary of the universe of the sixty-six vassals, so the enemies that have fought with us so far , In fact, they are just the strong on the border?"

Xuanyuan Aohan nodded: "You can say so." He stretched out his finger and clicked the light map: "That's it. This is the Liuli Universe, this is the Living Universe, this is the Thousand Star Universe. The three universes are all subsidiary universes. , Is also a boundary universe. There is gravitational pull between each other, and the gravitational force is turned into a channel, which also allows the three universes to pass more smoothly. Therefore, the meaning world also sees these three universes as a whole. Among them, the Liuli universe is the most powerful. It is roughly estimated that there are seven **** kings with ten calamities. The Thousand Star Universe is followed by about four **** kings with ten calamities. The living universe is the weakest, but there are also three **** kings with ten calamities. However, this information is not comprehensive, guarding these three The commander of the universe seems to have entered the legendary road of immortality. In addition, this commander still has five blades in his hands, and many servants called apostles. The realm of the five blades and these apostles should also be Ten Tribulation God King."

After listening, Wang Haicheng looked at Xuanyuan Aohan: "So?"

Xuanyuan Aohan continued: "There should be more than twenty Ten Tribulations God Kings in these three universes."

Wang Haicheng squinted his eyes: "It's just a fringe universe."

Xuanyuan Aohan said again: "We can't generalize. The most important source of the knowledge and information we have this time is a superb Taoist artifact called Wanji. Its strength is estimated to be ten. The King of Tribulation Breakthrough Period, which is one of the five blades under the commanders of the three universes, is the most powerful combat power in addition to the commanders of the three universes, and this commander seems to be also a strong in the meaning world, just responsible for guarding this. The reason for being in the world is that these three universes are more important and powerful, so there are more Ten Tribulations God Kings gathered here, but this does not seem to be the case with other subsidiary universes."

Wang Haicheng: "He was arranged to these three universes to resist foreign invaders."

"There is a part of this reason." Xuanyuan Aohan took out some more information: "Old Wang, after this knowledge and information are collected, we have derived some unusual news through our deduction and screening."

Wang Haicheng read the new information.

The more he looked, the brighter his eyes.

After a long time, he closed the information and said: "Pei Chenglun is not the first outsider to step into these three universes."

Xuanyuan Aohan nodded: "Yes, although the information is not complete, it can be known that hundreds of thousands of years before Pei Chenglun arrived, there was an outsider, that is, an alien in the world of meaning, who arrived in the three major universes. After that, just about 10,000 years ago, another alien arrived in the three big universes. Neither of these two "unusuals" was caught by the world of meaning. They showed quite strong strength, and they both had a battle with Five Blades. Fight against each other, but did not encounter Yin Gu. Among them, the second "alien" that arrived, not only fought against the five blades, but also killed one of them. This event shocked the Liuli universe and the commander of the three universes greatly. But in order to minimize the impact, the commander concealed the incident, so after that, the five blades survived in name only, in fact, only four blades.

Wang Haicheng was completely shocked.

Xuanyuan Aohan said solemnly: "Based on the memory of Wanji, we made a bold deduction."

Wang Haicheng turned around and looked at Xuanyuan Aohan's eyes.

Xuanyuan Aohan took a deep breath, and said, "The second'alien' who arrives should be Senior Meng Fan."

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