Supreme God King

Chapter 3513: The source of the new heavens

From the world conferences to the east, we have passed several prosperous and scattered worlds. These worlds are actually not the real world, but are composed of hundreds of embassies.

Thousands of ambassadors from all worlds have the right to observe the world conferences.

The world congresses have four levels of members and three levels of power. The highest level of power is called decision-making power, which is generally controlled by the joint conferences of the world congresses. Each of the highest institutions also holds some power to decide affairs independently.

The second level of power is called the right to vote. The first, second, and third-level members of the world conferences all have the right to vote, but the number of votes varies. The only first-level member, the future heaven, has 34 votes. , The second-level members have more than a dozen votes, the few have four or five votes, and the third-level members have one vote.

The matters that have been determined by the World Conferences are directly decided by the person or organization with the decision-making power when making decisions. When a decision is made on any matter that has not yet formed a written law or is highly controversial, it must be opened. Voting rights.

In addition to the third-level members, there are also some special people who also have the right to vote. For example, the highest school led by Wang Haicheng, after so many years of evolution, is regarded as a separate force with three votes. In addition, although Taoshan is a third-level member , But they also have the power of two votes. There are also some fourth-level members who contribute to the world conferences. There are more powerful **** kings. These powerful **** kings will join the world conferences as guest officials. They generally also have one The right to vote, but the number of votes is time-limited. The usual time limit is one hundred thousand years. After one hundred thousand years, they lose this special power.

After nearly 100 million years of evolution, the world conferences have steadily become the supreme power of the king universe, and the king universe has also become a whole under the leadership of the world conferences. In their respective worlds, a hundred flowers bloom, but in the world conferences , Is highly unified.

Also because of the evolution of hundreds of millions of years, the composition of the world conferences has become quite complicated, and it is difficult to explain clearly the composition of voting rights.

The final third level of power is the right to observe.

Members of Level 4 have the right to observe.

In this world of embassies to the east of the World Conferences, there are thousands of envoys. These thousands of envoys come from more than a thousand worlds. These worlds are members of the fourth level. They have no voting rights and cannot decide the worlds. They have the right to observe and know the various resolutions and matters of the conferences. At the same time, their embassies are located around the conferences, and they will more or less make decisions on the conferences. Out of influence.

Although the power composition of the world conferences is very complicated, there are high-level joint conferences such as the joint conferences of the world conferences, the enlarged conferences, and the conferences of living beings. There are also more than a dozen top institutions such as the Great Court, the Adjudication Corps, the Construction Corps, the highest institutions, and the coalition army. , The number of various positions, senior officials, guest officials, full-time and deputy positions is unclear, and their respective responsibilities are also different. Many of them are honorary positions without real power.

However, in the hundreds of millions of years of evolution, the world conferences have already formed their own systems and rules. In fact, the power composition of the world conferences is three parts-decision-making power, voting power, and observation power-at a glance.

Headed by the future heaven, the original founding forces of the world conferences and the human world that cannot be ignored, together constitute the decision-making power. Looking at the leaders of the highest institutions of the world conferences in the past, without exception, they all come from the founding forces and the human world. That is to say, the first-level members and the second-level members, of which the heavenly court will always occupy the dominant position in the future, and the replacement of the supreme power of the world conferences actually means looking at the future heavenly court.

After that, first-level members, second-level members, and third-level members jointly exercised the right to vote. With the end of the great pioneering era, many new forces appeared, and the rapid increase of third-level members, plus many meritorious people may not represent any forces. Only vote on behalf of oneself, so the final number of votes in a vote is often thousands of votes. Once there was a "giant vote warehouse" with 10,350 votes in a ballot that discussed how to resolve the conflict in the great pioneering new world. "event.

Voting efficiency is actually very low, and first-level members and second-level members have a weak ability to dominate voting rights. Therefore, first-level and second-level members only hold decision-making power, which often takes months or even years of voting. Members and second-level members usually don't get around.

When passing through the world composed of the embassies of the various four-level member forces, you can see an extremely magnificent world, which occupies a hundred times larger than the world conventions, and is completely shrouded in a dense spiritual energy, like a mythical world. .

This world is the avenue world closest to the world conventions. It can even be said that the world conventions are part of this avenue world.

The future heaven.

The world congresses were originally established in the heavenly court in the future. Later, as time passed, the world congresses gradually took shape, so the member forces of the world congresses invested money and were established in a void under the leadership of the One. Thousands of halls, these halls later evolved into the new sites of the world conferences, and then it took many years to move all the world conferences and institutions that were originally located in the future heaven to this new site, and eventually became To today’s world conferences.

The world conventions are almost the same distance from other Dao worlds and second-level member worlds, but they are completely close to the future heaven. The void established by the world conventions is actually part of the future heaven.

When passing through the thick spiritual mist, you can see the scene of the heaven in the future.

The building styles are unique, and you can see buildings like the human world, some buildings full of technological power, and the shadows of thousands of races such as dragons, monsters, and giant spirits.

The future heaven is a great world that gathers many of the highest philosophies, art, martial arts, spirit, and laws of the God King universe.

In the future, the Heavenly Court will not represent a certain race or a certain civilization, but will represent all races and civilizations of the God King universe.

The future heaven is the way of heaven.

Therefore, the prosperous world seen through the mist of spiritual energy is actually not the core of the future heaven, but the "foot of the mountain" of the future heaven.

Going to the central area of ​​the heavenly court in the future, you will find that the terrain gradually rises, the laws become more condensed, and there are more and more mountains and rivers.

Can only go up.

It takes two years to walk from the edge of the future heaven on foot to the highest point of the future heaven.

That highest point is where the future Heavenly Court Heavenly Palace and the major divine palaces will be located, that is, the source of the heavens.

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