Supreme God King

Chapter 3523: Infinite creatures

Representative Roland looked at Ming Yi ancestor with solemn expression.

The ancestor of Mingyi was pouring tea slowly.

In the eyes of God King Universe, the creatures that calculate the universe can be collectively referred to as infinite creatures, because after a long period of time, ninety-nine of the intelligent creatures who calculate the universe have disappeared, or merged with the mainstream creatures’ blood, and finally formed the current rule of the whole Calculate the infinite creatures of the universe.

This point is different from God King Universe. King Universe takes freedom as the supreme concept, races are relatively equal, and the first iron law safeguards the dignity of every individual. Therefore, to this day, King Universe still has tens of thousands of intelligent races, and King Universe is still working on creating new ones. The intelligent race, such as Chunfeng. In recent years, the highest institutions have begun to try to revive some pure phoenixes that were extinct as early as the beginning of the era.

But as humanity says, everything will be united when divided for a long time, and divided for a long time.

The calculus universe has developed to the extreme in many aspects, and the race is highly unified. Even calculus creatures, but with the development of time, some differences will begin to appear.

For example, the tenth person is one of the infinite creatures, but it is very different from other infinite creatures. This huge difference is mainly due to the tenth person having a rare sensibility to calculate the universe, so they also have certain privileges, but the first Ten people's ideas can never become mainstream ideas.

In addition, based on the contact and understanding of the universe of the gods over the years of the calculus universe, we already know that the infinite creatures of the calculus universe can actually be divided into hundreds of types, large and small.

And the most important are the four categories.

Traditional infinite creatures, they are the guardians of the core values ​​of the calculus universe and the creators of mainstream ideas. Their origins can be traced back to the early civilization of calculus universe. This type of infinite creatures strive to maintain rationality and reject sensibility.

Progressive Party. This group of infinite creatures is almost indistinguishable from other infinite creatures in blood. In fact, the main body of the calculus universe is in the same bloodline, but it diverges at a certain point. The Progressive Party is an important party in the highest ruling parliament of the calculation universe. They are more tolerant and appreciate things that are not valued by traditional infinite creatures, such as beauty, culture, civilization, and art. They prefer to explore the outside world. They hope to be rational Find a balance between sensibility. After the establishment of the tenth system, almost all tenths will join the Progressive Party, which makes the Progressive Party more and more powerful.

Tombkeepers, they are older and more conservative than the traditional infinite creatures. Their ancestors are almost all the founders of the computing world in the early stage of civilization. Based on the understanding of the calculus universe, Shenwang Universe believes that the tombkeepers are complete The infinite creatures who abandon their sensibility and think with pure reason are quite similar to the king of the light brain in this respect. The tomb-keeper is mainly in the major knowledge bases in the calculation of the universe. When an infinite creature dies, according to the custom of the calculation universe, it will not be buried, but will be broken down. All memories and knowledge are stored in the knowledge base. Therefore, the knowledge base established in various places in the calculation universe is equivalent to a cemetery, and the tomb-keeper is to guard the knowledge base, so he is called the tomb-keeper. Almost all the infinite creatures in the calculation universe despise life and take death for granted. They think that their bodies and lives are just a medium for carrying knowledge and passing on knowledge. From this perspective, the gravekeepers are actually very influential.

In addition, there is always a tit-for-tat between the Tomb Keeper and the Progressive Party. The Progressive Party often refers to the Tomb Keeper as an extreme die-hard. However, because the Tomb Keeper hates sensibility, he can only judge right or wrong. The Progressive Party and the Tomb Keeper are in Parliament. The debates of the tombs are never tepid, and the gravekeepers disdain to debate with the Progressive Party. Therefore, the influence of the gravekeepers is declining. However, as representatives of the pure rational thinking of the calculation universe, the decisions they make will always be taken seriously. .

The last category is the Party of All Beings.

Like the Progressive Party, the Party is also an active party in the highest ruling parliament. Its philosophy lies between the Progressive Party and the traditional infinite creatures. The biggest feature is the Party’s respect for individual lives. They don’t think that individual lives are just knowledge. The carrier, life is independent and dignified, and cannot be treated as a "notebook". All knowledge is extracted after death, and even the name will not be remembered. They are dedicated to reviving literature and inspiring free thought .

But the influence of the Party of Living Beings in calculating the universe is really weak. The contempt for life and the emphasis on knowledge by the infinite creatures are the result of tens of billions of years of development. They can die without hesitation, and face the end of life, and they are relatively indifferent. The only thing they think about is how to remember their own memory. And knowledge is better passed down. With this deep-rooted ideology, the Party’s influence in the Supreme Ruling Parliament and the people is not strong, but this kind of weakness is relative to the other three categories. From a point of view, there are still many infinite creatures who partially agree with the idea of ​​the Party of All Beings. Therefore, the Party of All Beings always exists and is also an important faction in the calculation universe.

In general, now the main director of the universe is the traditional infinite creatures and the progressive party.

This can be seen from the mission group that arrived at the King of Gods Universe. Among them, although there are traditional infinite creatures, grave guards, progressive parties, and sentient beings parties, in fact, the power is very obvious. The tomb guard is only responsible for the final performance, and lacks interest in all other matters. The Party of All Living Beings likes to study the culture of the heavens in the future, to find the true meaning of individual existence, and is interested in various heroes and legends, but these two factions, None of them are leaders.

It is the traditional infinite creatures and the Progressive Party that truly communicate with the God King Universe.

Representative Roland, the head of the mission, is a standard traditional infinite creature.

Many of the messengers who have had close contact with God King Universe are members of the Progressive Party.

At this moment, Senator Roland looked at Ming Yi ancestor with solemn expression, and was silent.

After the ancestor of Mingyi filled the tea, he looked at Representative Roland for a while, stretched out a finger, and wrote a series of numbers on the table with the tea.

Representative Roland's complexion became more solemn.

The ancestor Mingyi said: "We knew the coordinates of the universe a long time ago, but for many reasons, we didn't say it. The main reason is to give the universe a bit of face. After all, you worked so hard to keep it secret. "

Representative Roland's eyelids twitched: "Is it a torrent of souls?"

"No." The ancestor Mingyi shook his head: "You don't need a torrent of souls, Representative Roland, your thoughts and thoughts are transparent in our eyes."

Representative Rowland: "Why?"

"The first is because you will not lie, and the second is that you are almost blank in martial arts. We have to pry open the mouth of the ten thousand halberd. We need to use tremendous power and use various mental skills, but we have to see clearly Your thoughts are all you need to look at."

Representative Roland stepped into the chair, crossed his fingers and said nothing.

The ancestor of Mingyi smiled and said, "We are friends."

Representative Roland raised his head and looked at the ancestor Mingyi: "When the messenger Tutu told me that we were still living in the dark forest, I suddenly felt that we were like children who didn’t know the dangers of survival. Patriarch Yi, how do you make me feel at ease?"

"I don't need to make you feel at ease." Mingyi ancestor lowered his eyelids slightly. "You have seen the appearance of the God King Universe. Here, thousands of races coexist peacefully, and as early as 100 million years ago, when the Creation Great was still there, as long as he wanted to, the Demon Realm, the Dragon Realm, and even the Human Realm, Can be destroyed."

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