Supreme God King

Chapter 3524: Like ants

In the small conference hall, Congressman Roland, the envoy of Tutu, and three other envoys sat together.

This is a first-level meeting.

And the five people present are the leaders of the more than five thousand infinite creatures who arrived in the God King universe this time.

The Tutu messenger is an important figure of the young generation in the Progressive Party, and has a seat in the highest ruling parliament.

Representative Roland is a veteran member of the Supreme Ruling Council with 115 years of political experience, and the third oldest member of the traditional infinite qualifications. His status is extraordinary. Perhaps in God King Universe, 115 years of political experience is nothing, but looking at the average lifespan of infinite creatures of more than two hundred years, it is actually quite remarkable. Representative Roland is about to enter his old age. He is very young. When I joined the Supreme Ruling Council, it’s just that the infinite creatures can’t see their age and they don’t age, so Senator Roland and the young Tutu messenger look almost the same, but Tutu messenger looks more cheerful and always has a face. Smile, and Senator Roland always looks solemn.

Representative Roland is also the head of the mission.

The other three are very interesting.

One of them can really see "aging".

As a race that does not age, this so-called aging is of course not physical, but temperament. In the words of God King Universe, this infinite creature is "dead and dead." Just sitting there will make people mistaken for a statue, without the breath of life.

He was wrapped in a gray robe with weird runes on the cuffs.

This kind of rune is very old. It is an arithmetic symbol in the early days of the cosmos civilization and the era of algorithms. Then the identity of this person is very clear-the tombkeeper.

Gravekeepers are usually easy to be misunderstood about their age. Even young gravekeepers are lifeless, but look old-fashioned, because they are completely deprived of sensibility, and even every year, they will use nearly a third of them. Participate in all kinds of spiritual training in one time. These trainings are often cruel and are carried out for the purpose of depriving feelings.

His name is unknown to God King Universe. Tombkeepers don’t like to communicate with outsiders, but his identity is very unusual. He is about the same age as Senator Roland. Like many tombkeepers, he has no seat in the Supreme Ruling Council. But there is a say, and this time, the maintenance and calculations of the final performance that arrived in the King of Gods universe are all done by the tombkeeper, and he is the overall responsibility.

His name is Ken Tirol.

There is also an infinite creature whose temperament is probably the most unique among the few people present. It has sharp eyes and a tall posture. Sitting there, a finger gently taps the arm of the chair.

He is one of the deputy leaders of the Party of All Life, Patrol.

The last infinite creature seems very ordinary, but from its purple-red complexion, it can be judged that he is also one of the noble traditional infinite creatures. In fact, his main identity is the captain of the main flagship of the envoy fleet, ha Rol.

A lot of clues can be seen from the names of these five people.

Tomb Keeper Ken Tirol, Deputy Leader of the Party of Living Beings Patrol, and the main flagship captain of the Envoys, Hal Roer, all have the word Roer in their names. In fact, their origins are all the same. Large families, but they are not considered blood related. About thousands of generations ago, their ancestors may have been members of the same family. In other words, they are actually the descendants of infinite creatures from the ancient tradition, only with time. Over time, they have embarked on different paths and have different ideas.

The name of Senator Roland is quite old. In the history of the development of infinite creatures, there are many people named Roland, mainly in the early and middle stages of civilization. Later, Roland's name gradually disappeared, but many large families still have Named Roland for his descendants.

The strangest name is Tutu Messenger. In fact, almost all tenths have strange names because they are not from a certain family. To be precise, they are the product of the "rational" of the calculation universe. The purely rational world thinks that they may fall into a blind spot where they can’t turn to thinking only with reason, thus creating infinite perceptual creatures. Tutu has no parents, he is a bred creature.

Most of the tenth person, like Tutu, has no parents, but was created with the power of technology.

Only a small percentage of the tenth person has parents, but their parents often died when they were very young.

As a result, the name of the tenth person is often out of tradition or connotation. For example, the two words Tutu, in the language of calculating the universe, mean flowers and grass, without deep meaning.

"Shenwang Universe has long known the coordinates of our hometown." Representative Roland spoke first. "The secret we clung to is still a'secret' because God King Universe is concerned about our face and doesn't want to hit us, huh..." Congressman Roland laughed. "I have always known that the creatures of the God King universe are very powerful, and the individual power is beyond our imagination. In our world, a creature can live for three to four hundred years is longevity, but they have a small God King here, Can live for hundreds of thousands of years-but I never thought they would be so strong."

The grave guard Ken Tirol raised his head and stared at Senator Roland: "Can they read the memories in our minds?"

"Read the mind, read the memory, read the subconscious." Tutu messenger laughed.

"These words are wrong." Patrolol, the Party of Living Beings suddenly said.

Many people's eyes are on Pattyrol.

When the Calculus Universe knows exactly the existence of the God King Universe, the messenger group formed is very mysterious. Every faction thinks that this contact can get a huge dividend, or it is culture or knowledge, so every faction is doing its best. Get a place for your faction.

Everyone here has a purpose. The Envoy of Tutu is full of interest in the various cultures of the God King universe, so he reads all day.

As for Patrol, his interest is martial arts.

The philosophy of the Party of All Beings is the awakening of the individual and respect for life.

Therefore, the emergence of God King Universe, in fact, is not the progressive party that is most interested in, not the tenth person.

It's the Party of All Beings!

God King Universe is what the future world looks like in the ideals of the Party of All Beings.

Patrol has been learning the essence of martial arts these days, and borrowing the powerful deduction ability of the calculation universe and various resources provided by the world conferences, the realm is rapidly improving.

The speed of his advancement is terrible.

He is already a God King of Eight Tribulations!

But like many infinite creatures who first entered the universe of the God King and eager for quick success to gain realm and strength, his body is full of holes, and his life span has not been extended enough, but has been reduced.

Patrol has only twenty years of life left.

But he was already satisfied.

He looked at several people quietly, and said calmly: "In my eyes, everyone is like ants."

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