Supreme God King

Chapter 3525: Agreement

Patrol's eyes are not mixed with any emotion, this sentence is not contempt, but a definite description.

After a long period of technological transformation, the infinite creatures are actually much stronger than the original era. Some of the infinite creatures that have undergone special transformation have a fighting power comparable to the King of One Tribulation.

But the King of One Tribulations, in the eyes of the King of Eight Tribulations, isn't it an ant?

What's more, the powerful and infinite creatures that have been transformed are just as powerful as the King of One Tribulations, but in other aspects, they are very weak, such as spirit, character, and lifespan.

"Our body is not suitable for martial arts." Patrol said. "When I first met the Central Emperor, the Seven Ark Fleet selected one person, Gou Yuan. Through the calculation power of the Ark and the Central Emperor’s teaching, he elevated Gou Yuan to the realm of the Eight Tribulations God King in a short period of time. But his lifespan has not increased, it has decreased.

As early as billions of years ago, when our universe completely transitioned to the stage of calculus and technological civilization, we began to transform our body, blood, and genes. The technology of replicas that were questioned billions of years ago Later, it was accepted by everyone, and the engravers also had the same status as normal creatures. "

Tutu messenger was silent.

He is a replica.

All tenths are re-engravers.

Patrol continued: "Our bodies, genes, and blood are constantly being transformed to be suitable for calculations, rational thinking, and suitable for scientific and technological forces. We have been far away from the essence of living things for many years, and it is difficult for us to understand today. The "Tao" in the mouth of God King Universe.

Therefore, although we can rely on our own strength to increase our strength to the eight calamities of the overlord even in the King Universe, in fact, this strength is only numerical strength. Fight against each other, I don't believe that I can fight against any **** king of the universe, because I have no way. In other aspects, such as the acuity of the soul, the perception, the understanding of mind, the perception of martial arts, and the sensitivity to the laws of heaven and earth, I am too inferior.

And my life span is dwindling.

Sad, isn't it? "

Pattyrol leaned forward: "Just like a powerful existence in the God King Universe, the King of Light Brain, he constantly wanted to create a perfect incarnation, and finally realized that he still needs to create a perfect incarnation. Turn ourselves into creatures. And we are not Taoism tools, but we are not creatures. We are already in between. If the future craftsman empire is the product of Taoism and creatures fusion, then we are the fusion of technology and creatures. As a result, this is a shackle. To break through this shackle, it takes a huge effort. It is a great fortune for me to come to the universe of the King of Gods. Here, I have found the meaning of individual life struggle. The Party of Living Beings to Gods Wang Universe is full of fanatical worship, but I don’t know where to start. I have found a breakthrough. No matter what the resolution is, I will continue to explore the universe of God King."

Congressman Roland closed his eyes after listening and seemed to be thinking. After a long time, he opened his eyes and continued: "After the big meeting, we have decided to stay in the King of God universe and fight side by side with them, but we must protect our universe. The most important of many secrets is the coordinates of our universe. Now, the coordinates of our universe have been known by the King Universe. We are facing a watershed, whether we continue forward or take a step back."

The messenger Tutu asked: "How to move forward?"

"The ancestors of Mingyi proposed a new agreement." Congressman Roland said. "The content is simple and clear, showing enough sincerity."

The messenger Tutu smiled and said: "Since the big meeting, God King Universe has been showing sincerity. I have read many books that cannot be made public."

Representative Roland continued: "It's about four points. First, God King Universe hopes to send envoys to our universe. Second, the highest school will be open to us, and we can send three hundred students to the highest school every ten years. , You can even get the household registration of Shenwang Universe and become a member of Shenwang Universe.

Correspondingly, God King Universe hopes to send students to study in our universe, mainly learning the power of technology and algorithms. "

Patrol said lightly: "Compared to us, the civilization system of the King Universe is perfect. We have big loopholes in culture and art. It is not a shortcoming, but a blank. However, the civilization of the King Universe is After a long period of war, fighting, and peaceful evolution, it has become Hainan’s Hundred Rivers. Any civilization we can imagine can find its shadow here, and any culture is also reflected here, so we have always worried that the culture of the king of the universe will affect us. It caused an impact, but God King Universe didn’t care at all that our civilization would impact their civilization, because there was no impact at all.”

The gravekeeper Ken Tirol said: "I am very interested in the history of the infinite realm."

Everyone was silent for a moment.

The history of the infinite realm is the history that many people who calculate the universe are most interested in after they arrive, because the development of the infinite realm is very similar to the beginning of the calculation universe, and the infinite realm has suffered a huge impact. This impact comes from the monk civilization and Budo system.

In fact, this impact has planted a huge bane, and the final failure of the King of Light Brain is all related to this.

Representative Roland's voice became more calm and said: "The third point, God King Universe is willing to develop for us a martial arts technique suitable for our cultivation. This technique will not be very powerful, but it is far from having other techniques The law is so fierce, as long as we don't rush for quick success, we can practice our own civilized martial arts."

Patrol's eyes suddenly let out a sharp light.

Congressman Roland said: "This matter is very easy for God King Universe. They can create a new species of civilization at will, and they don't need much power, just a powerful God King. Perhaps in their eyes, the body structure of our species is very simple, so it is not difficult to tailor martial arts techniques for us."

Patrol squinted his eyes, but the light seemed even more violent: "This exercise will strengthen the Party of All Beings and even create a new race."

Representative Roland took a deep breath: "This is what I worry about, shock."

Patrol said: "On this point, I vote for it."

The messenger Tutu stretched out his hand to stop him, then looked at Congressman Roland: "What is the last point?"

Congressman Roland looked at the tombkeeper Ken Tirol: "They hope to get some secrets about the final performance."

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