Supreme God King

Chapter 3526: Universe Alliance

Ken Tirol, the tomb guard, was silent.

His eyes seem to be faintly blue in the crystal sand deposited under the water.

The ultimate performance is to calculate the ultimate power of the universe, but the ultimate performance is not the only one.

There are many final events in the calculus universe, but even Roland and Tutu don’t know how many.

The calculation universe has been pursuing higher calculation methods. In the early days of the formation of the calculation world, things like optical brains and Tao furnaces already existed. Later, with the passage of time, more powerful calculation methods were created. And the final performance is the highest achievement of the calculation road.

The first final performance is now 8 million years ago, created by more than 8,000 grave guards, and then recognized by the Supreme Ruling Council. Many infinite creatures have been invested in the construction of the final performance. One hundred thousand years ago, the final performance reached its limit. The Tombkeeper used thousands of algorithms to reach a result-the final performance was the ultimate calculation power, and there would be no more powerful calculation power than the final performance.

So the name "Final Show" appeared.

Calculating how many final performances there are in the universe is a secret that only the gravekeeper knows, and the core technology of the final performance is also controlled by the gravekeeper.

The faction of the Tombkeeper is very magical. They disdain to argue and discuss with any faction, nor do they bother to play with words. They only think with the most calm thinking and discard all sensibility. This makes the Tombkeeper calculate the influence of the universe. They are getting weaker and weaker, but as the guardians of the knowledge base, they are always a force that cannot be ignored in the calculation of the universe, and a symbol of the glory of the calculation of the universe, and they do not need to use any means to enhance their influence, they are Created the final performance without saying a word, and then became the most powerful deduction force in the calculation universe.

Now, the destiny of the God King universe and the calculation universe are in the hands of the tomb guard.

In the agreement proposed by the King Universe, there are four conditions. Although the first three items need to be considered and discussed. For example, the King Universe needs to send envoys to the Calculus Universe, and the two parties have to exchange students to learn from each other’s culture. This kind of thing does not affect Calculus Universe. Know what kind of impact it will cause, because it is difficult for the calculation universe to understand the core culture of the **** king universe, so the calculation universe cannot make accurate inferences. This matter cannot even be done in the final stage, as long as the calculation universe cannot be done in one day. Understanding the meaning of "Tao", in their eyes, all the actions of God King Universe are full of variables.

And the most unacceptable civilization of a civilization that develops calculation methods to the extreme is the variable. If one thing has thousands of results, then they have to make thousands of plans.

But now, God King Universe does not show thousands of results, but countless variables.

However, how many of you can accept it.

Why has the calculation universe been struggling to develop calculation methods? Just to reduce variables, they admit that variables will always exist and cannot be eliminated completely.

So it is acceptable.

As for the third point, there is more thinking in the calculation universe. A martial arts technique suitable for the cultivation of infinite creatures is likely to have an unprecedented huge impact on the civilization of the calculus universe. This impact is a lesson learned. The infinite realm of the God King universe is a lesson learned from this, and Patrol showed it. The enthusiasm of the people just confirmed their concerns. As Patrol said, this exercise may create a new race in the calculation universe, and it is a powerful race that regards ordinary creatures as ants.

But the third point, they can still barely accept it.

Because at present, all of this is controllable, and everyone here does not believe that the real prosperity of calculus cosmic martial arts will surpass the **** king universe, and the current level of civilization and peace of **** king universe is not inferior to calculus. The universe, so infinite creatures do not have much rejection and fear of martial arts.

The real difficulty is the fourth point.

Whether this agreement is signed or not, whether the relationship between God King Universe and Calculus Universe is one step closer, or one step back, blending with each other, or keeping a distance, is all determined by the tombkeeper.

For a long time, Ken Tirol said: "Out of disgust with variables and curiosity about the universe of the king, after arriving here, we used the final performance to perform many deductions on the universe of the king. Billion times.

We came to such a result.

The most powerful calculation force of the God King Universe is the ancestor of Mingyi. He controls the Qi of Heaven and can see the law of the movement of everything. At the same time, he is proficient in the deduction techniques of the Eight Changes of Humanity and Zhou Tian. He is a humanity himself. Deduction of holy things, and he swallowed most of the calculation power of the King of Light Brain in the Infinite Domain.

In the end, under normal operation, the calculation ability was eleven times that of Ming Yi's ancestor.

In the end, the performance was running at full capacity, and when it reached its limit, the calculation ability was twenty-nine times that of Ming Yi's ancestor.

This is just a final performance ability. I can’t tell you how many final performances of the universe are. But I can say that what you can guess is that the final performance we have is double digits.

In other words, the calculus we have is completely absent and unattainable by God King Universe.

This is our advantage. "

After these words were said, everyone in the room was silent.

The meaning is also very clear.

The tomb-keepers will not let God King Universe get the secret of the final performance, nor will they tell them how to create a Dao tool similar to the final performance.

This is the advantage of the calculation universe, and it is the greatest advantage.

The power of science and technology and absolute rationality, although these things are all advantages, these advantages are insignificant compared to the God King Universe.

The real advantage is the calculative power that the calculative universe has far surpassing the **** king universe.

After a moment of silence.

Patrol suddenly spoke.

"This advantage will not last long."

All eyes are on him.

Patrol said: "I still said that many things we hide are transparent in the eyes of King Universe. Just like our big meeting, King Universe didn't care what we talked about, but they all knew. Just like the coordinates of our hometown, it’s a secret we’ve kept, but they also know that the ultimate performance is not Dao, but Shu. God King Universe has always despised the power of Shu. This is the reason, because Shu, always It is a force that can be deduced, but Tao cannot be deduced. Although God King Universe does not know the true meaning of the final performance, they have created the first generation of furnaces as early as 100 million years ago, and now the furnace has developed to In the eighty-seventh generation, although the calculation ability of a single furnace is very weak in our opinion, the calculation ability formed by many furnaces connected to each other is very powerful, and although the infinite field has declined, the power of technology and deduction is still They have brewed and developed in it, and now they have seen the final performance, then do you think that if God King Universe is willing, how long will it take to create their own final performance?"

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