Supreme God King

Chapter 3527: trust

The third black hole was finally completed.

The huge black hole is like a pearl, embedded in the sky above the third place of nothingness, with a large number of black spar coiled around it to fix the law.

In front of this huge black hole, even the ark that calculates the universe is as small as a mosquito.

Zhi Weiyi walked side by side with Senator Roland on the great plain, looking at the black hole.

Many **** kings who came and went when they saw the most prestigious city stood up straight and gave salutes, and then hurriedly left.

"In those days, in order to create the first black hole, the world conferences used almost all their strength and it took millions of years. Today, it only took a few years, and the power and resources used were much less. From the beginning of the construction to the completion now, only a few 10,000 gods have participated, and the first black hole that year used 350,000 gods."

Zhiweiyi said.

Congressman Roland sighed: "The progress of God King Universe is very fast."

"We are open to all rivers, so we are open-minded and tolerant, and we are also good at learning." Zhiweiyi.

Representative Roland was silent for a moment and said: "I have seen many contradictory forces in the God King Universe, but they are able to coexist peacefully. The God King is a powerful individual, the pinnacle of living beings, possessing superb wisdom, cognition, reason, The shifting spiritual world, as well as the powerful physical strength and long life span, such a powerful individual does not exist in our world, but these powerful and independent individuals are willing to abide by the rules, obey orders, or obey orders. For a certain person, the world conferences can directly use 350,000 gods to complete a task, which uses 1% of the gods of the gods universe. This kind of individual's powerful independence and the establishment of ruling hegemony, How does it coexist peacefully?"

He smiled, but didn't answer directly, but asked, "Representative Roland, should this be our first conversation?"

Representative Rowland nodded: "Mr. Zhiweiyi is the de facto leader of the God King Universe. Everyone knows that. We also know that the contemporary Liang Tianwang is still young. For tens of millions of years, he is the creator of the new century, the founder of the meritorious system, the spokesperson of the future heaven, and the drafter of many laws of the world conferences. We all know Mr. Zhi Weiyi, but we have never really talked with you. Because we know that our level may not be enough, it is a great honor for Mr. Zhi Weiyi to actively promote the meeting today."

Zhiwei smiled calmly: "Do you know who my teacher is?"

Representative Roland nodded again: "The head of the three days of creation, the first **** of the old age, Meng Fan, the messenger of Tutu said that there are records in some ancient books, and many gods have said that in the eyes of the head of the three days of creation, The **** king is just a mortal."

One of them: "It seems that you are really good at acquiring knowledge and already know our world quite well."

"Just to understand the superficial and deeper things, it is still difficult for us to understand, even if the world conferences open all the classics to us, it is difficult for us to understand." Representative Rowland said.

"Confidence." Zhiweiyi said a word.

Congressman Roland frowned and repeated: "Confident?"

"Yes, confident." Zhiwei smiled. "You ask us how to strike a perfect balance between individual independence and overall efficiency. The answer is confidence."

Representative Roland: "I don't understand it below."

The best one: "The concept of self-confidence is very general. If you only believe in yourself, it is not self-confidence, but selfish. True self-confidence is not only to believe in yourself, but also to believe in people around you, believe in many things and be willing to give for All, even life."

Congressman Roland thought for a moment: "Confidence... includes believing in your own choices and your own judgment?"

"Yes." I nodded, and walked to a garden with Senator Roland. Under the black hole, every flower in these gardens turned dark brown, which looked very weird but beautiful. "Let me give you an example. When the first black hole was completed, all actions were hidden. All the 350,000 gods and kings who participated in the construction of the black hole chose to keep this matter secret. No special restrictions are required. It’s nothing. The first five **** kings who stepped into the black hole were all young people. Their average age was 3 million years old. The oldest Pei Chenglun was only 7 million years old. Their realm was all eight tribulations. Nine Tribulations, the existence of this realm is already the pinnacle overlord."

Representative Roland nodded in agreement. Needless to say, the God King of Eight Tribulations and Nine Tribulations, even if it is a God King of Two Tribulations, its power is beyond the imagination of Representative Roland.

"They were selected from many people. After a long period of training and cultivation, they have stripped away a part of their memory. This part of the memory covers the exact coordinates of the God King universe. The most important memory is their childhood memory, because Childhood memories can make a person tender and weak.

In the end, before they stepped into the black hole, I said to them, you are likely to go to extinction, a true life of nine deaths, are you ready to die?

And I'm not wrong. Five young **** kings who have undergone rigorous selection and training, stripped of their memories and become extremely firm, finally only two reached the world of meaning.

From beginning to end, they can opt out.

But no one quit.

This is their choice, and they firmly believe in their choice.

This is also self-confidence. "

Zhiwei stood still and looked at Congressman Roland: "Just as you choose to believe me, I believe all colleagues in the world conferences, all colleagues in the world conferences believe in the laws we build and our spirit and traditions, young students believe in the highest Academies can unlock wisdom for them, and sentient beings believe in the first iron law of the world conventions.

We are confident and choose to believe.

In order to repay this trust, we strive to do our best and live up to the expectations of all beings.

The first iron law was formulated by the predecessors and has been firmly implemented until today.

The allied forces of the world have always maintained peace and used the most violent means to combat violence.

The Supreme Court and the Adjudication Corps guard the law with absolute justice.

To this day, the princes of the highest institutions, no matter how busy they are, spend an hour every day reading the articles of outstanding students, and every year, princes will write a book by himself, covering all aspects. "

Zhiwei turned around and reached out to the black hole: "The main builder of the third black hole is the future craftsman empire and the young **** king sent from the world. The law of the black hole is provided by the future heaven’s Qiji Shenfu. Borrowing the algorithm of calculating the universe, and with the help of some people in the Infinite Realm, the black crystals were provided by the Dragon Realm and the New God Realm. In addition, when the Hundred-Man Expedition Army arrived, the God King who participated in the encirclement and suppression , From the world of heaven, human world, Shura world, demons, demon gods, Buddha world, etc. We use people who are best at engineering construction to build, people who know the rules best to maintain the rules, and people who are good at calculations. Calculus, because we believe in their power.

We believe in them.

They also believe in world conferences.

We have blurred boundaries, race.

Even blurred the position.

This kind of self-confidence and trust was built over tens of billions of years. From the beginning of Hongmeng, the first sage who thought about the laws of heaven and earth, hoping to benefit all living beings, began until 100 million years ago. The expectation and destiny of sentient beings swallowed the Emperor of Heaven. We finally defeated the law. For the first time, sentient beings stood together because of the war against the law and heaven. "

After that, Zhiweiyi continued to move forward.

Only the Senator Roland who could not calm down for a long time was left behind.

After a while, Zhiwei stopped and looked back at Congressman Roland.

"Do you trust us?"

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