Supreme God King

Chapter 3528: Set off

To be away.

He walked into the third black hole with thirteen young **** king guards carefully selected.

In addition to these guards, there are more than a dozen Dao artifacts with powerful weapons.

This is a very representative team. The Supreme One is the unquestionable leader, and the thirteen **** kings, in addition to two from the future heavenly palace and Hongwu gods, the other eleven are from the dragon world, the devil world, the Shura world, and the human world. , Buddha Realm, New God Realm, Arcane Civilization.

Among the dozen or so powerful Dao artifacts, half were created by the artisan empire, some were war machines that combined algorithms and martial arts in the infinite field, and a small number of high-grade Dao artifacts created by the World Congress.

This team includes all kinds of knowledge and power of God King Universe.

They embarked on a journey.

Liang Chen tried his best to conceal this matter, but because Zhiweiyi didn't want to conceal it, the news still spread like wildfire.

What Liang Chen didn't expect was that sentient beings weren't confused by the departure of the Oneness. They were calm and safe.

The beings of the God King Universe know that they will inevitably move to a higher point and into a new world.

They look forward to the return of the Oneness.

This is a big deal.

In addition, on the second day after Zhi Weiyi left, Senator Roland, Tutu Envoy and others, with hundreds of infinite creatures, returned to the calculus universe, riding on the second black hole that had been broken.

No one knows what they are doing.

But some bigwigs at the World Congress know.

Because Meng Xiannian went back with them.

The years began to flow in a hurry.

The second place of nothingness is still being expanded.

The simulation of the world of meaning has been done perfectly by the highest institutions.

Wanji is still in custody, and the powerful God King goes to see him every day, talk to him, and gain knowledge.

The construction of a model of the fourth black hole has begun.

Fifteen years have passed.

Congressman Roland, Tutu messenger and Meng Xiannian returned.

This time, there are three thousand infinite creatures who are calculating the universe.

Just dozens of days after their return, the World Congress and Calculus Universe signed a series of agreements, which confirmed the alliance between the two parties. The World Congress provided culture and martial arts, Calculus Universe provided algorithms, especially the secrets of the final show. , The two sides send messengers and students to each other.

Universe Alliance.

This word that has never been heard appeared.

The final choice of the calculation universe, believe in the king of the universe.

Among them, the Progressive Party represented by the Tutu messengers played a very important role, while Senator Roland spent a long time persuading the traditional infinite creatures and the highest ruling parliament.

But in this, another force that everyone didn't care about before played a key role, that is, the Party of All Beings.

After Patrol's return, the power he showed made the Party of All Living Beings enthusiastic. The dreams, ideas, and utopias they had been pursuing turned out to be the God King Universe.

The number of the People’s Party has increased dramatically, and it has become extremely active and even restless. These have aroused the concerns of some members of the supreme ruling parliament, but some facts lie in front of them, such as the power of Patrol and many supreme ruling parliaments. Of MPs have joined the Party of All Life

In just a few years after returning to the calculus universe, Patirole relied on his powerful strength and completed the publication of the core concept of the Party of All Life, and gained a lot of prestige and contacts. His influence surpassed that of the leader of the Party of All Life. , And after an internal meeting of the Party of All Beings, he successfully became the leader of the Party of All Beings, and a large number of articles about the ideas of the Party of All Beings were published. From the time Patrol became the leader of the Party of All Beings, the core idea of ​​the Party of All Beings was From respecting individual freedom and desire, it has become a yearning and worship for the universe of God King.

The number of the Sovereign Party has increased sharply. At the same time, many influential people in the Sovereign Party have even delivered speeches. They said that if the Supreme Ruling Council finally does not agree to establish an alliance with God King Universe, then they will build the Ark by themselves and go to God King Universe.

This is a "pilgrimage."

It is not Senator Roland who is trying to persuade the traditional infinite creatures to really absolutely calculate the alliance between the universe and the King of Gods. It is not the Progressive Party represented by the outgoing and inclusive Tutu messengers, but the Party of All Living Beings headed by Patrol.

Increasingly large, and finally decided the signing of the agreement.

Therefore, among the three thousand infinite creatures that arrived in the God King universe, more than 60% were members of the Party of All Living Beings.

In order to express his attitude, the ancestors of Mingyi decided to accept all the three thousand infinite creatures who came to study, and arranged them in the various institutions of the World Congress. Among them, the highest institution took in most of them. In addition, the holy place of study, Taoshan, It also received more than two hundred people, and the other Demon Realms, Buddha Realms, and Dragon Realms each took dozens of people.

Soon after this, the highest school also organized a group of students, a total of 1,000 gods, to go to the calculation universe to learn the laws of the algorithm world.

A powerful universe alliance is thus established.

Seven years after the signing of the agreement.

Shenwang Universe began to build the fourth place of nothingness.

The difference from the previous is that although this place of nothingness is close to the Godking Universe, it is not managed by the Godking Universe, but is jointly managed and built by the Godking Universe and the Calculus Universe, and even a gathering of many infinite creatures has been established. Area.

After seeing the outline of the fourth place of nothingness, the scholars of the Calculus Universe and the highest academy said that the two universes and the civilizations they represent have faced the law of the dark forest for the first time, opened their hands and embraced The law of the dark forest, they stepped into the dark forest with a strong, calm, and determined attitude.

Almost at the same time, the Calculus Universe and the God King Universe began to build an "anti-meaning legion" in order to deal with the world army of meaning that may appear at any time.

Three years later, the establishment of the Anti-Sense Legion was completed. The Legion was composed of 60,000 gods, 20,000 war puppets that calculated the universe, and 90 tactical arks, and continued to expand.

In 17 years, the fourth place of nothingness was basically completed, and more infinite creatures who calculated the universe arrived and lived in the fourth place of nothingness. At the same time, more kings of the universe moved to the fourth place. Life in the void.

Five years later, an exploratory fleet composed of God King Universe and Calculus Universe, a total of four arks, sailed away from the second place of nothingness, stepped into the depths of nothingness, and explored the unknown world.

Soon after the exploratory fleet left, the construction of the fourth black hole was completed.

But the calculus universe added some unprecedented algorithms to this black hole, which changed the direction of the black hole. This black hole also leads to the world of meaning, but it is more stable and harder to be discovered, and it leads directly to the world of meaning. A universe on the edge.

Thousand Star Universe.

Why should this black hole lead directly to the Thousand Star Universe?

Nobody knows.

Only a few people from the highest institutions and the final performance know.

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