Supreme God King

Chapter 3553: Black hole broken

When Yin Gu's whole body turned into bronze, a breath of prehistoric and primitive civilization permeated.

At the beginning of civilization, bronze!

Immediately, Yin Gu strode out!

Meng Fan's body was also completely white at this moment, without any other colors, a piece of snow-white, like a statue of white marble, this is the meaning of fate into his body, and then, crashed into Yin Gu!

God King Universe, Three Thousand Avenues, Destiny.

Clash with immortality!

A huge force penetrated the black hole, and the black hole, which was already on the verge of collapse, was rapidly fragmented at this moment, exposing the boundary barriers. From these fragmentation, the emptiness outside the black hole can be seen.

at this time!

The disintegrated black hole turned into various laws, floating all over the sky.

From a distance, Zhi Weiyi said immediately: "The source of the black hole is broken."

The Central Emperor's expression became serious.

In the past 100 million years, the Central Emperor has almost never appeared in front of everyone, and he has never participated in the affairs of the World Congress. Even for a long time, people have forgotten the existence of the Central Emperor. Thought he was dead.

The human world is basically controlled by Hundred Saints, and the Central Emperor is not involved in any affairs.

After the disputes in the early era of the Dao era ended, in fact, there is no need for a powerful **** king like Central Emperor, because the **** king universe has entered a long period of peace. Central Emperor is the hegemon. What he can do is to dominate and bring As the world reaches its highest peak, there is nowhere for him to use it.

Therefore, the Central Emperor has been living in seclusion.

The central emperor ignored and never participated in many things in the world conferences. From the beginning to the end, the central emperor did not know the creation of the black hole.

Only when the second black hole was formed, the Central Emperor suddenly appeared in the First Iron Law Hall and asked to embark on a journey personally to the world of meaning.

So before he stepped in, he knew nothing about black holes.

But in the black hole, he encountered the calculus universe, calculus universe carried out infinite analysis of black holes, and the central emperor had some understanding, and the central emperor knew that in the process of black hole establishment, the world conferences have been buried Some methods can break the black hole at a critical moment.

So as soon as he opened his mouth, the central emperor understood what had happened.

The black hole will soon disintegrate, and everyone in the black hole may be lost.

At this moment, the torrent formed by the fusion of countless auras and powers in the God King universe suddenly "ebbed" and gradually became thinner.

This shows that the source of the black hole has been broken, and the power of the God King universe cannot flow through.

Immediately after.

The black hole begins to shrink!

Shrink at a speed visible to the naked eye!

This is one: "The black hole still has many unknowns, many uncontrollable. Once the black hole collapses, we will not know what will happen, and we cannot stay for long!"

"Yin Gu will not let us leave." The Central Emperor was very calm. "A face-to-face confrontation, there is still life, if you turn around and leave with your back to the enemy, you will definitely die, boy, this is not the time to panic."

Even with a cold look, he looked forward.

Meng Fan and Yin Gu are still fighting.

The confrontation between these two people, from the beginning to the present, has shown power and methods beyond the understanding of ordinary **** kings, and their confrontation has completely exceeded the calculation limit of Daoshu Jufan.


However, as the billowing torrent quickly dissipated, Meng Fan immediately showed signs of decline!

With the collision of the three punches, the sky collapsed and the earth collapsed, and then a huge crack appeared in Meng Fan's body, and without the blessing of the torrent, the speed of recovery was extremely slow!

However, the black hole has reached its limit.

Complete collapse.

Yin Gu and Meng Fan separated a few steps, stood in the air, raised his eyes and looked at the black hole. There is doubt in his eyes. The meaning of black holes, like the meaning of fate, is the true meaning of the great road that does not exist in other universes. The true meaning of the Dao, condensed by many laws, is complex and subtle. Even if Yin Gu can see through thousands of supreme laws, as long as he does not understand the structure and principles of the meaning of fate and the meaning of black holes, it is impossible to see the true meaning of these two roads. .

But he could still feel that the black hole was collapsing rapidly.

The ignorance of the black hole made Yin Gu unable to judge what will happen after the black hole collapses.

So his eyes fixed on Meng Fan again.

The skin and flesh of Meng Fan’s split have been restored. Meng Fan, who has just mastered the true meaning of the 1,125 avenues, can already see all the mysteries of the meaning of the black hole. He knows that the black hole is collapsing, and once the black hole collapses, he will see At the end of the reversed law, Meng Fan couldn't predict what was at the end of the law.

But Meng Fan was not afraid.

Holding the true meaning of the four thousand avenues of the God King Universe, even though the black hole has a thousand complex mysteries, it is definitely not dangerous for Meng Fan, even if everything is unknown, it is definitely not dangerous.

"It seems that there is no way to tell the victory or defeat in this battle." The fate of Meng Fan's body was dissipating. "Yin Gu, the road to immortality, I will see it with my own eyes."

He withdrew a few steps back.

Yin Gu couldn't give him room to retreat, and immediately stretched out his huge palm and grabbed Meng Fan!


The black hole completed its final collapse in an instant!

It becomes an infinitely small and infinitely large node.

Infinitely small, because its existence can no longer be measured by the laws of space, and it is infinitely close to disappearing.

The infinity is because the highly concentrated black hole is so massive that it repels all laws and is not affected by any laws.

And everyone is trapped in this node.

After a while.

The node disappeared.

Everything is gone.


A piece of pure white sandy beach, in the distance, there is a round like the sun, but not the radiance of the sun, looming in the horizon.

The sky was filled with a faint indigo blue.

The scenery is simple, rustic, but charming.

Wearing a blue shirt, Meng Fan stepped barefoot on the beach, looking at the scenery in front of him, at first stunned, then couldn't help but fascinated.

These scenes lasted for a while.

Then one out of 10,000 Sumiama disappeared.

Meng Fan stepped on a void like a world of broken colored glaze. The laws of his body were constantly shattering and reorganizing, flowing downstream and upstream. There were no rules at all. Here, time was cut into infinitely small pieces. A Xumi, with a glance of ten thousand years, the time is infinitely short, almost static, and infinitely long, almost disappearing, and repeating.

But those broken laws, reversed time, couldn't hurt Meng Fan.

Meng Fan has become the only "normal" in this world, and will not be changed or destroyed.

I don't know how long it took.

Everything disappeared.

Meng Fan opened his eyes and let out a big breath.

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