Supreme God King

Chapter 3554: Beast Tide Warrior

Meng Fan was lying on a river, which was almost dry, with only a few small puddles. On both sides of the river were large scorched yellow trees covered with lavender fruits. The fruits looked very tender, like one by one. baby.

Where is this?

Meng Fan didn't know.

He let out his mind and found that the laws here are quite basic. The laws that a complete world should have are all here, namely the laws of space, time, yin and yang, the five elements, but other laws do not exist. This is a world composed of dozens of basic laws.

Because there are only dozens of laws in this world, these few laws are quite heavy, huge, and balanced, making this world a hundred times stronger than other worlds.

The black hole collapsed and the law was reversed. In an instant, Meng Fan completely escaped from time and space. He may appear in any place, in any world, even a world that has never been visited, even "not belonging to the law of space." field.

Everything is possible.

But Meng Fan could not locate himself.

He sat down quietly, running his breath.

After the current ebb, several collisions with Yin Gu suffered some injuries, and when he finally passed through the mysterious realm, he suffered some minor injuries. Meng Fan needed to recover from these injuries.

At this time.

The earth began to vibrate slightly.

The laws of this world are very strong, nearly a hundred times stronger than the God King Universe, and can shake the earth. Shaking the laws shows that there is a very powerful force approaching.

Meng Fan turned his head slightly.

Saw a rhino.

A rhino with three horns on its nose, which is about two feet tall and more than four feet long, covered in thick golden armor.

Obviously, this rhino didn't come to Meng Fan, but happened to pass by. Obviously, he came to drink from this dry river, but he was a little surprised after seeing Meng Fan.

The entire body structure of the rhino is clear in Meng Fan's eyes. This rhino has a very large body, weighing at least 300,000 jin, and its skin, bones, and skin are more than a hundred times stronger than metal.

But like this world, although the body structure of this rhinoceros is solid but too simple, only looking at the body structure and strength, this rhinoceros itself is infinitely close to the **** king.

Just as Meng Fan was looking at each other with this rhinoceros, several rhinos came out of the yellow woods and came to the river to drink water. Some even walked and ate the fruit on the tree. Among them was a huge rhinoceros. After more than three feet, he immediately became vigilant after seeing Meng Fan, and then let out a low roar at Meng Fan.

"Quiet." Meng Fan said lightly.

The rhino king immediately calmed down and let out a submissive moan.

at this time.

A more severe earthquake began.

In the distance, countless birds soared up from the forest, screaming harshly.

The group of rhinos was obviously frightened. The Rhino King raised his head and sniffed in the direction of the commotion, then let out a roar, turned his head and ran wildly, and the rhino group followed closely and began to run wild.

They are running for their lives.

A thought of Meng Fan flew out.

Suddenly I saw that at the end of the river, outside the forest, on a large plain, there were many behemoths with strange appearances running wild!

The number of giant beasts is very large, there are several thousand at a glance, and there are more beasts escaping from the forest and joining the torrent of giant beasts. These beasts are of different types and sizes. I don’t know what they are afraid of. .

Meng Fan withdrew his thoughts and continued to sit and rest.

Not long after, the tide of beasts approached the river where Meng Fan was located, and some giant beasts rushed towards Meng Fan in a panic, but they were all blocked by the law nine feet away from Meng Fan, because their impact was too strong. Many giant beasts immediately broke their muscles and fractured after hitting them. They fell and slipped out. Before they had time to wailing, the following giant beasts still bumped into them one after another, and then dumped on them, crushing them into mud.

These behemoths cannot see the laws of Meng Fan's body to defend, because these laws are actually like air, unrecognizable, that is, local laws, but they are condensed together by Meng Fan's orders to form a delicate structure that is indestructible.

After a few breaths, there were more than a dozen corpses of giant beasts beside Meng Fan, and then more giant beasts stepped on their corpses and walked by, but the corpses were too slippery, and these giant beasts were too heavy to fall and break. He lost his leg, and was trampled by other giant beasts.

So the corpses grew, thicker, and taller, until Meng Fan was completely buried.

The beast tide lasted for a few hours before it gradually became thinner, until it was completely quiet.

At this moment, the world is still daytime.

It seems that because the laws of this world are too simple, the existing laws are very powerful. The laws of time and the laws of yin and yang also occupy a large part of the celestial phenomena, so time passes very slowly, the day is very long, and the night must be very long. .

When the tide of beasts receded, some figures appeared.

This is a group of creatures that look very similar to humans, ranging in height from nine feet to one foot three. They have a broad body and wear heavy armor. Their bodies are also very dense, and they shake the earth with every step.

"come and see."

A creature suddenly yelled, using a very concise language.

Other creatures gathered.

They surround a "corpse mountain" formed by hundreds of giant beasts.

These creatures look like hunters, but they don't seem to be. In addition to the well-made armors they wear, the weapons in their hands are also very sharp.

They surrounded the corpse mountain, full of curiosity, so one creature lifted a corpse with his bare hands and threw it aside, and then other creatures began to "dig".

Not long.

Shishan was evacuated.

They saw Meng Fan sitting quietly on the ground with his eyes closed.

These creatures looked at each other, and then a creature cautiously approached, and tapped the bone spear in his hand in the direction of Meng Fan.

Immediately the bone spear was shattered by the invisible law, and the creature also flew upside down several tens of feet, fell heavily to the ground, vomiting blood, and its skin was spattered.

The other creatures were immediately shocked and all became vigilant and raised their weapons.

At this time, an old man slowly walked out of the creatures. The old man looked very old and his skin was covered with wrinkles, but his figure was very well-proportioned, and he had obvious muscle contours. He did not wear heavy armor, but was dressed in gorgeous clothes. Animal skin gown.

After the old man approached, he quietly looked at Meng Fan who was sitting still, and suddenly a few marks formed on his hands, and then he folded his hands and said, "Dare to ask, what is your ex?"

This strange language was quickly understood by Meng Fan, and his injury was almost recovered. He opened his eyes to look at the old man and asked, "Where is this?"

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