Supreme God King

Chapter 3555: Descendants of the Seven Gods

The old man said something very carefully.

These human beings have the same wisdom as human beings. They have opened a lot of acupuncture points in their bodies. They are physical bodies that are naturally suitable for cultivation. Therefore, the hunters and warriors who surround Meng Fan have the strength equivalent to the king of gods, but because of this world There are only dozens of laws that cannot constitute a complete heavenly path, so this world has no realm of catastrophe.

Therefore, although these human-like spirits also practice martial arts, because they lack the baptism of catastrophe, their realm improvement in the early stage is easy, but they lack huge assistance in the later stage, so they all choose to practice the flesh and give up the essence of martial arts, which leads to These creatures have a strong physical foundation and a ceiling of bounding realm above their heads.

Through what the old man said, Meng Fan knew that this was a group of creatures like "frogs at the bottom of a well."

Just like Meng Fan, who lived in the universe of God Kings, was a frog at the bottom of a well. He didn’t know the existence of Chaos Realm, the existence of Chaos Great Emperor, and even the highest heavens and many great avenues. His vision is only ten thousand domains, and his struggle is only ten thousand domains. This is actually the frog at the bottom of the well.

These creatures in front of them are just like that.

Because of the existence of the realm ceiling, their physical bodies have become very powerful, but the spirits, thoughts, and martial arts realm are all bound. They live in an area of ​​more than 400 million li, and about a dozen are connected by laws. There are very few types of laws in these worlds, but they are all strong, and these worlds are connected by gravity to achieve a perfect balance with each other, but this balance is not eternal, about every few days Ten thousand years, those imbalances accumulated over time will explode, forming a huge catastrophe.

Highly intelligent creatures, powerful bodies, simple rules, and great catastrophes that occur once every tens of thousands of years constitute this world.

In this world, the most powerful creatures, that is, the King of One Tribulations, did not continue to climb the ladder, only after their strength and understanding reached a certain level, because their existence affected the balance of laws in more than a dozen great worlds. , So it will attract the "punishment scourge", the law cannot allow their existence, so they will be killed, but most of the powerful creatures who reach the pass can survive this catastrophe. After all, there are few laws and very It's easy to understand the law, and then you will start to cultivate the physical body with all your strength. Therefore, the strength of the creatures here is not based on the realm, because there are so many Kings of One Tribulation, and the real thing is "strength."

It is pure physical power.

Their physical strength is calculated by the "dragon", which is very interesting.

In the eyes of Meng Fan, the dragon in the mouth of the old man is a kind of large python, which is equivalent to the mixed-blood dragon of God King Universe.

However, the intelligence of this type of "Cross Dragon" is very low. Similar to horses and dogs, they can basically be domesticated and become mounts or guards for these creatures. Any adult dragon has the power to lift 400,000 catties. .

Generally speaking, all the One Tribulations God King here possesses the "Nine Dragons Power", whose power is equivalent to nine dragons, and after some years of cultivation and precipitation, they continue to increase their strength.

This is Meng Fan's preliminary understanding of this world.

However, relative to the vast emptiness, the world of meaning, and the known universe, where this world is located is still unknown.

Meng Fan stood up, solved the laws of his body, and talked with the old man face to face.

The old man is also polite and can see that they have a high degree of enlightenment, and in the eyes of the old man, Meng Fan is unpredictable and looks like an ordinary creature, but every move gives the old man an indescribable sense of oppression, so The old man was extremely respectful to Meng Fan.

While chatting, Meng Fan learned that these creatures called themselves "Serike people". The word man was translated by Meng Fan and had the same meaning as the people of God King Universe. They are also very few intelligent creatures in this world. , Established its own system and rules, and possessed a very good civilization, while Serike was a **** from their legends in ancient times, and these creatures believed that they were descendants of this god.

Although most of the ancient myths are legends, these legends soon formed a real scene in Meng Fan's mind, deducing the appearance of the ancient times. About in the ancient times, in the early civilization of these creatures, some strong men emerged who first stepped into the realm of **** kings. These strong men established the oldest seven empires and established the earliest theory of "imperial power conferred by the gods". Deification, as time deduced, these powerful men were regarded as the "seven gods" and fixed as the source of the seven ancient beliefs in this world.

The empire from which these creatures came, translated from Meng Fan’s understanding, is the "Guangde Empire", covering an area of ​​tens of millions of miles, with 5 billion Li people, and their emperors are regarded as "descendants of God" and have been passed down. For tens of thousands of years, the earliest generation of emperors lived in the age of legends after the age of mythology, and was considered to be the child of the youngest daughter of the ancient **** Serike.

The most powerful creatures in the Guangde Empire are the current emperor, as well as the leaders of several big pillar nations and feudal towns. Their power is more than forty dragons. Looking at the entire world, they are all supremely powerful.

And there are more than a dozen civilizations like the Guangde Empire on this continent. Because of different beliefs, their respective civilizations also have different appearances.

These dozen empires, countless small kingdoms and republics, formed this continent.

The creatures surrounding Meng Fan were the guards of the Guangde Empire's "Beast Domain". The Animal Domain is an important institution in the capital of the Guangde Empire. Its main responsibility is to capture, divide, or raise various exotic animals for the empire. These exotic animals are not only food for the royal family and many nobles, but also important medicinal materials and alchemy. In addition, once the rare and exotic beasts are captured, they will be raised in the Beast Clan Garden for reproduction. The best dragons and various pets and mounts in the Guangde Empire were provided by the Beast Domain Garden.

So these people are indeed hunters.

And this time, the huge scale, a tide of tens of thousands of giant beasts, was formed when these hunters hunted. According to convention, every late autumn beast garden will come out to hunt all kinds of rare and exotic animals, but this year Although the animal population is still huge, there are no cherished beasts. There are very few medicinal beasts, and even fewer are worth raising. Only the triangular rhinos are worth hunting, but only two are caught. Cub, there is also a pure blue dragon.

The pure blue dragon is one of the dragons, it is not precious, but the dragon is a rare species in this continent, although even the most common one among the dragons, it is also rare.

But these gains cannot be crossed.

Meng Fan thought for a while and decided to go to the Imperial Capital of Guangde to see if he could get more useful knowledge, and then determine the location of this continent.

So he moved his palm, and immediately behind these hunters, a cage high by one person turned into dust, and a dark blue "moncler" flew out of it. It was two feet long and had fish fins under his ribs, which looked like hands and feet. Strange body, hideous fierce face.

This is a dragon that is still in the youth stage.

When the dragon flew out, the hunters who were already full of vigilance immediately commotion. They had too little harvest this time, so they relied on the two triangle rhino cubs and this pure blue dragon to go on business.

But the old man was obviously a character like the leader of the Beast Domain. He turned his head and glared, and these hunters calmed down.

Zalong had a fierce and tyrannical character, but when he reached Meng Fan's hands, he immediately calmed down, trembling all over, frightened.

Meng Fan opened his mouth and exhaled at Zalong.

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