Supreme God King

Chapter 3609: Eight pillars

In the log of Emperor Hu'er, Meng Fan vaguely saw the outline of the world of meaning.

Before Yin Gu's father retired and pursued immortality wholeheartedly, he had already sat on a fairly high position as a member of the Hundreds Group.

The meaning world has existed for tens of billions of years. This term is actually very general. Most of the time, the meaning world can mean a huge world system including the meaning world, the nine supreme universes, and sixty-six subsidiary universes. At that time, the meaning world is the meaning world.

However, the world of meaning itself is clearly divided. The world of meaning refers to the brand new universe constructed by the ancients, that is, the first batch of Taoists, according to the perfect vision after the nine supreme universe wars. It is the real and only world of meaning. The nine supreme universes and the world of meaning cannot be confused, and the sixty-six subsidiary universes have never been classified into the concept of “meaning.” The sixty-six subsidiary universes are only It can be regarded as a vassal country, a child country, managed and protected by the world of meaning, and at the same time can get some knowledge from the world of meaning.

Thus, the outline of the world of meaning and its sphere of influence has emerged.

The world of meaning and the nine supreme universes are parallel and equal. Legally speaking, the earliest Taoists clearly stated that the world of meaning would never be higher than other universes when they established the world of meaning.

But in fact, it is not.

There are many original purposes for the establishment of the meaning world, but the most important purpose is actually to build a big alliance, because the nine supreme cosmic wars make people realize that such a huge-scale war may destroy all known things. Whether it is tangible or intangible, only solid and stable huge alliances and effective communication can contain civil wars. Therefore, the world of meaning at the beginning is like the world conventions of the God King universe.

Therefore, from the beginning of the meaning world, its administrative power and status will surpass the nine supreme universes, and it has the highest power. This power is mainly reflected in the meaning world can directly or indirectly interfere with various major events that occur in the nine supreme universes, and You can build your own military to maintain peace, and so on.

This is well understood. After almost all large-scale and tragic wars break out, peace will come, and powers like the world or world conventions will appear to maintain peace after the war.

Because of this, at the very beginning, the world of meaning completely refused to enter the first universe.

The hegemonic dictatorship proposed by the First Universe was accepted by many people at the time. With the ability and vision of the time, this was indeed an effective way to prevent the ultimate extinction, but this argument eventually led to the nine supreme cosmic wars. As a result, the post-war court defined tens of millions of people as war criminals and executed about one-tenth. The rest of the judged sentient beings could not enter the world of meaning, nor could they enter any other universe. , So after the establishment of the meaning world, all people who applied to enter the first universe of the meaning world will be strictly reviewed. For safety reasons, in the tens of millions of years after the establishment of the meaning world, no person in the first universe has entered the meaning world , This is unfair.

Later, with the beginning of external exploration, more and more power in the world of meaning. More people chose to enter the world of meaning instead of staying in the nine supreme universes. In order to curb the skyrocketing population, the world of meaning began to increase in meaning. The world standard, this is another unfairness.

Over time, the world of meaning has completely become the central ruler above all existence.

The nine supreme universes are legally equal to the meaning world, and they are only legal. Although the nine supreme universes themselves have a unified parliament, they can all deny the various proposals of the meaning world, but the actual effect is not The big and meaningful world not only holds the highest power, but also holds the deepest, most advanced, and most powerful secrets. It has the power that everyone aspires to, so as long as the meaning world agrees to let people in the nine supreme universes enter meaning The world, then it is easy to divide opponents.

As for the sixty-six subsidiary universes, there is no power in the meaning world, even the power to oppose.

Looking at the world of meaning, the nine supreme universes, and the sixty-six subsidiary universes, in fact, all power is spread from the world of meaning, and the core is the world of meaning.

First of all, it is the highest power core of the meaning world, meaning learning.

The meaning society is the world of meaning. The nine supreme universes and the sixty-six subordinate universes are the supreme power centers. All the most powerful Taoists are concentrated in the meaning society. All institutions and organizations cannot compete with the meaning society in terms of status. At the same level, it can only be a subordinate organization.

But the meaning of learning is too high and too mysterious.

Such a sentence was said in the log of Emperor Hu'er.

"When I stand on the edge of the world of meaning and raise my head, I can't see the meaning of learning. I know how high the world of meaning is. So I can only go forward with all my strength. The closer I go, the better. ."

This was the first feeling that the Emperor Hu'er stepped into the world of meaning, but in fact, he never saw the meaning of the society, never saw it, because he had been exiled before he could get closer.

But the Emperor Hu'er knew that the ruler of the Meaning Society was the Hundred Man Group.

The core of power in this entire world is the Hundred-Man Group.

Yin Gu’s father used to be a member of the Hundred People Group. According to the emperor’s guess, although Yin Gu’s father is now in seclusion and is indifferent to everything, he must still be a member of the Hundred People Group. He will never Let go of this supreme power.

The so-called one-hundred-member group of the Meaning Society is not just one hundred people. In fact, the Hundred People Group was named at the beginning of the establishment of the Meaning World. At that time, there were 107 Taoists from eight universes who jointly drafted the meaning world documents and laws. They also established the Meaning Society, so they were named Group of Hundreds.

In the years that followed, the number of the Hundreds was always fluctuating. It is said that before the immortal road appeared, when the world of meaning reached its peak, the number of the Hundreds surpassed 400 Taoists, but after that, how many did the Hundreds have? People are not known, and since then, the world of meaning has become more and more mysterious.

Under the meaning of society, there are eight pillars.

This is not an adjective, there are a total of eight institutions, and the names of these eight institutions all carry the word "pillar".

For example, the unified pillar is responsible for administering the laws of the universe, and has its own armed corps, and also has the power to judge, but only judges the highest prisoners, and has many agencies under its jurisdiction, such as the town defense department. The town defense hall is in the nine supreme universes, and in the sixty-six subsidiary universes, you can occasionally see it.

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