Supreme God King

Chapter 3610: monster

Headed by the unified pillar, the eight pillars are the cornerstones that support the entire world of meaning and the nine supreme universes.

The world of meaning is not a product of evolution, but a design. This is completely different from the universe of God Kings and most of the worlds Meng Fan sees.

Almost all worlds and systems are not designed by man, because everything is random and full of variables. Even the calculation universe from which Daoshu Jufan comes from, never believes that he can calculate everything. Ten million things, only one thing is an uncontrollable variable, enough to change everything, this is the domino effect.

A very simple example, even if the Great Chaos had already mastered the computing power of the calculus universe as early as the ancestor era, can he fully deduce the appearance of the God King universe today?

He can deduct hundreds of millions of things, but as long as one small thing changes, all his deductions will fail.

For example, in the era of the ancestors, in a weak and barbaric race, an angry wise man appeared. He was angry with the backwardness of his race and the chaos of order. He was the ancestor of humanity.

If the central emperor did not calculate this point, then his calculations would have been miscalculated very early, and everything after that would be invalid.

For another example, could he think that Baibuxian, who was originally regarded as a chess piece, could break out of all chess games, and eventually seal the Emperor of Heaven, win a ten-year respite for all beings, and thus change the entire history?

Or, can he imagine that in a declining dimension, in a small world, on the edge of a dynasty, in a small village, Meng Fan will come to the world?

Any calculation, unless it can be all-encompassing, without any omission, even if a dust, a little wind and grass, everything internal and external can be calculated, otherwise, it will be meaningless.

When one domino falls, all dominoes fall.

And in this world, it is impossible for this level of calculation ability to exist, not because it has not been encountered, but because it cannot exist no matter what angle it looks at.

Because no matter how powerful the calculation ability is, there must be a source. Since it has a source, there must be limitations, such as the calculation of the universe. They are currently the most powerful calculation ability known to Meng Fan, but their calculation is limited. It is also obvious that they had not seen other universes before they met God King Universe, so their calculus ability was limited to their known range, and all unknown things, even a fallen leaf , Can change the world.

If there is really an existence that can calculate everything and everything is missing, then this existence must be higher than any universe, higher than all the known and unknown, that is to say, it must exist in the universe of Meng Fan, sentient beings, and God King. , Calculus universe, meaning world, etc. Above and beyond all the worlds that appear or have not appeared, it is uncontrollable and impossible to see.

Therefore, if it does exist, then this existence must be transcendent and incomprehensible by any thinking.

Because of this, the creation of any world and system cannot be accomplished through design. Because everything is changing in every Sumeru, the term design is actually ridiculous and idealistic. of.

It can be seen that the God King Universe can become what it is today, not the result of any one person’s design, but the result of many things moving forward together, just like Meng Fan, before he became a small heaven, he never realized Until the few pieces of Dao's true meaning he had in his grasp, he didn't know what he would face before being suppressed in the sky. He didn't know what the next battle would be after breaking through the sky.

The establishment of the world conventions was not conceived by Meng Fan. At that time, Meng Fan had only one purpose, to defeat the Emperor. Aside from this, everything seemed meaningless to him. Therefore, the future of the heavens at that time will be large and small Give everyone to take care of it.

There are many factors in the formation of the world conferences, and the world conferences themselves are just a result. It is impossible for anyone to design such a huge, unprecedented organization that unifies the entire universe.

First of all, the war is over. Many of the things that the strong have pursued and struggled in the past have either had results or have no meaning. The vast majority of people yearn for peace after the war. This is the most important thing established by the world conferences. the reason.

In addition to this, in the future, the heavenly court wants to seek hegemony and maintain a stable position, which is also a reason, and the various forces allied with the future heavenly court want to obtain benefits, and so on.

In short, many factors, all kinds of coincidences, all kinds of unknowns, come together to form world conferences.

But the meaning world is completely different.

Except for the purpose of the initial establishment, the meaning world and the world conventions were established after the war to maintain long-term peace. There is no similarity in other things. For example, the various institutions of the world conferences, such as the coalition forces, the highest institutions, the grand courts, etc., were established because of needs. Later, according to the needs of the times, many institutions were established one after another. And the eight pillars of the meaning of the world are at the beginning The design was completed, and there was no actual power and need, and it was established. Then, according to the ideas of the Taoists, they continued to give strength, status, and authority to these void creations. The eight pillars finally became the world. Pillars.

Everything originated from idealistic design, but it was really successful. Meng Fan didn't see much of such a thing.

The Institute of Meaning is located in a place unknown to everyone. Emperor Hu'er tried his best to see it with his own eyes, but was banished without seeing a shadow.

As for the eight pillars, as the eight institutions under the jurisdiction of the Meaning Society, few people can see their true appearance.

Emperor Hu'er didn't see it either.

The Meaning Society, the eight pillars, are like an octopus, or a tree.

The learning of meaning is the head, the eight pillars, which are the eight tentacles of this octopus, extending downward.

And at the end of each tentacles, many tiny tiny tentacles will split, and then extend downwards, extending to the nine supreme universes, to the sixty-six subsidiary universes, and even to the unknown world of nothingness.

People in this world can't see the head or the eight claws, only the tiny and dense tentacles.

This is the world of meaning.

A monster with many contradictions, constant conflicts, and endless problems, various factions fighting openly and secretly, it seems that there are many diseases, but it is extremely large, and the whole picture is not visible.

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