Supreme God King

Chapter 3622: Reissue plan

The extreme self-confidence displayed by the craftsman empire affected the attitudes of the world to a large extent. So after three years of debate, about half of the member states of the world conferences agreed to participate in the "re-engraving project." This third is not the mainstream world.

In the future, the Heavenly Court and the Artisan Empire will be the first to join, followed by the Wild World, but among the first-level and second-level members of the World Congress, only these three forces have participated in the re-engraving plan, and the other participants are all third-level members. , Moreover, they are not the Dao World, most of them are new worlds that have been developed and established in the past billion years.

Regardless of its background and strength, the new world is incomparable with the ancient world of the Great Dao and the Supreme Heaven. In the Divine King Universe, one-third of the Divine Kings are concentrated in the central world with the source of the heavens as the core. This world occupies less than one-tenth of the Divine King Universe in terms of domain area. In the universe, the most powerful are naturally those great worlds, independent civilizations, and the mighty supreme celestial dynasty headed by the Glory Empire. These forces are concentrated in the central area, that is, the first-level members, second-level members, and Some third-level members, about two dozen worlds.

The **** kings of these two dozen worlds accounted for a quarter of the total number of **** kings in the universe, and the remaining three-quarters of the **** kings were fairly evenly distributed in more than 3,000 other worlds.

The emerging small world far away from the central area is naturally willing to participate in the re-engraving plan. This has huge benefits and dividends for them, and even greater benefits than the torrent of souls. Therefore, in terms of power, the worlds Half of the members of the conference participated in the re-engraving plan. It seems that the re-engraving plan has already been promoted, but in fact, the number of **** kings who actually participated in the re-engraving plan is less than one-third of the total number of **** kings in the universe. , Which is slightly more than a quarter.

This is still a general calculation, even in the world that agrees to participate in the re-engraving plan, many of the gods still doubt the plan.

In addition, worlds such as humanity, magical path, and Buddhist path attach great importance to their own traditions, mysteries, knowledge, and Taoism, and they have always questioned or even opposed the re-engraving plan.

Therefore, in the first few hundred years of the re-engraving plan, this plan was a tasteless existence.

But after a thousand years, the direction of things changed.

In the future, Heavenly Court will send a total of 40,000 young God Kings to participate in the re-engraving plan. In the future, the Craftsman Empire will send a thousand veteran craftsmen to participate in this plan, and the Wild World will send 8,000 God Kings.

In addition to the **** kings sent by other worlds, the initial participant of this project is the eighty thousand **** kings.

This number, although looking at the entire Divine King universe is nothing, but the plan to call eighty thousand Divine Kings is also a big plan.

A thousand years later, among the 80,000 young **** kings who participated in the re-engraving project, a large number of strong men appeared!

Among them, there are many **** kings who have broken through several realms in a short period of one thousand years. For example, a young man from the heavenly court of the future, who is only a 20,000-year-old young **** king, is still three kalpas when participating in the plan. Divine King, after the end of the thousand-year plan, he has achieved the Seven Tribulations Divine King, and is proficient in dozens of languages, thousands of craftsman civilization techniques, as well as Heavenly Dao Techniques, Wild Beast Body Techniques, and Physical Rebellion Training. More than a dozen kinds of martial arts from different worlds, and a huge amount of knowledge stored in the soul, this young man can skillfully use all of them, after the end of the millennium plan, directly joined the highest school, and in just a few Started to hold important positions after 1 year.

At the same time, the craftsman empire, which only focuses on the art of craftsmanship and has few strong people, has also cultivated three God Kings of Seven Tribulations in one breath because of participating in this millennium plan.

The same is true in the wilderness, and among the thousands of **** kings participating in the wilderness, one of them is behind the famous door and the great-grandson of the founder of the wilderness, the great-grandson of the founder of the wilderness. At that time, he was already the King of the Six Tribulations, and he had condensed a very powerful original universe, and he could use hundreds of laws proficiently, combined various knowledge, and created his own set of methods for building Dao tools.

This is just a small millennium plan.

Looking at the history of Shenwang Universe, thousands of years are nothing at all.

But just such a small millennium plan has cultivated so many young strong men at once.

And the biggest beneficiaries are those new worlds that have sent the gods. They have also gained a large number of elites and improved their own strength.

In this way, after the end of the Millennium Project, more new worlds joined the next Millennium Project. More importantly, the old Demon Emperor also announced that he would join this re-enactment plan. Although he only sent 30 Demon Kings, but, Among the thirty demon kings, there is an old demon emperor's confidant, the number two figure in the devil world, the demon of Jiuquan.

And the other twenty-nine demon kings are not weak demon kings of the younger generation of the demon world, they are all old demon kings.

Before the start of the second millennium plan, Xuanyuan Aohan, the second in command of the highest academic institution, reported at the world conferences and read a manuscript written by Wang Haicheng himself.

Wang Haicheng believes that the greatest suspicion of the worlds about the re-engraving plan stems from the mysteries controlled by each world. For example, the humanity of the world, the Buddhist and Taoist mentality and teaching techniques, etc., but Wang Haicheng believes that these are very narrow and ridiculous ideas.

Why is it ridiculous? Because of low self-esteem.

Wang Haicheng mentioned the future craftsman empire. He believes that in a world that is truly confident and even proud, its own advantages are not secrets. If one's own advantages need to be strictly kept secret, once it is leaked, the advantages will be lost. It is not an advantage, but just sticking to it. It's just a little benefit, and those who stick to this kind of benefit are not people with a huge mind, but a miser.

In the future, the older generation of elders in the heavenly court will always speak like this, very sharp and straightforward.

Wang Haicheng also believes that there is no need to keep any secrets within the Divine King Universe, because as early as 100 million years ago, when the torrent of souls began to circulate, the secrets were gradually revealed. Today, what remains of the Divine King Universe There are not many secrets anymore. Just as the future Heavenly Court has already mastered a large part of the artisan art of the craftsman’s empire, as well as the technological power of the infinite domain, and even the future Heavenly Court can fully utilize the technological power of the infinite domain, the God King universe has already begun to merge, even already Completely merge into one.

He believes that the Divine King Universe is a whole that is connected with each other while maintaining diversity, and the re-engraving plan will be a means to break the last little bit of poor "gauge".

At the same time, Wang Haicheng made it clear that according to the various speculations made by the highest institutions, he believed that the understanding of the craftsman empire was very correct. When the craftsman art of the entire God King universe was greatly improved, the craftsman empire seemed to be floating on the water. The overall art of the ship will be further improved, and after the craftsman empire has mastered more knowledge, their system will be more full, and in the art of craftsmanship, the craftsman empire as a "boat" will always float in the universe of the gods The upper part is always the highest point, so in the art of craftsmanship, the stronger the God King universe, the stronger the craftsman empire.

Xuanyuan Aohan read out Wang Haicheng's manuscript.

Although in the second millennium plan, officials in other mainstream worlds other than the Demon World still did not agree to participate, they have changed from an opposing attitude to a skeptical attitude. In each mainstream world, there are many gods and kings who bypass The official, began to spontaneously participate in the re-engraving plan.

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