Supreme God King

Chapter 3623: Peak and strong

After the second millennium plan is the third millennium plan.

Every millennium plan has cultivated many outstanding talents for the God King Universe.

By the beginning of the fourth millennium plan, the mainstream world involved in the plan already included the future heaven, waste world, craftsman empire, demon world, infinite realm, glory empire, and arcane civilization.

Other mainstream worlds that are unwilling to participate in the plan have no right to bind the people based on the first iron law of the world conferences. Therefore, many gods and kings began to bypass the official and participate in the plan in their own name. Later, these were included in the millennium plan. After returning to his own world, the king of gods who got the benefits began to lobby his own world to participate in the plan, and a thought emerged from this-which world joins the millennium plan first, which world will gain the advantage first And benefits.

Therefore, at the beginning of the fifth millennium plan, Fashen, one of the Hundred Sages of Humanity, finally expressed his attitude on behalf of the human world and began to carefully dispatch some humane gods to join the plan.

Divine King Universe, if it is a giant, except for the future heaven, it is the human world.

Once the human world agrees, other worlds will participate more actively.

Therefore, about 80,000 **** kings participated in the first millennium plan, and 160,000 **** kings have participated in the fifth millennium plan.

By the end of the fifth millennium plan, Xuanyuan Aohan, the highest institution of higher learning, delivered a speech again, stating that the words "talent", "foundation", and "talent" are no longer the ceiling for limiting the king!

A person’s practice requires many things, but there are three things that are the most important and must be valued by practitioners since ancient times: talents, resources, and masters.

Or, to put it simply in the old language, it is the land of Taoism and wealth.

Tao is actually a person's talent, aptitude, and understanding. Dhamma is the method, the cultivation method, the method, the wealth is the resource, the companion is the companion, the person who teaches oneself, or the master, the land is a land of heaven and blessing, a treasure of geomantic omen, and a good place.

With the scale of the King’s universe today, various exercises flowed together, various thoughts collided fiercely, and the soul flooded everywhere. The law is no longer a problem because of the prosperity of the world, and the influence of resources is getting smaller and smaller. Yes, because the Fa is no longer a problem, in fact, teacher inheritance is no longer a problem, and the God King universe has been at peace for so long, it is so prosperous, the geomantic omen everywhere is excellent, and the land has long been no problem.

But law, wealth, companions, and land, to put it bluntly, are all things outside the body.

What is really important is your own talent.

How many **** kings have been pushed to a very high level by various forces, and then they can hardly move?

Because talent has reached its limit.

However, the re-engraving plan has broken this restriction.

In the fifth millennium plan, for the first time, the world conferences reproduced the experience, knowledge, and thoughts of three powerful **** kings. These three powerful **** kings, one from the Buddha realm, is one of the root burial gods. The disciple, who is already tens of millions of years old, is the King of Eight Tribulations. One comes from the Arcane civilization and is a **** king of the Eight Tribulations of the Aolong tribe. The last one is a **** king of the giant elephant clan in the wilderness, and it is also the eight calamities.

After the various knowledge, experience, thoughts and philosophies of the three gods of eight calamities were reproduced, they were injected into the soul of a **** of seven calamities.

This Seven Tribulations God King is more than ten million years old and is not a young God King anymore. According to many habits of the God King Universe, people under ten million years old are considered young people, and over ten million years old, they are no longer young gods. king.

And this Seven Tribulations God King actually reached the Seven Tribulations as early as millions of years ago, and he didn't make the slightest progress after that, and his talent had long been determined that he could no longer climb up.

He paid a great price when he first merged the knowledge of these three powerful gods. After the millennium plan was over, he barely completed it. But then, he finally combined the three types of Buddhism, Arcane, and Desolation. At this time, he became fluent and reached a state that all gods aspire to-enlightenment.

A momentary epiphany, let him step into the Eight Tribulations.

Therefore, Xuanyuan Aohan announced that talent is no longer the ceiling for limiting the **** king.

Although many veteran **** kings expressed doubts about Xuanyuan Aohan’s words, they believed that the **** king who stepped into the Eight Tribulations was not because of the re-engraving plan, but because of the various knowledge of Buddhism, the arcane arts, and the wilderness, plus him. Their own martial arts have formed something connected to each other, or for other reasons, but the facts are indeed before us.

Therefore, in the sixth millennium plan, almost all the mainstream world has participated in various ways.

In addition to the mainstream world, most of the worlds also participated in this plan, and the participation of the **** king in the re-engraving plan suddenly increased to 230,000.

Among the mainstream world, only the God Realm is still unwilling to participate in the revival plan.

The arrival of the world of meaning and the subsequent re-enactment plan, as well as dozens of other large and small projects based on the study of the world of meaning, are considered to be the main reason for the third explosion of the God King universe.

The arrival of the calculus universe, the injection of powerful technological power and computational methods, and the evolution of all furnaces in the final show, are the second reason for the third explosion.

There is a third reason.

Metaverse bow.

The significance of this huge project is not only to create an unprecedentedly powerful magic weapon, but also not only to create this magic weapon. The world conferences have released all the resources and strengths accumulated over the past hundred million years and inspired them. The prosperity of the God King universe has a more important meaning, and that is the ability to mobilize.

It can be said that after the establishment of the world conferences, their purpose is only to maintain peace and the great unification of the universe.

After that, whether it was the promulgation of various laws, the outbreak of several small-scale wars, or the spread of spiritual torrents and meritorious systems, the purpose was to maintain peace and unify.

But the worlds are still worlds, and each other, in essence, is still independent, but all worlds must abide by the laws of the world conferences, and everything needs to be resolved in the world conferences.

In other words, in the most concise terms, the world conferences are the legal commanding heights of all worlds and are responsible for the diplomacy and peacekeeping of all worlds. They also occupy the cultural commanding heights of all worlds. The commanding heights are in the highest institutions.

But in any case, the worlds are still independent of each other, not like an empire, a dynasty, or a sect, but a complete whole.

Therefore, after the King Universe completed the unification, Zhi Weiyi focused on how to turn the King Universe into a complete whole. It can be said that the world conferences initially formed a coalition army to attack the Kun nationality world, and later All kinds of events are efforts to mobilize the entire universe and promote the transformation of the God King universe into a whole.

In the past, in order to fight against the conquest of the world of meaning, the various worlds of the God King Universe united. This is the first time that the God King Universe has been unanimous. The number of God Kings that can be mobilized is not many.

The Metaverse Bow is not.

One hundred thousand years have passed, and the world conferences have made statistics. In the past one hundred thousand years, the number of **** kings in the universe has further increased. The number of **** kings has reached a very terrible number, five thousand four hundred and five. Wan Yuzun!

The World Congress believes that this number has actually reached a ceiling, and the capacity of the God King universe is limited. In fact, as early as 50,000 years ago, the growth of the God King began to slow down, because it was close to this ceiling. , Otherwise, the number of God King universe may be more than it is now.

And the **** kings who participated in the construction of the Yuanjie bow, before and after, have reached 30 million.

This is a huge project that all the world has participated in without hesitation and completed together.

There is only one reason for this project.

Although billions of years have passed.

God King Universe still firmly believes in someone.

Even this person doesn't know where he is.

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