Supreme God King

Chapter 3636: Three questions

The tens of millions of prisoners held by Luotian Universe have different identities.

Most of them come from various affiliated universes, and very few are sent to the Luotian universe because of violations of laws and disciplines. Criminals of this level are generally imprisoned or executed directly at the location.

Mainly defying the will of the world of meaning.

For example, in some affiliated universes, armed uprisings against the **** of the meaningful world have erupted. Such uprisings are often large in number. Once suppressed, a large number of prisoners and criminals will be formed, so they are sent to the Luotian universe in batches.

There are also many people who have disappointed the world of meaning due to unfavorable work.

In addition to the various satellite universes, there is a considerable part from the nine supreme universes and the world of meaning.

Faction rolling, the struggle between the road of meaning and the road of immortality, family struggles, prosperity or decline, will result in a considerable number of criminals. The most important of these criminals are often executed, and the influence is too great to be sentenced to death, or the crime is not The heavy ones will be sent to the Luotian Universe.

Among them, there is no shortage of Taoists.

There are also a large number of Daoist clansmen, relatives, friends, or accomplices, etc.

The main body in this part is the people who stick to the path of meaning and strive to resist the Taoist family of the new immortal path.

And these people, without exception, are strong.

Even the criminals assigned to each subsidiary universe must not have a low realm. Those with a lower realm will be executed directly or imprisoned on the spot. There is no need to be dispatched to the Luotian universe.

There are only a very small number of criminals, who account for less than one percent of the criminals, who are of a lower level. Such criminals are often the offspring of some distinguished and distinguished criminals, who are implicated in certain crimes but cannot be easily killed.

But even these very few criminals with a lower realm must be God Kings.

If the Luotian Universe is regarded as a normal universe, the most powerful one among the sixty-six subsidiary universes of Meaning World is the Luotian Universe.

Because Luotian Universe has nearly 80 million criminals.

That is, 80 million **** king!

What is even more frightening is that among these 80 million **** kings, only one percent has a realm below the five kalpas!

Many years ago, almost 70 million years ago, Luotian Universe had a supreme officer, a Taoist master, who made a detailed statistics of the entire Luotian Prison.

At that time, the total number of prisoners in Luotian Universe was 73 million.

Among them, there are less than two hundred thousand **** kings under the five calamities.

Five tribulations, eleven million.

In the six calamities, there are 42 million.

Seven calamities reached a staggering nine million.

Eight calamities, there are four hundred thousand.

Nine calamities, thirty thousand.

Peak creatures, one hundred and fifty-two people.

Little immortal, three people.

This is the strength of the entire Luotian universe.

However, this was 70 million years ago.

Over the past 70 million years, many **** kings have been sent here one after another.

It can be seen how shocked, even panicked, the Taoists after the news that Luo Tian's barrier was broken reached the world of meaning!

Since Luotian Universe was used as the distribution place, there has never been a large-scale uprising, and occasionally there will be fugitives, which is inevitable.

For billions of years, the pillar of majesty has not dispatched such a large-scale army. Not only the pillar of majesty, but the other pillars have also sent troops to block the Luotian universe from all directions.

Fortunately, the Luotian Universe is indeed the edge of the wilderness, very far away from any universe, and there are many formations arranged in the surrounding void.

But even so, there are too many strong men in the Luotian universe, so in the first few years of the uprising, a large number of criminals who escaped left the Luotian universe and went to other universes in various ways. Now it means The world has no way to get an accurate figure, but it can be inferred that about one-fifth of the criminals in Luotian Universe escaped, about 15 million.

Fifteen million, powerful, fierce **** kings, and all criminals, many of them hold the secrets of the world of meaning. Their escape makes the world of meaning even more nervous!

The two universes closest to Luotian Universe are also fringe universes, with weak strength and low development level. There is only a large hall guarded by a majestic pillar in the universe, and the sum of the gods of these two universes is only Six million.

These two universes became the first choice for fugitives. Because of the influx of a large number of fugitives, riots occurred. The main hall guarded was uprooted, and the Taoist guarding the main hall was brutally killed, even a drop of flesh and blood. Did not stay.

When the riot broke out, the world of meaning had already begun to dispatch troops.

When receiving the news, the army immediately went to the two universes first, preparing to surround the Luotian universe from both sides.

However, the fugitives who arrived in the two universes did not stay for long, but chose to leave. Many of the fugitives were old and terrifying old monsters. They planned the riots deliberately but did not participate. They fled immediately after planning the riot and headed to the next destination, and they had already left when the riot occurred.

Therefore, the army first rushed into the air and only caught less than a thousand fugitives. The meaning of the world's understanding of the Luotian universe was also learned from these captured fugitives.

Immediately afterwards, the town defense departments also began to rush to help. It meant that the world had no choice but to pull the blockade and search lines very long. A total of six satellite universes were included in the blockade and search lines, and the prisoners who escaped were searched everywhere.

There have been several slaying and confrontations between the army and the fugitives. They were all small in scale, but the losses were huge.

These fugitives are too powerful.

After the world of meaning completes the complete blockade of the Luotian universe, it becomes difficult for the prisoners in the Luotian universe to secretly escape.

As a result, the tens of millions of prisoners in Luotian Universe faced two choices.

Fight, or surrender.

Who would choose to surrender?

Of course it is fighting.

Some bigwigs among the pillars of majesty believed that although this uprising was unprecedented and had a huge impact, it was only the affiliated universe that was damaged. In terms of the world of meaning, there was not much loss, nothing, and these prisoners, although the number There are so many, really rabble, not to worry.

Because these prisoners are of too complicated origins, they are not a single force, their identities are very different and they all have ghosts, and they are easy to divide and collapse.

The fact is that these big brothers are right. Luo Tian universe really just broke out an uprising, but it is really impossible for these prisoners to form a complete force.

But when the cordon takes shape and these prisoners must face battle, they must unite into one force.

Although this force will be loose, at least in name, they must unite the front.

So the Luotian Resistance Army was born.

In the tens of thousands of years of blockade and confrontation, the army of the meaning world still has the advantage. Although dozens of Taoist masters and thousands of apostles were killed before and after, it can be called the largest casualty in the world in 2 billion years, but Luo Tian The rebels suffered even greater losses.

In order to reduce losses, the blockade line adopts an attitude of only blocking, not attacking, only detecting, and not confronting Luotian Universe.

Several pillars believe that as long as they stay so sleepy, Luotian Universe will slowly self-disintegrate.

Because although this universe is huge, it is deserted, with thin vitality and weak laws, but it has gathered tens of millions of gods.

It was also in this process that the world of meaning gradually understood the situation of the Luotian universe.

They know that everything is a different kind of universe-the plan of Wanhua universe.

At the same time, the world of meaning was shocked to discover that a person who had nothing to do with this matter had somehow become the spiritual leader of the resistance army.

This person is Meng Fan.

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