Supreme God King

Chapter 3637: Resistance Army

In order to investigate this matter, Significance World sent a large number of spies to finally come up with the answer.

The Wanhua Universe was discovered very early, and it was designated as an alien. Destroying the Wanhua Universe was also an established plan for the meaning world, but the Wanhua Universe is too small for the meaning world, so it is responsible for destroying the Wanhua Universe. It was just a few small departments of the Fa'n pillar, because Wanhua Universe's overall strength was not strong, so after the plan was put forward, it did not step up its implementation.

It was not until the Luotian Universe Uprising that the World of Meaning knew that when the Wanhua Universe first came into contact with the World of Meaning, a large number of heroes died and fell. After that, the Wanhua Universe knew about the world of Meaning and knew that the next attack would inevitably happen. It happened, and the offensive force would be many times greater than the first time. The Wanhua Universe was unable to reach it. Therefore, the Tianshu Conference, which governs the entire Wanhua Universe, immediately established two new conferences, the Wandering Conference and the Resistance Conference.

The Wandering Conference has only one mission, to escape. At the time of the Luotian Universe Uprising, most of the members of the Wandering Conference had already set off, stepping into the unknown nothingness, looking for new settlements, leaving fire for the Wanhua Universe, these set sail The Ark is more auspicious, and it is very difficult to find a new world in the reckless nothingness. However, there are many members of the Wandering Council, and there are also many Ark. It is like a gamble. The probability that each Ark will survive after setting sail is less than 100. One part, but as long as an Ark finds a new universe and settles down, the fire of the Wanhua universe will not go out.

And what set off the Luotian universe uprising was the resistance meeting.

The purpose of the resistance meeting is only one, revenge.

Whether it is to delay time, to make all living beings remember, or to pursue a sublimated death, the revolt against the conference has launched an attack on the world of meaning.

This kind of offense, using the worms to shake the trees, and the man's arm as a car to describe it is too high to look at the universe.

The overall strength of the Wanhua universe is only equivalent to the most common subsidiary universe under the meaning world.

The Wandering Conference occupies nearly half of the **** kings in the Wanhua Universe, and the Tianshu Conference occupies about one third, so the number of members of the Resistance Conference is quite small.

Therefore, what is really scary is not the balance of power, but the determination to resist the meeting.

They wanted to die.

Pray for a glorious death in battle and revenge.

But this revenge sounds a bit ridiculous in the world of meaning, because in the first attack, the world of meaning sent only a few people to the Wanhua Universe. Although it did kill many powerful people in the Wanhua Universe, overall, It did not cause substantial damage to the Wanhua Universe.

Therefore, the revenge against the meeting was not for the first attack within, but for the second attack.

But the world of meaning has not launched a second attack.

In short, although the hundreds of thousands of **** kings in the Resistance Conference only occupy only one-fifth of the Wanhua Universe, they are all elites, and they are the elites who pray for the death of war. They flooded into the Luotian universe and launched. uprising.

Even the meaning world must admit that the uprisings launched by these **** kings who prayed for the death of the battle really hurt the meaning world.

The resistance meeting adopted the method of combining inside and outside, breaking the barriers of Luotian Universe, and releasing tens of millions of **** kings who looked "heavily sinful" and fierce and powerful in the meaning world. The power of these **** kings was enough to make the meaning world panic!

It was like a small snowball hitting a big snowball and causing an unprecedented avalanche.

Many years ago, the plague that broke out in the Hanhuang universe was unheard of. To this day, the meaning world has not investigated the source and truth of the plague, and the only thing it can do is to block the Hanhuang universe.

Earlier, Yin Gu, the leader of the Blade Palace, fought against an alien and was thrown into a distant world. This was also the first alien that could be confronted with immortality in the world of meaning, and it was the strongest alien.

Then, it was the uprising of Luotian Universe.

The three things happened almost at the same time, with a difference of only a few months. They were all caused by different kinds. The heterogeneous crisis has changed from a proposition to reality.

It also made the masters of the meaning world panic.

Among the three things, the one that panicked the world of meaning the most was the uprising of Luotian Universe.

Tens of millions of powerful prisoners, they are all enemies and opponents of the current rulers of the world of significance, and there are many Taoists, and they have mastered many secrets of the world that are unknown.

So how did these tens of millions of criminals with different identities, races, cultures, and stances form a united front and become a resistance army?

The first reason is naturally the blockade of the world of meaning, forcing them to fight, so they choose to form an alliance.

But the more important reason is the emergence of spiritual leaders.

In the resistance meeting, Yingwaihe launched an uprising and released tens of millions of prisoners, but this does not make the prisoners grateful, because there are many strong prisoners, compared with tens of millions of fierce criminals, hundreds of thousands of members of the resistance meeting are not capable. Convince the public.

However, once the resistance front is established, the role of the resistance conference is reflected. It is difficult for criminals to form groups. Most criminals do not even know each other. Only some family members who have been wiped out or the kings of the same race and the same civilization. Natural small groups can be formed, but such groups often only have dozens of gods and at most hundreds of gods.

In contrast, the resistance meeting in Luotian Universe to recuperate and plan the next revenge target, with hundreds of thousands of **** kings, has become the main force of the resistance line.

At this time, a spiritual leader was born in the resistance meeting.

Meng Fan.

Meng Fan, like the Wanhua Universe, is an alien in the eyes of the meaning world, and Meng Fan and Yin Gu are undefeated, how terrible their strength is. The meaning world has issued ten immortal crystals to offer a reward to Meng Fan, which makes Meng Fan even more so. It is so famous that everyone knows it in the fringe world.

It can be said that Meng Fan is the most famous alien in history, and ninety-nine percent of the various prisoners suppressed in the Luotian universe have not been offered a reward, and they have been directly arrested and assigned here. Only a few people have been offered a reward. But there is absolutely no such high reward for ten immortal crystals.

It is said that there are two bosses in the Luotian universe. They are the veteran Taoists in the world of meaning. They have been offered a reward for ten immortal crystals, but this is just a legend, and these two bosses have never Someone has seen it.

Therefore, the resistance meeting, which had nothing to do with Meng Fan, directly regarded Meng Fan as the strongest "rebel", and launched a rather powerful public opinion war, rejecting the term "heterogeneous", and categorized all the aliens and their meaning. The prisoners of world oppression and all those who are dissatisfied with the meaning world are called "resistors".

In other words, the Resistance Conference used public opinion to pull up a considerable front, mixing aliens, prisoners, and all people dissatisfied with the meaning of the world, blurring distinctions and boundaries.

This is what makes the world of meaning the most troublesome, and it also makes the world of meaning shocked by the fact that a universe as small as Wanhua Universe has such a powerful method.

But vaguely, the world of meaning discovered that the Resistance Conference did not seem to have nothing to do with Meng Fan, but just borrowed his name.

It seems that the Resistance Conference knows Meng Fan very well, how Meng Fan arrived in the world of meaning, and what he has done. The Resistance Conference seems to know.

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