Supreme God King

Chapter 3661: Host

The Eight-legged Evil Jiao told Luo Wumei the Yijia he knew.

Many years ago, during the war between the Road of Meaning and the Road of Immortality, the eight-legged evil dragon gradually emerged.

That was the war between the emerging family and the traditional family, and it was also an era in which all parties, factions, and individuals competed for power.

The twelve great master families that rule the world of significance today all rose up in that war.

If you want to gain status, power, benefits, everything, you must prove yourself in that war.

Almost without exception, the Luo family’s generation chose to go to war instead of protecting themselves.

The eight-legged evil waterflood has held important positions among the pillars of the Faen, including lurking, assassination, planning, conspiracy, and calculation. These things have all been experienced by the eight-legged evil waterflood, and have been behind the scenes several times.

In the process, the Eight-legged Evil Jiao heard about a Taoist family.

A Taoist family with only a few people.

In the world of meaning, there are only a few Taoist families, not a few, and this is still the case to this day. In addition to the twelve great master families, there are actually many minor Taoist families in the meaning world.

What is the Taoist family?

When a person becomes a Taoist master, his children, or his brothers also become a Taoist family, and they become "one family with two Taoists." According to the habits of the world of meaning, this family is already considered a Taoist family.

So in the world of meaning, there are actually many Taoist families, and often there are only a few Taoists in a family.

After the end of the war between the Road of Meaning and the Road of Immortality, the fruits of victory were distributed according to work. The family of the Twelve Great Dao Masters determined their status after countless competitions and struggles, and they had absolute dominance. Therefore, the world of meaning is actually an "oligarch." "Politics", everything is determined by the twelve big families.

Those small families with only a few Taoists are too weak in front of the twelve major families. All the direct descendants of the twelve major families have the status of Taoist masters at birth, and the twelve major families are not in harmony with each other. , They all agreed that a new powerful Taoist family could no longer appear. Therefore, those small Taoist families were firmly suppressed. It is difficult for the people of the small Taoist families to obtain the status of Taoist masters. There is often only one choice, which is Marriage with the family of Twelve Avenues.

So the world of meaning has become what it is today. The Twelve Great Dao Master Family has supreme power. If other Dao Master families want to gain recognition and status, they must marry and establish an alliance with the Twelve Great Dao Master Family. Attached to the family of the Twelve Avenues.

In the world of meaning, the members of the Hundreds Group are all members of the Twelve Avenue Master Family. Among the major pillars, almost all members of the Twelve Avenue Master Family. Only a few are attached to the Twelve Avenue Master Family. A small family member of the main road family.

Therefore, in the process of the rise of the Eight-legged Evil Flood, I heard of a Taoist family with only a few people. When the Eight-Legged Evil Flood did not care about the change.

In his opinion, this is a very ordinary little Taoist family.

That was an era when small families were rising. Almost all small families chose the path of immortality, so there was nothing special about Yijia.

Until many years later.

With the nickname of the Eight-legged Evil Jiao, the Eight-legged Evil Jiao has become a "dark night monster" that has made many people fearful. It has also planned many conspiracies and eliminated many enemies. While helping the Immortal Road to gain an advantage, it also helped My family did a lot of things that could not be seen.

One day, he heard the small family of Yi family again.

At that time, an ancient tradition and huge Taoist family completely lost power and was expelled from the eight pillars. They had to leave the world of meaning and stationed in the nine supreme universes. The eight-legged evil dragon led a team of elites from the Faen pillars to "escort" these. People leave.

At that time, the Hundred People Group meant to kill three people in this family.

These three people are the contemporary Patriarch of the family, the heir to the Patriarch, and the younger brother of the Patriarch.

The Eight-legged Evil Jiao took this order.

When they had just left the world of meaning, the eight-legged evil dragon was ready to do it.

Suddenly, news came from the Fa'en Pillar, letting them go, giving them a way to survive, and saying that this was the meaning of Yijia.

As keen as the eight-legged evil dragon, he noticed something unusual.

After many more years, the Road of Meaning was completely defeated, and it was time to distribute the fruits of victory.

Various families began to fight openly and secretly to establish their status.

In this process, there are also many Taoists and their families who have paid a lot in the war and shed their blood on the road to immortality. They were defeated in the struggle for power, squeezed out of the world of meaning, and even better than those traditional The Taoist family is in a miserable situation.

This open and secret struggle has also lasted for many years. In fact, this kind of struggle continues for hundreds of millions of years after the establishment of the new world of meaning.

In the end, after surviving battles, the Taoist families who kept the advantage reached a balance with each other.

In the one-hundred-member group, they all have a corresponding status.

The eight pillars are also held in hands.

Finally, the family of the Twelve Avenue Masters was established.

At the moment when the master family of the Twelve Great Paths was established, the Eight-legged Evil Floodwater and many others were at a loss.

Because of all kinds of open and secret fights, they have never heard of Yijia.

It seems that the Yi family has no right to speak at all, nor is it qualified to gain status, just like many small Taoist families, after victory, they were abandoned.

But until the balance was reached, the Eight-Legged Evil Jiao was surprised to find that there was a Yi family in the list of members of the Hundred People Group.

Called Yi Xiansen.

He was extremely impressed by this name.

The Hundreds Group can determine everything that means the world, but there is no absolute leader, but everyone in the Hundreds Group is not completely equal. The Hundreds Group has the "President", "Convener", "Author", etc. Job title.

Among them, the convener has the right to ignore all members of the Hundreds Group and directly convene a temporary meeting to deal with an emergency.

From the beginning, the author is responsible for recording the various contents of the conference and collecting it for archives, and also has the right to view all the archives in the past.

There are many other positions.

These positions have some power, and about one-third of the members of the Hundred-member League have positions.

Jobs are rotated, generally with a limit of two million years, and one person is changed every two million years. Of course, some jobs have a shorter duration and some have longer durations.

There is only one exception.

Is the main congregation.

The main conference is permanent. Only two special circumstances can the main conference change. The first is that all members of the Hundreds Group, except for the main conference, think that the main conference should be changed.

The second situation is the voluntary resignation of the chairperson.

The chairperson has the following powers:

Be the first to deliver a speech in every meeting of the Hundreds of People's League; you can ask the audience to be silent at any time to terminate the discussion; question all proposals; make proposals in your own name.

The Hundreds did not have a leader.

But the power of the congregation is undoubtedly great, and the status is undoubtedly the most consolidated.

The Yi family named Yi Xiansen is the main congregation.

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